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Describe the following aspects of society during the two historical periods. Answer briefly.

This is
worth 5 points. You may answer this in the file or paper.


Religion The Babaylans served as the Spanish engagement with the

group's spiritual guide and Philippines traces back nearly
believed in polytheism, which 400 years, and it appears that
indicates that they praised and the Filipinos have embraced
worshipped multiple deities. Spanish Catholicism. It would
They regarded Bathala as the be expected that a change in
architect of the Earth and all life. religious convictions would
manifest itself in a change in
the actions that may be
inferred from the records from

System of The datu, or chieftain, served as An all-powerful colonial

Government the leader of a barangay. Since administration headed by a
each barangay was sovereign, Two levels of government:
there was no unified, centralized federal and state.
government for the entire

Laws They actually had their own set Laws were drafted on the
of laws. Laws were either written governor general's orders.
down or derived from tradition. The executive and judicial
In a barrio, customary law branches of the government,
predominated. These rules which had two branches
are verbally passed down from overall, were led by the
one generation to the following. Governor General.
The datu were the authors of the
written laws.

Social Status of the A aristocratic class, a class of From highest to lowest power,
Population freemen, and a class of the new social hierarchies
dependent debtor-bondsmen established in the Philippines
made up the social hierarchy in are as follows: Peninsulares,
early polities. Insulares,Meztizos,Principalia
s, Indios, and finally, sangleys.

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