Challenges To Global Security

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As defined by the 1996 World Food Summit, food security refers to condition in which
“all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food
to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life” (FAO, 1886).


Global Food security is a gigantic issue that worries all of us. FAO reveals, in a study
conducted in 2013 that Sub-Saharan Africa has the largest prevalence of hungry people.
Moreover, WHO studies in 2012 shows that in every six children, one suffers from malnutrition
and are underweight.

Global Water Crisis

With the demand for clean and safe water growing rapidly each day, water table reserves are
drying out some countries caused by over irrigation and over-pumping. Several underwater
reserves, and bodies of water are also subject to undergoing massive pollution brought by
irresponsible chemical waste disposal of factories and other manufacturing agencies.

Climate Change
The frequent changes in climate patterns and remarkable increases in temperatures tend to have a
catastrophic effect on the harvested crops, supplementary land and water resources. Typhoons
and similar catastrophes flood rice fields washing away most of the crops and rendering them
inedible for the human populace. Miles and miles of fertile land are now barren incapable of
sustaining produce decreasing food supply that could be distributed to feed the population.
Extreme changes in temperature results to massive fish kills affecting the harvest of fisherfolks.
Poultry, seafood, and other forms of livestock cannot escape the crutches of drought caused by
climate change, reducing food availability for the people.

Greedy Land Deals

Urbanization is an impossible force to slow down targeting farm and pastoral lands alike.
Corporations purchase millions of acres of agricultural lands and convert them into commercial
establishments such as shopping malls, gasoline stations, and fast foods restaurants. Agrarian lots
allocated for food production are replaced with concrete structures rendering farmers powerless
to use the land for its original purpose.
Land Degradation
Intensive farming modernization processes promising high yields became the new trend for food
production. But as with anything else, success comes with a price. Fertile lands become
exhausted because of unending cycle of production. The use of gallons of chemical pesticides
poisons the land while making the crops dependent on the former.

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