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I do not trust technology. I mean, I don't think we're in any danger of kids, you know,

doing without video games in the future, but I am saying that their lives are largely out

of balance.

-Richard Louv

Children and smart devices: how to avoid

the dangers of using them?

Juan José Erazo

Professor Matthew King Dolloff

Writing and Rhetoric

15 May 2021
Table of contents
POSITION PAPER............................................................................................................6
SUMMARY 1...............................................................................................................8
SURVEY PAPER.............................................................................................................10
Works Cited.................................................................................................................14
SUMMARY 2.............................................................................................................14
RESEARCH PAPER........................................................................................................15
Works cited..................................................................................................................19
SUMMARY 3.............................................................................................................20
Works Cited.................................................................................................................22
SUMMARY 4.............................................................................................................22

Suecia Street and Italia

Tulcán, Ecuador

May 15, 2021


Mr. Reader
USFQ Virtual Campus / Cumbayá
Diego de Robles s/n
Quito 170901, Ecuador

Dear Reader:

I invite you to read the following portfolio that I have prepared for Writing and
Rhetoric, a class that has allowed me to go through the path of academic writing and
learn how to persuade the reader through a paper or a speech. First of all, I must confess
that for me the path was difficult, because I consider myself a person who does not like
to write, at least not academic essays. I am about to graduate in Mechanical Engineering
and throughout my career, the only times I had to write were lab reports, something
very different from a research or expository essay, since a different structure is used. I
find that most people who love numbers, as I do, are a bit aloof when it comes to
writing. It seems that at the beginning of this class, I found no inspiration to write on
any topic and the flow of ideas was minimal, all of which you will notice in my first

However, I have realized that by the end of this portfolio, I have improved my writing.
Writing an academic paper is not just about spouting ideas at random, but rather, it is
about giving an orderly and clean sense to them. For people who don't enjoy writing, we
don't even notice the spelling rules. Now I understand that adding or deleting a comma
can give a new meaning to the text.

Also, I would like to tell you that one of my weaknesses in this subject was the
language. English is not my native language, and I don't practice it often, but in this
class, I really enjoyed it. Writing in Spanish is not the same as writing in English, and
vice versa; but curiously, writing in English is simpler, because Spanish implies several
grammatical laws that even for a native speaker is complex to write.

On the other hand, it should be noted that exchanging texts with my classmates was one
of the best supports, since it was a mutual feedback that, at the end of the day, allows
me to improve my writing. So, as a suggestion, when you finish a text, read it and do
not feel satisfied with the final result, it will be important to share it with someone else.
I have to tell you that one of the strategies to improve my writing was to develop idea
maps, this is used when you do not know what topic to write about and when you do it,
you go discarding the topic you like the most and then delimit it. And in case this
doesn't work, at the university you can find the Writing Center department, where you
will receive immediate help on new writing and proofreading tools. I don't consider
myself a super writer but putting all these recommendations into practice will make you
enjoy this subject without complications.

As I mentioned before, my major is Mechanical Engineering, and my future plans

involve a master’s degree. Therefore, Writing and Rhetoric, I consider it a class of
utmost importance to elaborate future thesis and academic texts, in a master's degree or
even better, a doctorate.

Regarding the topic of this portfolio, I hope you like it very much and I can contribute a
little to your knowledge. It is about "how smart devices set us back", I thought a lot
about writing about this topic, because in the current pandemic because of Covid-19,
people are connected to these devices 24/7, which has brought positive as well as
negative consequences. While our social interaction has been limited to a cell phone,
throughout my text I write about how the use of these devices should involve a time
limit and an age limit for their use.

Finally, I thank you for making it to the end of this letter and I hope you enjoy writing
your future portfolio, just as I enjoyed writing mine. Don't forget to be tidy, use clear
writing and above all, make sense of what you really want to communicate.


Juan José Erazo


Smart devices they regress us?

