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._ Last Bes | ee CAPTAIN@ IMERICA — me MIGHTY #2; VENGERS Dear Community, ‘You may have heard we got ina pretty serious throwdown with the other Avengers teams recently. What you may not have heard is why. Former Captain America Steve Rogers tipped us off that certain Avengers knew that the end of the world was coming and kept it to themselves. Now it's our job to clean up thelr mess. Your Mighty Avengers—Captain America, Power Man, She-Hulk, Spider-Man, Kaluu, White Tiger, Blue Marvel, Spectrum, Jessica Jones and myself, Luke Cage—will be in the thick of things doing whatever we can to keep the world spinning. And we're not the only Mighty Avengers out there. Our volunteer call center will remain open during this crisis, and we need the rest of you to be our feet on the ground, helping out however you can. If this Is the eng, just remember that you were part of something. Your neighbor, Luke Cage THE END OF * THE WORLD? si incursion th Verse 18 collapsing, and wi | alternate Earths collide, beth of thine aes one destroyed. The final Seo eae etween Earth-61¢ and 3 * Amainent, and aa tine rong mat, ‘there mey be sniy one may ae survive: destroy an the collision." ™orth te Prevent ‘© 2018 harvol Gharactors in Al FIghtxrasorved, A charactore featured inthis Issue ond the dlatinctive names and likenesses thereat, anc ax rlohad TRadinura baademaria of Marvel Characters. ne. Mo slay bebwoon any of tho names, characters, persons, and/or koattutans inthis aapazine with Nea ony nvang or dead person or institution ls WerGad, and wy gosh simataity which may exist Is puraly Coneidental, WWW.MARVELCOMm 242 MINUTES TO LIVE 60 MINUTES TO LIVE a eo EAS Emergency Alert System ae Ga eee 7 aus a course 7 WF HITTERS FROGCOU PEOPLE GUNS IN PreMaNo-SUrrs WHO WERE THvING TO. Iu Me, BUT. ‘SAME TT ALL CONES HOME WITH YOU, GET IT. AND NO siatTes Wetar, 2. EVER uve MET REALLY. (LIKE AD Sege iaven'T cauueD A BABYSITTER, T Figurep ro jst etay cer THE, BREFFEF liiiddid BREEEFF Pei tags din “AVENGERS, saesr, GANZ eo Yo HELP ™s IGHT 49 MINUTES TO LIVE cu a. _ ol Go MINUTES\TO LIVE _ Oa aa a | sie-nuce. | Att + 34|/MINUTES TO LIVE 31 MINUTES TO LIVE_ VEE @ | te Tice. ADAM:BRASHEAR. THE BLUE MARVEL. Ey EIS a Ng | AS : of = el WA 2 MINUTES TO LIVE WRITER LUKE ROSS artist CHELLE ROSENBERG COLOR ARTIST TRAVIS LANHAM LETTERER UKE ROSS & FRANK MARTIN Cover JON MOISAN AND ALANNA SMITH ASST. EDITORS TOM BREVOORT with WIL MOSS eprrors AXEL ALONSO EDITOR IN CHIEF JOE QUESADA CHIEF CREATIVE OFFICER PACE tle ee ae ee ed ALAN FINE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER PT eer ee ae CL ied te PS ote ee RE PCC aot od “I this is the end, I'm going to miss it.” You can't get a@ much more definitive ending than the planet blowing up. It's the end, all right — after 23 issues split into two “Seasons', MIGHTY AVENGERS - or CAPTAIN AMERICA AND THE MIGHTY AVENGERS, as it became ~ is wrapping up. [It’s more like 25 issues, if you count CAPTAIN BRITAIN AND THE MIGHTY DEFENDERS, dropping next month, which distils @ lot of the themes of the run and very probably a whole bunch of new concems thrown up by the recent UK election. Hope to see you there!) But even discounting those - 23 issues feels lke a pretty good run these days. and - despite the usual ‘well, that line could have been better’ that all writers are plagued by — I'm proud of how it came out. Plans came and plans went, but always in service of building the kind of superhero comic I'd like to read - heavy on the cosmic strangeness, in touch with the ordinary and fun for all the family. And lovely-looking to boot! So with that in mind, it’s time to give thanks to all_my collaborators = awesome artisis Greg Land, Jay Leisten, Valerio Schiti, Salvador Larroca, Luke Ross and Iban Coello, colorists Frank D'Armata, Edgar Delgado, Matt Milla and Rachelle Rosenberg and letterers Cory Petit and Travis Lanham They went above and beyend cond put up with all sorts of nonsense from me [draw the outside of the universe”) and for that I'm profoundly grateful Not forgetting our additional cover artists Francesco Francavilla, Sanford Greene and Leinil Francis Yu -- as well as variant cover artists (deep breath} Bryan Hitch, Daniel Acuna, J Scott Campbell, Jason Latour, Kalman Andrasotszky. Leonel Castellani, Mike Grell, Ron Wimberly. Skottie Young, Steve Epting. Atua Richardson and Ryan Benjamin... if | missed you out, let me know! And thanks to the editors. without whom this comic would never have seen print - Alanna Smith, Jake Thomas, Jon Moisan, Wil Moss and most of all, thanks to Tom Brevoort for steering the ship and Lauren Sankovitch for getting me started at Marvel in the first place. She's to blame! ATE YT AA ONTH: But most of all, thank YOu, Without you, the readers, this book wouldn't have been one of the last fitles standing at the end of the world. All the support for this book has been fantastic to see and | treasure every kind word that's been written and said about it, Which is all faily cold comfort if the characters you've grown tolove are goingtebeleft stranded, without @ home of their own — even if they manage to survive the death of the universe. Alll'llsay on that scere is that yes, if'sthe end... .-but the moment has been prepared for. “Wait and see what comes next,” Cheers. Al Ewing

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