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Painting by Ines Popovic

When I first saw this painting, I said to myself that this is the one I want to explain with

because it speaks who I am. This painting has two pictures and two emotions of a

women. The first picture has lot of colors in her face while the second picture was plain.

I also notice that the eyes on the first picture of the girl shows determination and

eagerness while the eyes on the second picture of the girl shows sadness, sorrow,

worry, and tiredness. As what I’m saying on the first part, this picture speaks on who I

am and what I am going through. I am full of colors which are my dreams and the

achievements I want to have in the future and I am very eager and determined to fulfill

all my dreams in life, not just my dreams but my dreams for my family as well but behind

those dreams are another picture of me the journey I have to achieve everything I want

is not easy, that there will always be a time that I will experience hardships, sadness,

sorrow, worry, and tiredness in everything that I do for my dreams, but what I like about

this picture as well is that, in every hardships, there is always a dream that will

encourage us to rise and fight again. I also notice that on the first picture of the girl, she

is crying with color and those tears really speak to me that those tears will also be part

of us on achieving our dreams, but it doesn’t mean we will loose our determination.

Those tears will be our strength to move forward and reach success.

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