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CDI 2 (Special Crime Investigation 1 w/ Legal

Medicine) LEGAL MEDICINE – is a branch of medicine which
REVIEW NOTES deals with the application of medical knowledge to the
(Both Old & New Curriculum) purposes of law and in the administration of justice.
Main Source: PEDRO P. SOLIS
SCOPE: Medical Jurisprudence – is a branch of medicine that
 SPECIAL CRIME INVESTIGATION involves the study and application of medical knowledge
 LEGAL MEDICINE in the legal field.
IDENTIFICATION Forensic – it denotes anything belonging to the court of
 MEDICO LEGAL ASPECTS OF DEATH law or use in court or legal proceedings or something
 MEDICO LEGAL ASPECTS OF fitted for legal or public arguments.
 MEDICO LEGAL ASPECTS OF SEX Legal – is that w/c pertains Law, arising out of, by virtue
CRIMES of or included in law.

SPECIAL CRIME INVESTIGATION Jurisprudence – a practical science that investigate the

- It involves specific and modern investigative nature, origin, development and function of law. It is a
techniques in solving a particular crime. science of giving a wise interpretation of the law and
- Focuses on physical evidences making just application of them all cases as they arise.
The purpose of physical evidence in a crime laboratory
is for IDENTIFICATION and COMPARISON. Stare Decisis – a principle that, when a court has once
laid down a principle of law or interpretation as applied
COMMAND POST – manned by the evidence to a certain state of facts, it will adhere to and apply to
custodian/station to which the evidence collected and all future cases where the facts are substantially the
marked from the crime scene are being turned over. same.
Distance of command post to the Crime Scene is 100
ft. Types of Medical Evidences
1. Autoptic or Real Evidences – evidence which
HANS GROSS GOLDEN RULE (in Investigation) is addressed to the senses of the court such as
- Never MAC (Move-Alter-Change) anything seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching.
in the Crime Scene. 2. Testimonial Evidences – evidence which are
uttered or testified by a witness in court. The
EVIDENCES in the Crime Scene must be testimony must be given orally and under oath.
photograph, measured and indicated in the Sketch, Types of Witness – Ordinary Witness
documented, collected and marked by the evidence Expert Witness
collector with his INITIALS. Experimental Witness / Medical
LIQUID SPECIMENS will be put in vial and labeled. 3. Documentary Evidences
Labelling is a form of marking. 4. Physical Evidences – refers to the articles or
materials fund in the crime scene.
TAGGING – establishes the chain of custody, necessary
in establishing the integrity of physical evidence. Types of Physical Evidences (C.A.T.)
a. Corpus Delicti – body of the crime / crime
AUTOPSY – general, to determine time and cause of scene
death. b. Associative – evidence which link the
perpetrator to the crime scene. Such as
POST-MORTEM EXAMINATION – Examination Fingerprint, Footprint Garments, Weapon etc.
done by the medico legal officer to the dead body of the c. Tracing – evidence which may assist the
victim. To assist the investigator to prove that there is investigator in locating the perpetrator. Such as
unlawful killing. Blood Stain, Airship and Ship Passenger
Manifest, Bystanders, Witnesses, and etc.
POST-MORTEM – After Death
Identification – is the determination of the individuality 1. Occupation Marks
of a person or thing. 2. Race
Law of Multiplicity of Evidence in Identification a. Color of the Skin
- The greater the number of points of similarities Caucasian – Fair
and dissimilarities of two persons compared, the Malayan – Brown
greater is the probability for the conclusions to Mongolian – Fair
be correct. Negro – Black
Methods of Identification b. Feature of the Face
- By Comparison Caucasian – prominent sharp nose
- By Exclusion Malayan – flat nose with round nose
Mongolian – almond eyes; prominent
PORTRAIT PARLE – is the verbal, accurate and cheek bone
