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Marathwada Institute of Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

SY CSE 2021-22

Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Defaulter’s Assignment

Defaulter students should solve questions from the given list:

1. Attendance < 25 % 15 questions and they need to call their parents to meet HOD. 2.
2. Attendance >= 25 % and < 60% 10 questions

3. Attendance >= 60 % and < 75 % 5 questions

1. What is an algorithm? Explain different characteristics of an algorithm. Explain space

and time complexity in an analyzing the performance of any algorithm.

2. What is heap? Build a heap of following elements: 5,3,17,10,84,19,6,22,9

Apply heap sort to sort the elements in ascending order. what is the time complexity?

3. Describe different asymptotic notations.

4. Search key x=35, x=28, x=60 using binary search and linear search method from
following list :10, 15 25,28,35,42,55. Comment on number of comparisons required

5. Explain the working of quick sort using divide and conquer approach for the following
data: e,x,a,m,i,n,a,t,i,o,n in alphabetical order

6. Apply the merge sort for the following set of elements: 85,24,63,45,17,31,96,50
7. Discuss the time complexity of quick sort with respect to Best and Worst case.

8. Define feasible and optimal solution. What are the steps required to develop a greedy

9. Explain optimal merge pattern. also find an optimal binary merge pattern for the ten
files whose lengths are 28,32,12,5,84,53,91,35,3,11.

10. Find an optimal solution to the knapsack instance n=7, m=15,

(p1:p7)=(10, 5, 15, 7, 6, 18, 3) (w1:w7)=(2, 3, 5, 7, 1, 4, 1)

11. Consider the job scheduling problem where 6 jobs have a profit of (10,34,67,45,23,39)
and the corresponding deadlines (2,3,1,4,5,3). Obtain optimum schedule. What is time
complexity of algorithm?
12. Obtain Huffman code for the following data: Character= {a,b,c,d,e},

13. Given a set of activity A={a1, a2,.... a10}

Start time={1,0,2,4,3,4,7,5,8,10}, Finish time={4,5,5,6,7,7,9,10,11,12} Find set of
mutually compatible activities.
14. Compare Divide and conquer with Dynamic programming

15. Explain Matrix multiplication using Dynamic Programming

16. Explain how the 4-queens problem is solved using backtracking process.
17. Explain sum of subset problem using backtracking with example.
18. Explain class P, class NP class NPC problem in detail

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