In the next pages, I will try to explain how all the smart devices (tablets, smartphones,

smart TVs, etc.) make the new generations less evolved. All of this will be supported by

the statistics of the recent studies about the children who grow up rounded with

technologic devices. The information of this paper could change the way you think

about give smart devices to your sons, little brothers, or relatives kids. Probably the
smart devices should be limited for people above a certain age, like the videogames or

TV shows.

Nowadays approximately the 60-70% of the children more than 4 years old have

at least one smart device for his own use. This situation might be dangerous to the

children because the next reasons: Over time, the technology made easier our lives, but

this came with a big risk. We lost a lot of abilities that we had in the past and were

taught by our predecessors, like parents, grandparents, uncles, and other adult relatives.

A big percentage of people of today cannot do a simple mathematical calculation, cook,

clean their house, wash their clothes, fix the house stuff, make a deposit in the bank,

find information, and things like that, without a smart device.

Is not strange to see a kid use a phone or tablet in the streets or public places. We

accepted that as something normal, but we need to stop to think about the health of

those kids. If they spend all his free time using their devices to watch videos, play

videogames or make some videos (like reels or tik toks), they will get unhealthy over

time. Statistics say that a big percentage of today kids are obese, and this are related

with the lack of movement and the soft addiction with de internet media.

With the use of smart devices, the mental abilities of the children were truncated,

this because the devices do everything for them, and do not let the children imagination

to fly like from before. In the future this lack of mental abilities be harmful to their

studies or jobs.

Thinking about all the time that the kids spend in the smart devices and internet,

it is easy to see how the new kids cannot relate to others. Over time the children have

less “real” friends and find difficult to be with a group of people. They became

antisocial and try to avoid all kind of social events, they prefer to be alone and try to

distract themselves with their smart devices, games, and TV.

When we are concentrated on a screen, we cannot see what is happened around

us. We cannot appreciate every detail of our daily environment, which have a few of

little surprises and that things could improve our day and cheer us up. As well, there are

a lot of stuff hide in the world, waiting for be discovered, so, why spend a lot of time on

a screen instead of finding the secrets of this beautiful world?

We dedicate our free time to use a smart device, like our phones, tablets, PC’s,

TV’s, Videogames consoles, etc. These activities are done in a closed place, like our

home or an office. We keep us in bubble, living without the dangers of the elements.

This lifestyle could be danger because we do not use our immune system, and we will

be vulnerable to all kinds of diseases. Also, there are many defenses that be activated

when we come out. For instance, vitamin D could be synthesized when we are in

presence of sunrays, so, if we do not come out, our defenses will drop drastically.

Also, it is true that the technology has improved our lives, in very different

ways, and make our day to day easier, but is very important to know that we should use

de technology as an implement or a tool, but no depend on it. We should avoid the

dependence and should use as an impulse to advance.

To sum up, the use of smart devices in children under 10-12 years old could be

harmful to their development in the world and limits all their capabilities. Also, every

person should use a smart device when he be ready to use it responsibly and prepare for

the worst thing that are related with his use. If we are well informed about the risks of

technology, we could manage better these devices and avoid all the dangers related with

it. If we live in this way, we will get an amazing relationship with the technology and

we still being who control the devices, and no in the other way.

First of all, this was the first English essay I wrote and to be honest, I had no idea how

to start. One of the teacher's instructions for the class, was to write about a topic that we

like or that catches our attention, and that we were not to look for information on the

internet. However, I did not fully understand the instructions and the first thing I did

was to use statistics, something that would be used in the following essays. For

example, I used: “Nowadays approximately the 60-70% of the children more than 4

years old have at least one smart device for his own use”.

Second, I had to use the translator several times because there were words that I

did not know how to write in English. Therefore, my essay had several spelling

mistakes and a rather disorganized structure. I could not even write my thesis statement

clearly. In the first line of the first paragraph, I quickly introduce what I am going to

talk about, but the topic was not well delimited because in the following paragraphs, I

added different ideas. For example:

“In the next pages, I will try to explain how all the smart devices (tablets, smartphones,

smart TVs, etc.) make the new generations less evolved”.

