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Aim of experiment: To find out whether Brand A is a fast-acting antacid tablet

Approach: Using universal indicator change in pH levels of 2 beakers of solutions of

hydrochloric acid. When both tablets are added, start the stopwatch, and drop the tablets,
whichever beaker turns to the same colour as the control-water with the universal indicator in
another beaker that has a pH level of 7- is the fast-acting tablet. A Stopwatch will measure the
time taken for both solutions to neutralize
2HCL+MgCO3→ MgCL2+H20

To be changed- Tablet A and B reaction in different beakers
To be measured- time taken for each beaker to neutralize
To be kept constant- Volume of hydrochloric and water in 3 beakers to be equal. Volume of
universal indicator used. Size of beakers to be equal. Temperature of room experiment is taking
place in. Amount of tablets added to be the same.

Chemicals and Apparatus

3 Beaker
1 digital stopwatch
3 liquid droppers
3 glass stirring rod
1 measuring cylinder
50 ml of water
100ml of hydrochloric acid
1 Tablet A and B
3 drops of universal indicator

1. Fill three beakers: One with water, and two with hydrochloric acid. Measuring using the
measuring cylinder up to 50ml.
2. Put three drops of universal indicator in the three beakers (the one with water should
turn green and the other two beakers, red) and stir with rod glass.
3. Rinse glass rod for next use
4. Start the stopwatch at the same time
5. Add in tablet A and B into beakers with hydrochloric acid, one tablet for one beaker
6. Both tablets start to dissolve and the one which turns the same colour (both assuming
that the antacid is strong enough to neutralize the HCL) as the water is the fast-acting
Variable to be measured (with units)
Time taken for solutions to neutralize

Brand A 300 seconds (5 mins)

Brand B 350 seconds (5 min 30 sec)

I conclude that Brand A neutralizes faster within 300 seconds while Brand B takes 350
seconds. 50 seconds more. This shows that the stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) will neutralise
faster with tablet A than B, thus showing that brand A’s claims of fast-acting is true.

Improvement to experiment
- Use instruments with higher precisions such as burette to measure the HCL
- Turn the stopwatch on immediately the moment tablets are added, take video to replay
and check if theres any human error
- Instead of using hands to drop the tablets inside use tweezers or gloves to prevent heat
from hands with interfering with tablets ability.

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