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Strategy: The rules of Texas Hold'em http://www.pokerstrategy.


Beginner-State • Strategy: Sonstige

The rules of Texas Hold'em

by Michael

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1 of 7 03/08/2011 09:11 PM
Strategy: The rules of Texas Hold'em

Introduction /video/2051]

In this article you will learn Video to the Article

The rules of Texas Hold’em
What community cards are
How the betting rounds work

Welcome to's strategy section. In the next few minutes you will learn how to play poker with a winning
style. Our authors have prepared articles and video presentations which will not only teach you how to play Texas Hold'em, but
will enable you to use the correct game strategies to play and win on the tables.

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The game of Texas Hold’em is actually very easy to understand. Each player is dealt two face-down cards, the so called hole
cards. After this a total of five cards are dealt face-up on the table; first three cards, then one more and finally a last one. These
are called community cards, because everyone can use them in conjunction with their own two cards to form a hand. In
between the dealing of these cards, there are four rounds of betting in which you can either bet chips, or fold your hand.

The first round of betting is called the Pre-flop, which is explained below. This is the round in which you receive your 2 cards.

Video: The Rules of Texas Hold'em


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You should still read the article to ensure that you have completely understood the
strategy. Your bankroll will be grateful.


Pre-flop - The cards are dealt


Before the cards are dealt, two players must post a blind bet. These bets are
called blinds, because they are posted by players who haven't seen their cards
yet. There is one small bet, the small blind, and one big bet, the big blind. The
big blind is usually double the small blind.

These bets aren't posted by just anyone, but always by the two players sitting
to the left of the dealer. Since the dealer position moves around the table in a
clockwise fashion, so does the responsibility of posting the blinds. In order to
recognize the current dealer, a special chip is placed in front of the current
dealer. This chip is called the button, or dealer button.


Now each player is dealt two cards and the first round of betting begins. Do you have strong enough cards to invest chips or
money, or should you throw away your cards? How the betting works is explained in the next section.

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Strategy: The rules of Texas Hold'em

What do you do in a betting round?


If you don't want to continue in the hand, you can throw your cards away and "leave" the current round.


When no-one before you has bet anything, you can do so yourself. You would say, for example: "I bet 10
chips" and place your chips in the pot, so that anyone who wants to continue playing must match your bet.
If they don't, because it is too expensive or they don’t have a good hand, they can fold.

Betting all of one's chips is called going all-in. Once you are all-in, you can't bet anything more, but also
cannot be forced to fold anymore. Indeed, when you are all-in, you will automatically be in the hand until its
end, giving you the possibility to win by showing the best cards.

You can also raise a bet; for example, raise an opponent's bet of 10 chips to 20 chips. By doing this you are
making the bet more expensive to call for anyone who wants to play on. If they don't want to pay extra,
they have to fold.

If someone before you has bet, you have the possibility to call this bet. For this you just pay whatever the
price of the bet was. If an opponent bets 10 chips, you would have to call 10 chips to stay in the hand.

If no-one has bet yet, then you can check. This means that you don't place any bets and let the next player
act. It is like saying "I'll wait and see what happens".


To keep betting rounds organised, there are a few rules to know whose turn it is. Basically, the action goes round the table
clockwise. When one player has acted, the player to his left is next to act.

In the first round of betting the player to the left of the Big Blind is first to act. From the second round on, it is always the first
player to the left of the Button.

Once everyone has acted, all the bets are collected and placed in the middle of the table. This is called the pot. Whoever wins
the hand, wins the pot.

The next step is to learn about the community cards.

Flop, Turn, River - The five community cards

After the initial round of betting the dealer deals three cards face up on the table, so that everyone can see them. They do not
belong to one particular player - indeed everyone can use them to create their 5-card poker hand. This is why they are called
community cards.

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Strategy: The rules of Texas Hold'em

Now begins the second round of betting, during which you can bet additional chips on your hand. At the end of the round, the
bets are collected as usual and put into the pot.