In the next lines:

“Statistics say that a big percentage of today kids are obese, and this are related

with the lack of movement and the soft addiction with de internet media”.

So, a good way to have introduced the topic would be:

Nowadays, smart devices have modified our way of life, but it has also implied

processes that instead of making things easier for us, make us go backwards. For

example, children of this new generation fail to develop certain skills because the

internet has robbed them of much of their imagination. Therefore, the following essay

will address how smart devices imply a setback in child development.



The influence of smart devices on children's development

Today little children use smart devices as a daily tool, it is indispensable for them spend

several hours of their days for use this kind of device and take their whole attention, as

happened with the appearance of TV in the past. These types of attitudes have become

normalized and could cause adverse effects on the development and future of the child.

Nowadays a big percentage of the children more than 4 years old have at least one smart

device for his own use. This would make the new generations less evolved. The

information of this paper could change the way you think about give smart devices to

your sons, little brothers, or relatives kids. Probably the smart devices should be limited

for people above a certain age, like the videogames or TV shows.

Over time, the technology made easier our lives, but this came with a big risk.

We lost a lot of abilities that we had in the past and were taught by our predecessors,

like parents, grandparents, uncles, and other adult relatives. A big percentage of people

of today cannot do a simple mathematical calculation, cook, clean their house, wash

their clothes, fix the house stuff, make a deposit in the bank, find information, and

things like that, without a smart device.

Is not strange to see a kid use a phone or tablet in the streets or public places. We

accepted that as something normal, but we need to stop to think about the health of

those kids. If they spend all his free time using their devices to watch videos, play

videogames to make some videos (like reels or tik toks), they will get unhealthy over

time. Statistics say that a big percentage of today kids are obese, and this are related

with the lack of movement and the soft addiction with de internet media. As the

interviews say, a lot of adults think that the kids should not use those devices as they do,

but the older people cannot find a solution for this problem.

For instance, Paola Regalado, age 35. She is a family mother, and spend all the

morning with her only son. Although due to the current situation force us to keep in

touch through videoconferences, her son stays in those devices or another of this kind

(Smartphone, tablets, videogames). She thinks that her son should not use those devices

so much because she believes that is not the right way of how a normal kid should grow

up. It is very different from how her childhood was. But she cannot find a solution,

because her mind cannot find a different way to entertain her son and let, he several

hours in front of those screens.

With the use of smart devices, the mental abilities of the children were truncated,

this because the devices do everything for them, and do not let the children imagination

to fly like from before. In the future this lack of mental abilities be harmful to their
studies or jobs. even though this this can be dangerous for they, the parents or relatives

think the use of those devices will not leave sequels in the future, at least is what the

people interviewed said.

Another example from the previous paragraph it is the case of Monica Revelo,

age 49, family mother and merchant woman. She has 5 children, and her last child has 6

years old, her child always is asking for her smartphone, and instead do his homework,

he wastes the time watching videos in YouTube. She has started to notice that her son

follows any trending of those videos, and some of those trendings are very dangerous.

Also, the child has not an own personality, and adopt any personality of his influencers.

Thinking about all the time that the kids spend in the smart devices and internet,

it is easy to see how the new kids cannot relate to others. Over time the children have

less “real” friends and find difficult to be with a group of people. They became

antisocial and try to avoid all kind of social events, they prefer to be alone and try to

distract themselves with their smart devices, games, and TV. Popular thought said that

kids have lost a certain part of their abilities to socialize with your friends or other


In the case of Marlene Valdivieso, age 60, grandmother. She said that her

grandson has become very shy, and in the past, he was not like that. She said that starts

when her grandson locked up with smartphones and videogames. Furthermore, he has

become an introverted person. She has been afraid for her son and his situation.