picturesque description of the person identified. Negro – thick lips; prominent eyes
c. Shape of the Skull
Identification of a living person: Caucasian – Elongated Skull
1. Characteristics which may easily be changed: Malayan – Round head
a. Growth of hair, beard or mustache Mongolian – Round head
b. Clothing Red Indians & Eskimos – Flat head
c. Frequent place of visit d. Wearing apparel
d. Grade of profession 3. Tattoo Marks
e. Body ornamentations 4. Weight
2. Characteristics that may not easily be 5. Deformities
changed: 6. Birth Marks
a. Mental Memory 7. Injuries leaving permanent result
b. Speech 8. Moles
c. Gait – a person, on account of disease or 9. Scar
some inborn traits, may slow a 10. Tribal Marks
characteristics manner of walking. 11. Sexual Organ
- Ataxic Gait 12. Blood Examination
- Cerebellar Gait 13. Height or Stature – after the age of 25 the
- Cow’s Gait person’s height ceases to increase. The growth
- Paretic Gait of a person rarely exceeds 5 centimeter after the
- Splastic Gait age of 18. The age of 5-7 and from 13-16 is
- Festinating Gait considered the most active growth.
- Frog Gait
d. Mannerism – stereotype movement or habit (Alphonse Bertillon System of Identification otherwise
peculiar to an individual. known as Body Measurement)
e. Hands and Feet Basis of the Bertillon System of Identification:
f. Complexion 1. The human skeleton is unchangeable after (20th)
g. Changes in the eye twentieth year. The thigh bone continues to
h. Faces grow somewhat after the period, but this is
compensated by the curving of the spine which
TYPES OF FACES takes place at about the same age.
1. Hippocratic Facies – the nose is pinched, the 2. It is impossible to find two human beings having
temple hollow, eyes sunken, ears cold, lips bones exactly alike.
relaxed and skin livid. The appearance of the 3. The necessary measurement can easily be taking
face is indicative of approaching death. with the aid of a simple instrument.
2. Mongolian Facies – almond eyes, pale Information included in the system:
complexion, prominence of check bone. 1. Descriptive Data
3. Facies Lionine – a peculiar, deeply furrowed. 2. Body Marks
Lion-like appearance of the face. 3. Anthropometrical Measurement
a. Body Measurement
POINTS OF INDENTIFICATION b. Measure of the head
APPLICABLE TO BOTH LIVING AND DEAD c. Measurement of the Limbs
1. Fingerprint KINDS OF DEATH
2. Dental Identification 1. SOMATIC DEATH/CLINICAL DEATH –
3. Handwriting Identification there is a complete, persistent and continuous
4. Identification of Skeleton cessation of the functions of the brain, heart
5. Determination of Sex/Gender and lungs which maintain life and health.
6. Determination of Age 2. MOLECULAR or CELLULAR DEATH –
7. Identification of Blood & Blood Stain individual cells may still be alive after death, but
8. Identification of Hair & Fibers about 3 to 6 hours these cells will die. This is
called molecular or cellular death.
of the sex/gender of the skeleton, the following bone SUSPENDED ANIMATION – this condition
must be studied: is not really death but merely a transient loss of
1. PELVIS consciousness or temporary cessation of the
2. SKULL/CRANIUM vital functions of the body on account of
3. STERNUM disease, external stimulus or other forms of
4. FEMUR influence.
following are tests to determine the sex/gender of CIRCULATION
1. SOCIAL TEST – sex/gender can be determined  ALGOR MORTIS (COOLING OF THE
through dress, hairstyle, general bodily shape, BODY)
2. GENITAL TEST – the presence of penis OF POWER TO MOVE
indicates a male its absence and the presence of  CHANGES IN THE SKIN
vaginal opening indicates female.  CHANGES IN & ABOUT THE EYE
3. GONADAL TEST – presence of testis in male
and ovary of female 1. CESSATION OF THE HEART ACTION
vary from women. The nucleus of the cell is a “AS A GENERAL RULE, IF THERE IS NO HEART
densely staining area in the cell, in women cells ACTION FOR A PERIOD OF 5 (FIVE) MINUTES,
stained deeply but not in cells from men. DEATH IS REGARDED AS CERTAIN”

