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Prescribed Medication Prescribed Dosage, Frequency and Route of Administration:

Brand Name: Omeprazole 40mg IVTT Q12

Generic Name: Therapeutic Dosage:

Drug Classification Mechanisms of Action

(General Action) Patient Teaching Nursing Responsibilities
CLASSIFICATION Inhibits hydrogen-potassium adenosine • Report headache, onset of black, tarry stools,  Evaluate for therapeutic response
PHARMACOTHERAPEUTIC: triphosphatase (H+ diarrhea, and abdominal pain. (relief of GI symptoms).
Benzimidazole. /K+ ATP pump), an • Avoid alcohol.  Question if GI discomfort, nausea,
CLINICAL: Proton pump enzyme on the surface of gastric parietal • Swallow capsules whole; do not chew, crush,
cells. diarrhea occurs.
inhibitor. dissolve, or divide.  Advised pt to avoid alcohol and food
Therapeutic Effect: Increases
• Take before eating.
Gastric pH, reduces gastric acid that may cause an increase in GI
production. irritation

Laboratory Tests/Results Indications

Relevant to the Medication
Used to treat certain conditions where
May increase serum alkaline there is too much acid in the stomach. Side effects
phosphatase, ALT, AST. It is used to treat gastric and duodenal Frequent (7%): Headache.
ulcers, erosive esophagitis, and Occasional (3%–2%): Diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea. Rare (2%): Dizziness, asthenia,
gastroesophageal reflux disease vomiting, constipation, upper respiratory tract infection, back pain, rash, cough.
Adverse effects/toxic reactions
A medicine to treat heartburn and Pancreatitis, hepatotoxicity, interstitial nephritis occur rarely. May increase risk of C. difficult
indigestion infection.

Drug-Drug Interactions Food-Drug Interactions

May decrease None known.

concentration/effects of
atazanavir, clopidogrel. May
increase concentration/effects
of diazePAM, oral
anticoagulants (e.g.,
warfarin), phenytoin.
Prescribed Medication Prescribed Dosage, Frequency and Route of Administration:
Brand Name: Maalox
Therapeutic Dosage:
Generic Name: Aluminum hydroxide Chewable tab 500's. Oral susp 180 mL.

Drug Classification Mechanisms of Action

(General Action) Patient Teaching Nursing Responsibilities

Aluminum hydroxide is a basic inorganic

salt that acts by neutralizing hydrochloric
acid in gastric secretions. Aluminum
hydroxide is slowly solubilized in the
stomach and reacts with hydrochloric acid
to form aluminum chloride and water. It
also inhibits the action of pepsin by
increasing the pH and via adsorption.
Cytoprotective effects may occur through
increases in bicarbonate ion (HCO3-) and
Laboratory Tests/Results Indications
Relevant to the Medication
This medication is used to treat the
symptoms of too much stomach acid
such as stomach upset, heartburn,
and acid indigestion. Aluminum and
magnesium antacids work quickly to
lower the acid in the stomach. Liquid
antacids usually work faster/better
than tablets or capsules.

Drug-Drug Interactions Food-Drug Interactions

This product may react with

other medications (including Avoid foods rich in citrate. Citrate may
digoxin, iron, pazopanib, increase the absorption of aluminum
tetracycline antibiotics, and has the potential to cause toxicity.
quinolone antibiotics such as
ciprofloxacin), preventing
them from being fully
absorbed by your body.
Prescribed Medication Prescribed Dosage, Frequency and Route of Administration:
Brand Name:
Therapeutic Dosage:
Generic Name:

Drug Classification Mechanisms of Action

(General Action) Patient Teaching Nursing Responsibilities

Laboratory Tests/Results Indications

Relevant to the Medication

Drug-Drug Interactions Food-Drug Interactions

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