When we are concentrated on a screen, we cannot see what is happening around

us. We cannot appreciate every detail of our daily environment, which have a few of

little surprises and that things could improve our day and cheer us up. As well, there are

a lot of stuff hide in the world, waiting for be discovered, so, why spend a lot of time on
a screen instead of finding the secrets of this beautiful world? A big percentage of adults

thinks the children lock themselves in a bubble when using these devices.

We dedicate our free time to use a smart device, like our phones, tablets, PC’s,

TV’s, Videogames consoles, etc. These activities are done in a closed place, like our

home or an office. We keep us in bubble, living without the dangers of the elements.

This lifestyle could be danger because we do not use our immune system, and we will

be vulnerable to all kinds of diseases. Also, there are many defenses that be activated

when we come out. For instance, vitamin D could be synthesized when we are in

presence of sunrays, so, if we do not come out, our defenses will drop drastically. But

for the parents and relatives, that kind of being is not harmful for infants and do not take

care about it.

Jose Erazo, age 51, father, businessmen. He was interviewed, and said the next


“I am worried about my child, because he is obsessed with the new apps like:

Tik Tok, Free Fire, Facebook, Roblox, etc. And that that worries me a lot,

because he does not want to eat because he is using the cell phone. That attitude

brings to him different diseases, and I do not want this stuff affects his growth

and health.”

Also, it is true that the technology has improved our lives, in very different

ways, and make our day to day easier, but is very important to know that we should use

de technology as an implement or a tool, but no depend on it. We should avoid the

dependence and should use as an impulse to advance. In many ways the children of

now, can adapt to any kind of new technology, and help the older people, like find

information, change the configuration of the devices, correctly use the Smart TV’s, and

a lot of this stuff.

The opinion of Geovanni Punin, age 37, military, father; is very related with this

thought. He said that the new technologies have improved the live of his son and opened

different door to the new knowledge. He cannot see any danger from the use of those

devices. He sees they as the best tool in the history.

There are different thoughts about this, some people think the new technologies

have been improving our lives like anything before and have to many benefits that

overpass the disadvantages (Punin, 2021). Another part think that the smart devices

have deflected the right way of how the children should grow up (Valdivieso, 2021).

And there is a third part of the group that says, “does not really matter how kids use the

technology, I think this is the way how spouse to be.” (Acevedo, 2021)

To sum up, the use of smart devices in children under 10-12 years old could be

harmful to their development in the world and limits all their capabilities. Also, every

person should use a smart device when he be ready to use it responsibly and prepare for

the worst thing that are related with his use. If we are well informed about the risks of

technology, we could manage better these devices and avoid all the dangers related with

it. Popular thought it is that the technology devices are usually used as a tool for

learning, but everyone agrees with the kids spend a lot of their time and attention on the

devices. If we live in this way, we will get an amazing relationship with the technology

and we still being who control the devices, and no in the other way.

Works Cited

Acevedo, Camila. Personal Interview. February 12, 2021

Erazo, José. Personal Interview. February 13, 2021

Punin, Geovanni. Personal Interview. February 12, 2021

Regalado, Paola. Personal Interview. February 14, 2021

Revelo, Monica. Personal Interview. February 14, 2021

Valdivieso, Marlene. Personal Interview. February 14, 2021


In this essay, I had a lot of feedback from my professor. The title, it had nothing to do

with what I wrote. So, I decided to change it. Thus:

Before Smart devices, regress us?

After The influence of smart devices on children's development

On the other hand, the only positive thing I can rescue about this essay, is that all

the ideas dealt with the same topic. The structure was still not clear, but since it was an

essay with interviews, my intention was to write a paragraph after each interview, to

support it with additional information to what the interviewee said.

There were also several spelling mistakes. In some sentences with a period, I did

not start with capital letters; and this only generated nonsense ideas.

