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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science IV

I. Objective:

Describes each stages in the Life Cycle of the Butterfly

Value: Care for the animals

II. Subject Matter

Animals (Life Cycle of a Butterfly)

A. Science Concept:
1. Life Cycle: is a period in the life of an animal from time it becomes a fertilized egg up to reproduction
and death.
2. Metamorphosis: is the series of changes in the form during the development of an animal from egg to
3. The stages in the life cycle of a Butterfly are, egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa and adult.
4. The young of the butterfly is much different from the adult.

B. Science Processes:
Observing, inferring, discovering and communicating.
C. Materials

 Pictures of the stages in the Life Cycle of Butterfly

 Video Clip
 Books
 Projector
 Chart
 Laptop
 Model of iphone
 Clay
 Cartolina
 Pentlepen
 Pictures of different insects


Science Module for Grade IV- by Jessie A. Villegas, p. 60 PELC 2

Science Watch IV by Marietta M. De Leon, PhD pp. 92- 94

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Prayer
- Let’s start our day with the presence of
our Lord.
- Hazel, come here affront and kindly lead - The pupils will stand up.
the prayer. All rise. - In the name of the father, of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit….

2. Greetings
- Good Morning Class!
- Good Morning Teacher Mark.
- Before you take your seat, put the pieces
of paper under your armchair.

- You may now take your seat.

3. Checking of Attendance

- Ms. Secretary, is there anybody absent in

the class? - Nobody is absent Sir.

- Very Good! Let’s have a review.

4. Review
- Yesterday, we discuss about the names of
some insects. Isn’t? - Yes!

- As a sort of review, I have prepared an

activity to check if you really understand
our lesson.

- What are you going to do is to identify the - Yes!

picture and arrange the jumbled letters to
identify its name. Did you understand?

Direction: Arrange the jumbled letters to form the

correct names of the given pictures of an insect.







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