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A.) Text Structure

The structure of a biography text is as listed below:

1. Orientation
Orientation is the opening paragraph of a biography text. It tells a person’s
background information such as name, date of birth, and address.
2. Events
Events tells about a things that happened in a person’s lifetime. It is written in a
chronological order
3. Re - orientation (optional)
Re-orientation tells about the conclusion or a comment. It usually consists of
achievements someone has done.

B.) Purpose
The purpose of writing a biography text is to share information about someone’s life
story to an audience. While biography usually shares inspiring life story, it can also
serve as cautionary tales, to warn the reader on who not to be.

C.) Kinds of Recount Text

1. Personal Recount Text
This type of recount text retells about an activity in which the writer has been
personally involved in
2. Factual Recount Text
This type of recount text retells about a particular event such as: accidents,
scientific experiments, news report, etc
3. Imaginary Recount Text
This type of recount text talks about an imaginary role retelling about an event
that happened in the past.

D.) Tenses
A biography text uses simple present text, with various language features such as:
- Time sequences
- Focuses on one specific participant
- Action verbs
- Temporal conjunctions
- Passive voice (optional)

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