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Leadership Assignment

Case Study #1

Answer no 1


According to George R. Terry,

“Leadership is a relationship in which one person influences others to

work together willingly on related tasks to attain what the leader desires.”

While according to Koontz and O’Donnell,

“Leadership is the process of influencing people so that they will strive

willingly towards the achievement of group goals.”

Since leadership is an evolving phenomenon, studying it is crucial. It's a group activity that

necessitates open lines of communication between superiors and subordinates and sometimes

other parties as well. Successful leaders may be developed rather than born (Al Khajeh,

2018). An individual can develop into powerful leaders if they want to. Constant learning,

training, and experience help good leaders mature over time.

Answer no 2

A manager's focus is on the company's bottom line, whereas a leader is on their team

members. The management team is the company's "brains." In order to raise the company's

profits and prestige, they plan plans and analyze data. Leaders put greater emphasis on their

employees, making sure they get the resources and morale boost they need to perform at their


Managers oversee things, but leaders take the helm. Supervisors do spot checks and

general observations, keeping an eye on the big picture (Alzhoubi & Jaffer et al, 2020).
Leaders led their teams through processes, collaborating with them to improve productivity

and morale. The responsibilities of managers and leaders often overlap, therefore it's not

unusual for someone to fill both positions at once.

Answer no 3

As leadership is always evolving, studying it is crucial. It's an interpersonal procedure that

calls for open lines of communication between superiors and subordinates. Successful leaders

may be developed rather than born. There are some characters which must be there for a

successful leader. These are not innate but must be developed via practice and education. No

worthy leader ever stops learning and honing their craft; they certainly don't rest on their

laurels (Gandolfi & Stone et al, 2018). Influencing people to work toward a common goal

and steering the organization in a manner that fosters harmony and cooperation are hallmarks

of effective leadership. Leaders do this through making use of their leadership traits, which

include, but are not limited to, their views, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and talents.

Good leadership stems from an individual's upright demeanors and unselfish dedication to the

group. Everything you do that has an impact on the organization's goals and the well-being of

your people is leadership in the eyes of your employees.

Case study #2

Answer no 1

In the "Acme Manufacturing Company" case study, I noted that Steve made the same error

repeatedly. He was often late to meetings because he couldn't keep track of the time. Since he

isn't keeping enjoyable time records, he's liable to forget about everyday obligations. Two, he

failed to submit the quality report to his employer Frank Jones by the deadline set a week

earlier. The monthly production report was Steve's top priority, so he put off doing anything

else for at least a week so he could get it done. Instead of being unprepared for meetings,
Steve could have done what his employer wanted of him a week ago and learned the purpose

of each meeting in advance. If he checks his emails, he'll know exactly when his meetings

are, what they're about, and where he must go. It could be good for him to follow a 15-minute

plan in which he schedules meetings once or twice a week, has phone calls that last no more

than 15 minutes every day, and clears out his inbox at the end of each workday. If he wants to

keep his job, he must be organized and reliable.

Answer no 2

Steve has a short window of opportunity to improve before he is replaced as manager of

Acme Manufacturing. Primarily, he needs a real schedule with block times of 15 minutes.

Given the time commitment involved in getting to and from meetings, he should assign

responsibilities and set priorities accordingly. There's a chance he'll use Skype to join minor

meetings. No matter what time somebody has scheduled an appointment to see him, his

assistant should not allow them in. She must be his right-hand woman, the one who keeps

him focused on what's most important. Finally, he should not put off submitting the high-

quality report his manager has asked for. Instead, he should respond quickly to emails and

prioritize the most important tasks. In addition, he must be ready for all meetings he is called

upon to attend.

Case study #3

Answer no 1

The UK Leisure Center has used Networking among the mediating variable of the Multiple

Linkages Model. The networking variable means that the UK Leisure Center is trying to

develop and maintain friendly and positive relationships with influential others (Mishra &

Pandey et al, 2018). As the UK Leisure centre has opted to provide its services to the

community groups this means that it is trying to maintain and develop positive relationships
with community groups and its customers. While all the other leisure centres are getting

influenced by the UK Leisure Center in its approach to serving the community groups too.

Thus, this depicts that the UK Leisure centre has applied the Networking Mediating Variable

of Multiple Linkages Model.

Answer no 2

The UK Leisure Center staff has been provided with a fantastic opportunity to polish their

leadership skills in the short and long term through community group practice. As it is

evident from the case study that the staff members were confined before this activity while

after this activity, their decision-making abilities have been improved, and their

communication skills and personal growth skills have been increased after this activity. Thus,

this activity is polishing the leadership skills of the staff of the UK Leisure Center which will

help the staff in securing their futures.

Answer no 3

The concept of Adaptive Leadership is to pass a certain number of people through some

activity to increase their leadership skills and to provide them with an opportunity to increase

their leadership skills while handling and managing some specific tasks (Saleem & Rao et al,

2020). In the case study, the staff was allowed to handle the community groups which

provided them with an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills. It is evident from the

case study that the staff enhanced their leadership skills through the activity. Thus, the role of

adaptive leadership is clear in the case study and this case study is an eminent example of

adaptive leadership because the staff members increase their leadership skills through the


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