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Executive Summary:

Enterprise operations like accounting, financial management, project management, and procurement are
managed via the cloud-based ERP software application package known as Oracle Cloud Enterprise
Resource Planning, which was released by Oracle Corporation. It is a full-featured, contemporary cloud
ERP package that gives your employees cutting-edge tools like AI to automate the repetitive tasks that
bog them down, analytics to quickly respond to market changes, and automatic upgrades to maintain
relevance and gain a competitive edge.

Functional Strengths

 Managing business flows across apps, systems, and people is achieved by enabling e-
 Platform that eliminates the need for infrastructure management and allows developers
to build, run, and scale apps.
 Get immediate access to current financial data.
 To speed up automated processes, take proactive measures to fix problems.

Market Share

Advanced tools like machine learning and artificial intelligence which automate routine tasks
and offer guided user actions, power this fully functional system. According to Enlyft, Oracle
ERP currently holds a 5.75% market share, which is a significant ERP market share.
Selection rates / Shortlist rates

Organizations that have already moved to Oracle Cloud ERP (84%) rate their move as “good
to very good.” This far outpaces the on-premises ERP ratings of any large vendor.

Implementation duration / Disruption

Although an ERP implementation typically takes 4 to 6 months to complete, it can

occasionally take considerably longer. It will always depend on a variety of variables,
including: The size of the business.


 Lower Costs
An organization can get rid of on-premises hardware and cut back on, reallocate, or
eliminate IT resources when switching to Oracle's cloud offering. This ultimately lowers
operational costs dramatically.
 User Productivity Rises
The world as we know it has changed because of the recent pandemic. To effectively
communicate and function, organizations have had to make significant migrations to the
internet and web-based functionalities. All that is required for Oracle's cloud solution is a
working internet connection. The platform is the best technology for working remotely and
is accessible to users anywhere in the world.
 Improved access to data and information sharing
By dismantling databases and silos, Oracle Cloud ERP enables cross-departmental insight
to customer data. The result of improved departmental coordination and customer-specific
experiences is increased visibility. Cross-departmental reporting is a further standout
 Data-Driven Decision Making Is Better
Custom reporting is possible with Oracle Cloud ERP thanks to its user-friendly
applications. Anyone on the team can quickly generate a personalized report with
information unique to them. Then teams inside different departments won't need specific
resources to create and optimize data reports. Comprehensive, data-driven reporting can
help you make smarter business decisions.

Comparison against other ERP Vendors

 ERP systems from SAP and Oracle both provide outstanding financial management
features. However, Oracle's ERP modules offer solutions based on standard procedures
and links GRC standards while improving financial management and reporting
dependability. The term "Asset Management to Retirement" refers to the management
of assets over their entire existence, from acquisition to eventual disposal.
 In this comparison between Oracle and SAP, Oracle's ERP system performs noticeably
better. Budgeting features in SAP's software are rather basic and include management
and execution of general planning. The "Asset Lifecycle Management" application
from Oracle, on the other hand, enables you to completely tap into the financial
potential of your machinery and other facilities.
 Oracle outperforms SAP's foundational characteristics. While SAP will get the job
done, Oracle's sophisticated pricing features can be the difference-maker for your
business. Your basic prices can be adjusted by Oracle to account for market niche,
currency, exchange rate, and more. Using predetermined rules, it can also control profit
margins, refunds, and discounts.

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