Finally, in this essay I should have been more careful in the wording of the

interview information. This essay looked like a reflective paper, rather than interpretive

and comparative. I think I should have better analyzed and contrasted the answers of the



The influence of smart devices on children's development

Today little children use smart devices as a daily tool, it is indispensable for them spend

several hours of their days for use this kind of device and take their whole attention, as

happened with the appearance of TV in the past. These types of attitudes have become

normalized and could cause adverse effects on the development and future of the child.

Nowadays a big percentage of the children more than 4 years old have at least one smart

device for his own use. This would make the new generations less evolved. The
information of this paper could change the way you think about give smart devices to

your sons, little brothers, or relatives kids. Probably the smart devices should be limited

for people above a certain age, like the videogames or TV shows.

Over time, the technology made easier our lives, but this came with a big risk.

We lost a lot of abilities that we had in the past and were taught by our predecessors,

like parents, grandparents, uncles, and other adult relatives. A big percentage of people

of today cannot do a simple mathematical calculation, cook, clean their house, wash

their clothes, fix the house stuff, make a deposit in the bank, find information, and

things like that, without a smart device.

Is not strange to see a kid use a phone or tablet in the streets or public places. We

accepted that as something normal, but we need to stop to think about the health of

those kids. If they spend all his free time using their devices to watch videos, play

videogames or make some videos (like reels or tik toks), they will get unhealthy over

time. Statistics say that a big percentage of today kids are obese, and this are related

with the lack of movement and the soft addiction with de internet media. As the

interviews say, a lot of adults think that the kids should not use those devices as they do,

but the older people cannot find a solution for this problem (Moon, J. H., et al., 2019).

For instance, Paola Regalado, 35. She is a family mother, and spend all the

morning with her only son. Although due to the current situation force us to keep in

touch through videoconferences, her son stays in those devices or another of this kind

(Smartphone, tablets, videogames). She thinks that her son should not use those devices

so much because she believes that is not the right way of how a normal kid should grow

up. It is very different from how her childhood was. But she cannot find a solution,

because her mind cannot find a different way to entertain her son and let, he several

hours in front of those screens.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the use of smart devices, the mental

abilities of the children were truncated, this because the devices do everything for them,

and do not let the children imagination to fly like from before. In the future this lack of

mental abilities be harmful to their studies or jobs. even though this this can be

dangerous for they, the parents or relatives think the use of those devices will not leave

sequels in the future, at least is what the people interviewed said (Harwood, J., Dooley,

J. J., Scott, A. J., & Joiner, R., 2014).

Another example from the previous paragraph it is the case of (Revelo, 2021) a

family mother and merchant woman. She has 5 children, and her last child has 6 years

old, her child always is asking for her smartphone, and instead do his homework, he

wastes the time watching videos in YouTube. She has started to notice that her son

follows any trending of those videos, and some of those trendings are very dangerous.

Also, the child has not an own personality, and adopt any personality of his influencers.

Thinking about all the time that the kids spend in the smart devices and internet,

it is easy to see how the new kids cannot relate to others. Over time the children have

less “real” friends and find difficult to be with a group of people. They became

antisocial and try to avoid all kind of social events, they prefer to be alone and try to

distract themselves with their smart devices, games, and TV. Popular thought said that

kids have lost a certain part of their abilities to socialize with your friends or other

children (Yun, J., Kang, S., & Noh, T., 2016).

In the case of Marlene (Valdivieso, 2021) a grandmother. She said that her

grandson has become very shy, and in the past, he was not like that. She said that starts

when her grandson locked up with smartphones and videogames. Furthermore, he has

become an introverted person. She has been afraid for her son and his situation.
When we are concentrated on a screen, we cannot see what is happening around

us. We cannot appreciate every detail of our daily environment, which have a few of

little surprises and that things could improve our day and cheer us up. As well, there are

a lot of stuff hide in the world, waiting for be discovered, so, why spend a lot of time on

a screen instead of finding the secrets of this beautiful world? A big percentage of adults

thinks the children lock themselves in a bubble when using these devices.