PROBLEMS IN SEX/GENDER DETERMINATION Methods of detecting the cessation of Heart Action

1. GONADAL AGENESIS – sex organ have and Circulation:
never developed a. Palpation of the Heart:
2. TRUE HERMAPHRODISM – a state of - Palpation of the Pulse
bisexuality. The gonads of both sexes are - Auscultation for the Method of
present which may be separated or combined as Determining Heart Action
ovotestis. - Fluoroscopic Examination
- Use of Electrocardiograph
MEDICO LEGAL ASPECTS OF DEATH b. Examination of the Peripheral Circulation:
DEATH – it is the complete, persistent and - MAGNUM TEST
continuous cessation of all the vital function of the - OPENING OF SMALL ARTERY
body without the possibility of resuscitation. - I-CARD’S TEST
Classification of Death - PRESSURE OF THE FINGERNAILS
(Based on the criterion used in its determination) - DIAPHANOUS TEST
1. BRAIN DEATH – occurs when there is deep - APPLICATION OF HEAT ON THE SKIN
irreversible coma, absence of electrical brain - PALPATION OF THE RADIAL PULSE
activity and complete cessation of all the vital - DROPPING OF MELTED WAX
function without the possibility of resuscitation.
when there is a continuous and persistent - Cessation of the respiration in order to be
cessation of the heart action and respiration. considered as sign of death must continuous
and persistent. A person can hold his breath d. Effect of the Application of Heat – if
for a period no longer that 3 and a half melted wax will be applied to the breast of
minutes. dead person it will not produce blister or
Methods of detecting the cessation of Respiration: inflammatory.
a. Expose the chest and abdomen and observe the
movement during inspiration and expiration. 6. CHANGES IN AND ABOUT THE EYE
b. Examine the person with of a stethoscope which The following are the changes of the eyes of the
is placed at the base of the anterior aspects of the dead person:
neck and hear sound of the current of air passing a. LOSS OF CORNEAL REFLEX
through the trachea during each phase of b. CLOUDING OF THE CORNEA
c. Examination with the Mirror d. OPHTALMOSCOPIC FINDINGS
d. Examination with a Feather or Cotton Fibers e. “Tache noir de la sclerotique” – after
e. Examination with a Glass of Water death a spot may be found in the sclera, the
f. Winslow’s Test spot may appear oval or round or maybe
triangular with the base towards the cornea
3. ALGOR MORTIS (Cooling of the Body) and may appear in the sclera a few hours
- The progressive fall of the body temperature is after death.
one of the most prominent signs of death. The
rate of the cooling is not uniform; however, it CHANGES IN THE BODY AFTER DEATH
is more rapid during the first 2 (two) hours  CHANGES IN THE MUSCLE
after death. The fall of temperature of 15 to 20  CHANGES IN THE BLOOD
degrees Fahrenheit is considered as certain  AUTOLYTIC /AUTO-DIGESTIVE CHANGES
ALGOR MORTIS may occur before death in the
following cases: 1. CHANGES IN MUSCLE:
a. Cancer
b. Phthisis  Stage of Primary Flaccidity or Period of
c. Collapse Muscular Irritability – Immediately after
death, there is complete relaxation and
POST MORTEM CALORICITY – is the raise of softening of all the muscles of the body. This
temperature of the body after death due to rapid and stage usually lasts about 3-6 hours after
early putrefactive changes or some internal changes. death. However, in warm places, the average
POST-MORTEM CALORICITY may occur in the is only 1 hour and 50 minutes.
following conditions:
a. Cholera e. Cerebro-spinal  Stage of Post-Mortem Rigidity or
fever Cadaveric Rigidity or Rigor Mortis – 3 to 6
b. Yellow Fever f. Rheumatic hours after death, the muscles gradually
fever stiffen. It usually, starts at the muscles of the
c. Liver Abdcess g. Tetanus neck and lower jaw and spread downwards.
d. Peritonitis h. Smallpox The entire body becomes stiff after 12 hours.
In temperate countries, rigor mortis may
4. INSENSIBILITY OF THE BODY AND last for 2-3 days but in tropical countries the
LOSS OF POWER TO MOVE – after the usual duration is 24 hours during cold
whole body is insensible. No kind of stimulus is weather and 18-36 hours during summer.
capable of letting the body have voluntarily
movement. 3-6 hours after death Gradually Stiffen
After 12 hours Entire Body
5. CHANGES IN THE SKIN becomes Stiff
The following are the changes undergone by the skin
after death: Temperate Countries Last 2-3 days
a. Skin may observe to be pale and waxy- Stiffening
looking due to the absence of circulation. Tropical Countries
b. Loss of the Elasticity of the skin Cold Weather/Winter Last 24 hrs
c. Opacity of the skin Hot Weather/Summer Stiffening
Last 18-36 hrs
Stiffening Kinds of LIVOR MORTIS
a. Hypostatic Lividity
Heat Stiffening – commonly observed when the body of 3. AUTOLYTIC /AUTO-DIGESTIVE
a person is placed in boiling fluid or when the body is CHANGES
burned to death. – after death, proteolytic, glycolytic and lipolytic
ferments and glandular tissues continue to act
Cold Stiffening – it is manifested when the body is which lead to the autodigestion of organs. This
frozen, but exposure to warm condition will make such action is facilitated by weak acid and higher
stiffening disappear. Cold stiffening is due to the temperature. It is delayed by the alkaline
codification of fat when the body is exposed to freezing reaction of the tissues of the body and low
temperature. temperature.