Next, a fourth community card, the turn, is dealt on the table. It is also used in combination with the other cards to form your
poker hand.

The players who are still in the hand enter into a third round of betting, at the end of which the bets are collected and placed in
the pot. Once the betting is completed, the river card is dealt.


The river is the fifth and final community card to be dealt. Just like the other cards, it can also be used in combination with each
player’s hole cards to form the respective player's hand.

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Strategy: The rules of Texas Hold'em

In the ensuing fourth round of betting you can bet once more. After this round of betting, the players who are still in the hand
show their cards. This is called the showdown, and is explained in detail in the next section.

The showdown - Do you have the best hand?

At the showdown all the players who are still in the hand reveal their cards to find out who has the best hand and so wins the
pot. This raises the question: what poker hands are there and how are they ranked?


A poker hand always consists of five cards. Not four, not seven, but exactly five. You construct your hand from your two hole
cards which were dealt to you and the community cards. You won't always need both of your hole cards to form your poker
hand, though. Indeed, you can use four of the community cards, or even all five, it doesn't matter. The only requirement is that
your hand consists of five cards.

There are a number of different combinations that can form a hand in poker. For example if you have five clubs, then you have
a flush. All the possible hands are explained on the following table.

The poker hands

Royal Flush

The strongest poker hand is the royal flush. It consists of Ten, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace,
all of the same suit, e.g. spades.

Straight Flush

The second strongest hand in poker is the straight flush. It is composed of five consecutive

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Strategy: The rules of Texas Hold'em

cards of the same suit. If two players have a straight flush, the one with the highest cards


A four-of-a-kind is four cards of the same rank, e.g. four Kings. If two players have four-of-
a-kind, then the one with the highest four-of-a-kind wins. If they have the same, then the
player with the highest fifth card wins, since a poker hand is always composed of five cards.

Full House

A full house is a combination of a three-of-a-kind and a pair. If two players have a full house,
then the one with the highest three-of-a-kind wins. If they have the same one, then the pair


Five cards of the same suit make a flush. If two players have a flush, then the one with the
highest cards wins.


Five consecutive cards are called a straight. If two players have a straight, the one with the
highest cards wins.


A three-of-a-kind is composed of three cards of the same rank. If two players have the same
three-of-a-kind, then the other cards, or both cards, determine the winner, since a poker hand
is a always composed of five cards.


Two-pair hands are, of course, composed of two pairs. If two players have two-pair, the rank
of the higher pair determines the winner. If they have the same higher pair, then the lower one
counts. If that is also the same, then the fifth card counts.


A pair is composed of two cards of the same rank. Since a poker hand is always composed
of five cards, the other three cards are so-called "kickers". In case two players have the
same pair, then the one with the highest kicker wins.

High card

If you don't even have a pair, then you look at the strength of your cards. If there are two
players at showdown who don't have a pair or better, then the one with the highest cards

Now you know the rules of Texas Hold'em. You know that in a game there are four rounds of betting, one before the flop, one
on the flop, one on the turn, and the last one after the river card is dealt. The flop, turn, and river are the betting rounds in which
the so-called community cards are dealt face-up on the table.

While it appears to be a fairly simple game, appearances can be deceiving. Texas Hold'em can present some very complex
situations, which is why inexperienced players often lose very quickly. It is a game that one can quickly learn, but which takes a

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Strategy: The rules of Texas Hold'em

lot of time to truly master. In the following chapters, you will learn the fundamental strategies for No-Limit Hold’em which will
allow you to get started with your poker career.

In order to access even more advanced articles, videos, and to receive a free $50 starting capital, simply choose a poker
format, read up on its basic strategy, and take a small poker quiz. Once you've passed it, you will receive your free $50 starting
capital in a poker room of your choice, and of course access to much more on

Please choose the next article

Now that you know how to play Texas Hold'em, you can proceed with the specific strategy
for your preferred game type. You can find all the articles that you should have read before
taking the quiz listed in an overview on the right.

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