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TLE - AFA (Agricultural Crops

Production NC 1)
Activity Sheet Quarter 3 – C1.3
Demonstrating Correct Manual
Handling Procedures


TLE 9 - AFA (Agricultural Crops Production NC1)
Activity Sheet No. 3
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This TLE 9 – AFA (Agricultural Crops Production NC 1) Learning

Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western Visayas.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or
mechanical without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 –
Western Visayas.

Development Team of TLE 9 – AFA (Agricultural Crops Production) Activity


Writer: Aida L. Talorong

Layout Artist: Jarrett Irvin C. Gayosa
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Mylene D. Lopez
Reynaldo P. Evangelio
Jarrett Irvin C. Gayosa
Helen Grace S. Poderoso
Division of Himamaylan City Division Management Team:
Reynaldo G. Gico
Michell L. Acoyong
Grace T. Nicavera
Reynaldo P. Evangelio
Mylene D. Lopez
Regional Management Team
Ramir B. Uytico
Pedro T. Escobarte, Jr.
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Roland B. Jamora
Leo C. Tomulto
April C. Velez
Jo-an R. Pet
Welcome MessageCrops Production NC 1)!
to TLE 9 – AFA (Agricultural

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts

of the Schools Division of Himamaylan City and DepEd Regional Office VI -
Western Visayas through the Curriculum and Learning Management
Division (CLMD). This is developed to guide the learning facilitators
(teachers, parents and responsible adults) in helping the learners meet the
standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials

aimed to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and
time using the contextualized resources in the community. This will also
assist the learners in acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and
attitudes for productivity and employment.

For learning facilitator:

The TLE 9 – AFA (Agricultural Crops Production NC 1) Activity

Sheet will help you facilitate the teaching-learning activities specified in
each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-
to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be made available to
the learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The TLE 9 – AFA (Agricultural Crops Production NC1) Activity

Sheet is developed to help you continue learning even if you are not in
school. This learning material provides you with meaningful and engaging
activities for independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully read
and understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer the
assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed
Quarter 3, Week 3
Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No. 3

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________________________

Grade and Section: _________________________________________Date: ______________


Demonstrating Correct Manual Handling Procedures

I. Learning Competency with Code

LO 1. Demonstrating Correct Manual Handling Procedures (TLE_AFAC9-


1.3 Demonstrate correct manual handling procedures and techniques when

loading and unloading materials to minimize damage to the load and vehicle
After reading this module you should be able to:
a. Apply the lifting principles and techniques in working in the plant
b. Observe safety procedures in loading and unloading plant nursery
and outputs.

II. Background Information for Learners

This lesson will discuss on demonstrating the correct manual handling

procedures and techniques when loading and unloading materials to minimize
damage to load and vehicles. By following and clarifying instructions and
directions based on authority requirements and workplace procedures will keep
the farmer, load, and vehicle safe from the possible damage. Handling and
loading nursery materials involve diverse operations such as lifting heavy loads
in the nursery, driving a truck loaded with nursery inputs and outputs, carrying
bags of fertilizers or planting materials manually, an improper handling and
storing of materials may result to costly injuries. Moreover, undertaking work in
a safe and environmentally-sound manner according to enterprise guidelines is

Safe Lifting

Today, forklifts, hoists, dollies, and other types of lifting equipment are
used to lift heavy objects. However, sometimes it is necessary to load or unload
moderate to heavy objects by hand. When that is the case, knowing the proper
ways to lift can save you a great deal of pain and misery from a sprained back.

The following are the stages in Safe Lifting manually:

 Preparation
 Lifting
 Carrying
 Setting Down


This stage requires anyone to assess the situation before lifting or carrying a
heavy object by asking the following questions:

 Can you lift this load safely, or is it a two-person lift?

 How far will you have to carry the load? Is the path clear of clutter, cords,
slippery areas, overhangs, stairs, curbs, or uneven surfaces?
 Will you encounter closed doors that need to be opened?
 Once the load is lifted, will it block your view?
 Can the load be broken down into smaller parts?
 Should you wear gloves to get a better grip and protect your hands?
 Test the weight by lifting one of the corners. If it is too heavy or an awkward
shape, stop.
 If there is any doubt, ask for help from fellow workers.
 Try to use a mechanical lift or a hand truck.
 Try to break the load down into smaller parts.


When lifting, these are the suggested good techniques to observe:

 Get close to the load. Center yourself over the load and stand with your feet
shoulder width apart.
 Tighten your stomach muscles. Tight abdominal muscles increase intra-
abdominal pressure and help to support the back.
 Get a good handhold and pull the load close to you. The farther the load is
from your body, the heavier it will feel.
 Bend your knees. Bending your knees is the single most important thing
you can do when you lift moderate to heavy objects. Squat down like a
weightlifter, bend your knees, keep your back in its natural arch, and let
your legs do the lifting. Your leg muscles are more powerful than the
smaller muscles in your back.
 Do not jerk. Use a smooth motion and lift straight up.
 Do not twist or turn your body while lifting. Keep your head up and look
straight ahead. Hold the load close and keep it steady.


 Change direction by turning your feet, not your back. Your nose and your toes
should always be pointing in the same direction. Any sudden twisting can
result in taking out your back.
 Rest if you fatigue. Set the load down and rest for a few minutes.
 Do not twist or turn the body; instead, move your feet to turn. Your hips,
shoulders, toes, and knees should stay facing the same direction. Keep the
load as close to your body as possible with your elbows close to your sides. If
you feel fatigued, set the load down and rest for a few minutes. Don’t let
yourself get so fatigued that you cannot perform proper setting down and lifting
technique for your rest.