We dedicate our free time to use a smart device, like our phones, tablets, PC’s,

TV’s, Videogames consoles, etc. These activities are done in a closed place, like our

home or an office. We keep us in bubble, living without the dangers of the elements.

This lifestyle could be danger because we do not use our immune system, and we will

be vulnerable to all kinds of diseases. Also, there are many defenses that be activated

when we come out. For instance, vitamin D could be synthesized when we are in

presence of sunrays, so, if we do not come out, our defenses will drop drastically. But

for the parents and relatives, that kind of being is not harmful for infants and do not take

care about it (Mushroor, S., Haque, S., & Amir, R. A., 2020).

Also, it is true that the technology has improved our lives, in very different

ways, and make our day to day easier, but is very important to know that we should use

de technology as an implement or a tool, but no depend on it. We should avoid the

dependence and should use as an impulse to advance. In many ways the children of

now, can adapt to any kind of new technology, and help the older people, like find

information, change the configuration of the devices, correctly use the Smart TV’s, and

a lot of this stuff.

There are different thoughts about this, some people think the new technologies

have been improving our lives like anything before and have to many benefits that

overpass the disadvantages (Punin. G., 2021). Another part think that the smart devices
have deflected the right way of how the children should grow up (Valdivieso, 2021).

And there is a third part of the group that says, “does not really matter how kids use the

technology, I think this is the way how spouse to be.” (Acevedo, 2021)

To sum up, the use of smart devices in children under 10-12 years old could be

harmful to their development in the world and limits all their capabilities. Also, every

person should use a smart device when he be ready to use it responsibly and prepare for

the worst thing that are related with his use. If we are well informed about the risks of

technology, we could manage better these devices and avoid all the dangers related with

it. Popular thought it is that the technology devices are usually used as a tool for

learning, but everyone agrees with the kids spend a lot of their time and attention on the

devices. If we live in this way, we will get an amazing relationship with the technology

and we still being who control the devices, and no in the other way.

Works cited

Acevedo, Camila. Personal Interview. February 12, 2021

Harwood, J., Dooley, J. J., Scott, A. J., & Joiner, R. (2014). Constantly connected–The

effects of smart-devices on mental health. Computers in Human Behavior, 34,


Kim, M. H. (2015). The effects of maternal parenting behavior, smart devices addiction,

and children's self-regulation on their use of smart devices. Korean Journal of

Childcare and Education, 11(6), 133-151.

Lee, S. M. (2012). Analysis of the effects of smart devices on digital divide in

America. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 43(2), 29-

Moon, J. H., Cho, S. Y., Lim, S. M., Roh, J. H., Koh, M. S., Kim, Y. J., & Nam, E.

(2019). Smart device usage in early childhood is differentially associated with

fine motor and language development. Acta Paediatrica, 108(5), 903-910.

Mushroor, S., Haque, S., & Amir, R. A. (2020). The impact of smart phones and mobile

devices on human health and life. Int J Community Med Public Health, 7(1), 9-


Punin, Geovanni. Personal Interview. February 12, 2021

Regalado, Paola. Personal Interview. February 14, 2021

Revelo, Monica. Personal Interview. February 14, 2021

Valdivieso, Marlene. Personal Interview. February 14, 2021

Yun, J., Kang, S., & Noh, T. (2016). The effects of small group learning using smart

devices in science classes. Journal of the Korean Association for Science

Education, 36(4), 519-526.


In this test, I scored higher than the rest. Finally, the topic and the proposal were right.

The works cited were arranged alphabetically. However, in the development of the

essay, I used some interviews that I forgot to cite. You must be very careful with this,

otherwise you can fall into plagiarism.

On the other hand, I realized that the use of connectors is very important,

because you can introduce or contrast the ideas of the topic. For example:

Instead of

“With the use of smart devices, the mental abilities of the children were truncated”.

