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What is Software testing: It is a part of development process used to validate the application is working as per the customer requirement Testing is conducted to find defect/bugs/issues/incidents Defect: Any functionality not working as for the customer requirement is called a defect Testing is conducted to evaluate the quality of the product What is Quality: 1.Development Point: if the product is development has for the customer requirement Customer point: If the product satisfying its need otherwise it not a quality


SDLC software development life cycle: Sdlc is an information system. That is developing information system


Analysis Design Coding Testing\validation Release and Maintenance

1. Analysis: It is responsibility of project manager, Business analysis to discus with Business users and collects the requirement from the customer

In this stage, Sr. Analyst prepares Software Requirement Specification (S/w RS) document with respect to corresponding BRS document. This document consists of two sub-documents System Requirement Specification (SRS) & Functional Requirement Specification (FRS). SRS contain details about software & hardware requirement. FRS contains details about the functionality to be used in project.

Responsible persons 1.Project manager

Documents prepared 1.FRS Functional requirement Document 2.SRS system requirement Document

2.Business Analyst

3.NFRS non functional requirement

3.Business users

2. Design: After the requirements are collected either developer s 0r system architect will Prepare the design.
In designing phase, Designers creates two documents High Level Document (HLD) & Low Level Document (LLD). HLD consists of main modules of the project from root to leaf and multiple LLDs. LLD consists of sub-modules of main module along with Data flow diagrams, ER-Diagrams, etc., are prepared by technical support people or designers called Internal designers.
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Black box tester should have knowledge of customer requirement Black box testing tests BRS & SRS Testing external interfacing is Black box testing Testing internal interfacing is White box testing White box testing is done w.r.t design documents

1.Project manager

1.PROTOTYPE (UI) 2.HLD AND LLD high leve and low level design





3. Codin : Afte the des

is approved the coding is done based on the design. it is the

Design. It is the responsible to developers 4. Testin : After the code is developed testing is conducted to validate the application According to customer re uirements.

Testing is process of verifying are we developing the right product or not and also  S validating does the

Responsible persons

Do u ents prep red

 Developed product is right or not. Precisely Verification & Validation. Verification will be carried out with the help of reviews and walkthroughs. Validation is carried out using White Box Testing, Black Box Testing and Grey Box Testing.  The above diagram demonstrates various test design techniques followed during software testing.

Responsible persons 1.Unit testing-Developers

Documents prepared 1.TEST PLAN 2.Test case design doc

2.Integration testing-tester, developer

3.Test execution 4.Defect reporting

3.Sytem testing tester

5.Test Summary 6.Traceability matrix

4.UAT user acceptance testing-BU

5. Release and Maintenance After testing is completed the application is released into production business users can use the application if any defect (issues) _apart of maintenance Go back to DEV

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