Setting Down

 Bend your knees. Squat down and let your legs do the work.
 Keep your back curves. Remember not to twist your body while setting down a
load, and keep your head up.
 Keep the load close
 Plan your release. Once the load is where you want it, release your grip. Never
release your grip until the load is secure.

Safety Measures to remember when using the following:

1. Hand Trucks and Pushcarts

 Push rather than pull. It is easier and safer to push than to pull. You can use
your body weight to assist when pushing.
 Keep close and lock your arms. Stay close to the load, try not to lean over and
keep your back in its natural arches.
 Use both hands. Carts are easier to push and control using both hands.
 Use tie-downs, if necessary, to secure the load.

2. Forklifts

 Use a forklift to lift and transport very heavy objects.

 Obtain training and authorization before using a forklift.

What safeguards must workers follow when loading materials?

Loading materials can be dangerous if workers do not follow safety guidelines.
Falling materials and collapsing loads can crush or pin workers, causing injuries
or death. To help prevent injuries when loading materials, workers must do the

 Load nursery materials not more than the loading capacity of vehicle if it is
handled manually, and no more than 20 feet if using a forklift
 Remove all pointed and dangerous points of plants before loading
 Load and level plants/planting materials on solidly supported bracing.
 Ensure that load is stable and self-supporting
 Do not overload the truck to avoid damage to plants/planting materials
and not too difficult to unload.
 Stack bags of fertilizers and bundles of planting materials in interlocking
rows to keep them secure; and
 Stack bagged material (fertilizer or compost) by stepping back the layers
and cross keying the bags at least every ten layers (to unload bags from the
stack, start from the top row first).
 Big uprooted plants can be loaded to truck by the use of forklift in order
not to disturb nor destroy the rooting system of newly uprooted plants.

Training and Education

A nursery owner should establish a formal training program to teach

workers how to recognize and avoid materials handling hazards. Instructors
should be well-versed in safety engineering and materials handling and storing.
The training should reduce workplace hazards by emphasizing the following
 Dangers of lifting without proper training.
 Avoidance of unnecessary physical stress and strain.
 Awareness of what a worker can comfortably handle without undue strain.
 Use of equipment properly.
 Recognition of potential hazards and how to prevent or correct them.

What should a nursery worker know before moving, handling, and storing
In addition to training and education, applying general safety principles—
such as proper work practices, equipment, and controls—can help reduce
workplace accidents involving the moving, handling, and storing of materials.
Whether moving materials manually or mechanically, the nursery workers
should know and understand the potential hazards associated with the task at
hand and how to control their workplaces to minimize the danger.
Because numerous injuries can result from improperly handling and
storing materials, workers should also be aware of accidents that may result
from the unsafe or improper handling of equipment as well as from improper
work practices. In addition, workers should be able to recognize the methods for
eliminating—or at least minimizing—the occurrence of such accidents.
Employers and employees should examine their workplaces to detect any
unsafe or unhealthful conditions, practices, or equipment and take corrective

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

IV. Activity Proper

1. Directions / Instructions

To achieve the objectives cited above, you should do the following:

 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
 Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and
exercises diligently.
 Answer all the given activities and exercises.

2. Exercises / Activities

Activity 1:

A. Look for any reading materials/resources, or surf from the net about
manual handling of any farm inputs or outputs while working in the
farm or plant nursery that caused body injury. You may also use any
reading articles regarding a farmer who was injured due to improper
handling of farm/nursery loads or if you have witnessed such
situation. You may also write your own experience described in full
details (2-3 paragraphs with 100-120 words).

B. Based from your readings/written experience, please answer the

following given questions:

1. Why did that experience happened?


2. Where did you go wrong? In your own assessment, what can you do
next time so that those bad experiences will never be happened again?

Activity 2:

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on your
1. What is the first thing to do before lifting the object?
A. Ask help from the co-worker
B. Test the weight of an object before lifting
C. Push the object immediately
D. Get the trolley or pushcart to transport the object

2. Which of the following should not be considered as one of the

practices of manual handling of materials?
A. transporting B. running C. lifting D. pushing

3. The following are the benefits of nursery workers who undergone

proper training to reduce workplace hazards and which one is NOT?
A. Never mind the danger of lifting objects
B. Avoidance of unnecessary physical stress and strain.
C. Awareness of what a worker can comfortably handle without
undue strain.
D. Use of equipment properly.

4. What is the sequence of correct body positioning when setting down

the load?
I. Bend your knees. Squat down and let your legs do the work.
II. Keep your back curves. Remember not to twist your body while
setting down a load and keep your head up.
III. Keep the load close
IV. Plan your release. Once the load is where you want it, release
your grip. Never release your grip until the load is secure.


5. Pushing the load using hand cart, trolley or pushcart is better than
lifting or pulling because ______________________________.

A. It is easier and safer to push the load with the aid of pushcart or
hand truck
B. Body posture is maintain even pushing harder the loaded cart
C. It is easier to control the loaded cart with both hands and not
prone to accident
D. All the above

Activity No. 3

Direction: Complete the phrase/statement by supplying the information that you

have learned. Use your notebook as your answer sheet.

1. The safety procedures that must always to remember in loading and unloading
nursery inputs and outputs are:

2. The following are the safeguards that an employee should follow before handling,
loading, and storing of nursery materials:

3. The four-basic principle of lifting are:


V. Reflection

How do you apply the lifting principles with the following scenario?

1. What do you think he should do first before carrying the heavy load?

1. 2

2.Is forklift is the correct equipment to use in loading/unloading heavy loads

or big planting materials? Why?


3. Trolleys helped nursery workers in carrying and transporting planting
materials from one place to another. What principle of lifting is applied in
the picture?

VI. Answer Key


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