Cadaveric Spasm or Instantaneous Rigor – it is an 4. PUTREFACTION OF THE BODY

instantaneous rigidity of the muscle which occurs at the – putrefaction is the breaking down of the
moment due to extreme nervous tension, exhaustion and complex proteins into simpler components
injury to the nervous system or injury to the chest. associated with the evolution of foul smelling
gasses of the body in the process of putrefaction.
RIGOR MORTIS CADAVERIC SPASM Chronological Sequence of Putrefaction changes
Appears 3-6 hours after Appear Immediately after occurring in Tropical Regions or Tropical Places:
Death Death Time since Death Condition of the Body
All Muscles Involved Only a certain muscle or 24 hours Rigor Mortis present all over
group of muscles the body. Hypostasis well-
developed and fixed.
It will appear naturally It may or may not appear Greenish discoloration.
after death at the time of death
24 hours Rigor Mortis absent all over
Help the medical jurist Help the medical jurist the body. Green discoloration
determine the TIME OF determine the CAUSE OF over whole abdomen
DEATH DEATH distended with gases.
48 hours Ova of flies seen. Trunk
 Stage of Secondary Flaccidity – after the bloated. Face discolored and
disappearance of a rigor mortis, the muscle swollen. Blister present.
becomes soft and flaccid. This is due to the Moving maggot seen.
dissolution of the muscle proteins which have 72 hours Whole body grossly swollen
and disfigured. Hair and nail
previously been coagulated during the period
loose. Tissues soft and
of rigor mortis. discolored.
1 week Soft viscara putrefied.
2 weeks Only more resistant viscara
 Coagulation in the Blood – the immobility of distinguishable. Soft tissues
the blood due to the cessation of circulation largely gone.
enhances the coagulation of blood inside the 1 month Body Skeletonized
blood vessel. Blood clothing is accelerated in
cases of death by infectious fevers and delayed
in cases of asphyxia, poisoning by opium,
hydrocyanic of carbon monoxide poisoning. CAUSES OF DEATH
Blood may remain fluid inside the blood  IMMEDIATE (PRIMARY) CAUSE OF
vessels after death for 6-8 hours after death. DEATH
 Post-Mortem-Lividity or Cadaveric DEATH
Lividity or Livor Mortis – the stoppage of
the heart action and the loss of tone of blood 1. Immediate or Primary Cause of Death – this
vessels cause the blood to be under the applies to cases when trauma or diseases kill
influence of gravity. Bloods begin to quickly that there is no opportunity for sequel or
accumulate in the most dependent portion of complication to develop.
the body.
2. Proximate or Secondary Cause of Death – the - Homicidal
injury or diseases was survived for a sufficiently DEATH BY ASPHYXIA
prolonged interval which permitted the Asphyxia - a condition arising when the body is
development of serious sequel which actually deprived of oxygen, causing death.
cause of death. Types of Asphyxia Death
1. Anoxic Death – failure of the arterial blood to
MANNER OF DEATH become normally saturated with oxygen.
 NATURAL DEATH – death cause by 2. Anemic Anoxic Death – due to a decrease
disease/sickness capacity of the blood to carry oxygen.
 VIOLENT / UNNATURAL DEATH – death 3. Stagnant Anoxic Death – failure of blood
due to injury/harm circulation.
4. Histotoxic Anoxic – due to the failure of the
PATHOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION cellular oxidative process, although the
(Causes of Death) oxygen is derived to the tissues, it cannot be
 Death from Syncope – death due to sudden and utilized properly.
fatal cessation of the action of the heart with
circulation included. Classification of Asphyxia
 Death from Asphyxia – a condition in which a. Asphyxia by Hanging
the supply of oxygen to the blood or to the b. Asphyxia by Ligature
tissues or both has been reduced below normal c. Asphyxia by Suffocation
working level. - Smothering
 Death from Coma – coma is the state of - Overlaying
unconsciousness with insensibility of the pupil - Gagging
and conjunctive, inability to swallow, resulting d. Asphyxia by Submersion of Drowning
from the arrest of the functions of the brain. e. Compression Asphyxia
f. Asphyxia by Breathing Irrespirable Gases
- is the deliberate and painless acceleration of MEDICO LEGAL ASPECTS OF PHYSICAL
death of a person usually suffering from an INJURY
incurable and distressing disease. Classification of Wounds
Types of Euthanasia  As to Severity:
ACTIVE Euthanasia – intentional or deliberate - Mortal Wound
application of the means to shorten the life of a - Non-Mortal wound
person.  As to the relation of the site of application of
PASSIVE Euthanasia – there is absence of force and the Location of Injury:
application of the means to accelerate death but the - Coup Injury
natural cause of the disease is allowed to have its - Contre-Coup Injury
way to extinguished life (the life of a person). - Coup Countre-Coup Injury
- “Locus Minoris Resistencia”
Starvation – is the deprivation of a regular and  As Regards to the Depth of Wound:
constant supply of food and water which is - Superficial
necessary to normal health of a person. Without - Deep
food and water, a person cannot survive more Penetrating
than 10 days, but with water a person may Perforating
survive 50-60 days.  Special Types of Wounds
- Defense Wound
Types of Starvation - Pattern Wound
1. Acute Starvation – necessary food has been  Medical Classification of Wounds
suddenly and completely withheld from a - Closed Wound – there is no breach of the
person. continuity of the skin or mucous membrane.
2. Chronic Starvation – gradual or deficient - Open Wound – there is a breach of the
supply of food. continuity of the skin or mucous membrane.