I changed to
“In addition, it is worth mentioning that the use of smart devices, the mental abilities of

the children were truncated”.

I also had to delete a quote that was apparently unnecessary and may have

affected reading comprehension. That was the following: “Smart device usage

frequency was significantly positively correlated with fine motor skill development

Spearman's correlation coefficient (rs) = 0.426 in three‐year‐old children. Appropriate

smart device usage level was also positively correlated with social development (rs =

0.466).” (p. 910) (Moon, J. H., et al., 2019).


Children and smart devices: how to avoid the dangers of using them?

In this proposal we are going to treat about how smart devices affect the development of

humanity. Focused on children, and the dangers of the daily use. Today every person

has a smart device and use they for daily tasks. But anyone stops to think about the

effects and dangers caused by excessive use.

The dangers of this devices involve many areas, like physical, psychological,

motor and others. Also, there are some studies that support these ideas. For instance

“In three‐year‐old children, smart device usage was positively correlated with fine

motor development and negatively correlated with language development.”

The previous paragraph is a conclusion of the study carried out by (Moon, J. H.,

et al., 2019). Smart device usage in early childhood is differentially associated with fine

motor and language development.

Also, the Hollywood movies, has used these topics in the films. A couple of

examples would be wall-e, which treats about a near future where the humankind has

fallen over control of the art machines. In addition, “I robot” movie treat about how the

robots want to control all the people by the force to keep they safe

So actually, there are uncountable effects on the children, and as adults is our

responsibility to take care about the kids. For this is important to implement various


An excellent solution would be spending some time in the week to teach the

children how to use correctly of devices and limit the using time.

In the beginning it seems like a simple solution but have been applied in a group of

parents who give their testimony. Paola, José, and Giovanni said that the solutions

brought them peace in the situation they lived with their children and make their better

sons and people. To sum up, the 80% of the people interviewed and who tried the

solutions say that the methods work satisfactorily

Works cited

Moon, J. H., Cho, S. Y., Lim, S. M., Roh, J. H., Koh, M. S., Kim, Y. J., & Nam, E.

(2019). Smart device usage in early childhood is differentially associated with

fine motor and language development. Acta Paediatrica, 108(5), 903-910.

Yun, J., Ahn, I., & Noh, T. (2015). The effects of individualized learning adapted to

students' conceptions using smart devices in science instruction. Journal of the

Korean Association for Science Education, 35(2), 325-331.

In this proposal, I had some complications. The instructions were clear, but I failed to

complete them. The goal of a proposal is to bring together these three important

elements: ethos, pathos and logos. They are a key tool for persuasive reading and also

for a speech.

For this occasion, I think the most persuasive thing I could do was to change the title.

Before How to avoid the dangers of smart devices use?

After Children and smart devices: how to avoid the dangers of using them?


If you have come this far, dear reader, let me tell you that the path of academic writing

is not an easy one. There is a popular saying that goes "practice makes perfect" and I

consider it appropriate to mention it, because above all, perseverance is what allowed

me to finish this portfolio with satisfaction. There is still a lot of room for improvement,

but I want to tell you that Writing and Rhetoric is a class worth taking, because beyond

practicing and writing in English, learning to write an academic text will be very

important for your college life. After all, you will learn that grammar and spelling are

not as difficult as they seem, you just have to dedicate time and patience to them.

Knowing how to use them well will help you find a job, publish a paper and inspire

more people to write.

While not all of us are lovers of writing, I am grateful to have had the

opportunity to take this class, because it really helped me to improve my writing.

Finally, I am happy with the topic I chose, because technology is something that

I have always loved but also worried about at the same time, because seeing my

younger siblings growing up hand in hand with a smartphone or with video games, is

something that personally worries and saddens me, because due to the pandemic, they
are not developing together with other children, that is, playing in the playground.

Hence, the importance of disconnecting to connect.

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