Causes of Starvation TYPES OF CLOSED WOUNDS

- Suicidal - Accidental
1. Petechiae – is a circumscribed extravasation of healing. The superficial layers of the epithelium
the blood in the subcutaneous tissue or are destroyed.
underneath the mucous membrane. c. 3rd Degree – there is destruction of the cuticle
2. Contusion – effusion of blood into the tissues and part of the true skin. Healing may leave a
underneath the skin on account of the rapture of scar which contains all the elements of the true
the blood vessels as a result of the application of skin, consequently w/out contracture.
blunt force or violence. The contusion is red d. 4th Degree – the whole skin is destroyed with
sometimes purple soon after its complete formation of slough which is yellowish-brown
development. parchment-like. The surface is ulcerated and on
Age of Contusion: healing a dense fibrous scar tissues develops.
4-5 days color change to GREEN e. 5th Degree – there is involvement of the deep
7-10 days it become YELLOW fascia and muscles. This may result to severe
14th to 15th day gradually Disappear scarring effect and deformity.
f. 6th Degree – there is charring of the limp/limb
3. Hematoma – is the extravasations’ or effusion involving subjacent tissues, organs and bone.
of blood in a newly formed cavity underneath
Virginity – is the condition of a female who has not
4. Musculo – Skeletal Injuries: experiences sexual intercourse and whose genital organs
a. Sprain have not been altered by carnal knowledge.
b. Dislocation
c. Fracture Defloration – the laceration or rapture of the hymen as a
d. Strain result of sexual intercourse.
e. Subluxation

5. Internal Hemorrhage – that in which the

extravagated blood remains within the body. KINDS OF VIRGINITY
1. Moral Virginity – the state of not knowing the
TYPES OF OPEN WOUNDS nature of sexual life and nor experienced sexual
 ABRASION – wound characterized by the relation.
removal of the superficial epithelial layer of the
skin caused by rub or frictions against a hard- 2. Physical Virginity – a condition whereby a
rough surface. woman is conscious of the nature of the sexual
 INCISED WOUND – wound produced by a life but has not experience sexual intercourse.
sharp-edge or sharp-linear edge of the  TRUE physical Virginity – a condition
instrument, like a knife, razor, bolo, etc. wherein the hymen intact with the edges
 STAB WOUND – wound produced by the distinct and regular, and the opening
penetration of a sharp-pointed and sharp-edged small to barely admit the tip of the
instrument. smallest finger.
 PUNCTURED WOUND – wound resulted  FALSE physical Virginity – a
from a thrust of a sharp pointed instrument, like condition wherein the hymen is
icepick, needle, spear, etc. unruptured but the orifice is wide and
 LACERATED WOUND – is tear of the skin elastic to admit two or more fingers.
and underlying tissues due to forcible contact
with a blunt instrument, like wood, iron bar, fist 3. Demi-Virginity – refers to a condition of a
blow, etc. woman who permits any form of sexual liberties
as long as they abstain from rupturing the hymen
BURNS INJURY by sexual act.
Classification of Burns by Degree
a. 1st Degree – there is erythema or simple redness 4. Virgo Intacta – a condition wherein a woman
of the skin associated with superficial have previous sexual act or even habitually but
inflammation and slight swelling which may had not given birth.
subside after a few hours or may last for several
b. 2nd Degree – there is vesicle formation with  Annular / Circular – the opening is oval or circular
acute inflammation. Scars are not present upon located at the center of the hymen.
 Infantile – the opening is small, usually linear,
fleshly and resistant.
 Semilunar / Crescentric – concavity maybe be
facing either side or upwards or downwards.
 Linear – the opening is slit-like and usually running
 Cribiform – hymen present several openings
instead of one.
 Stellate – hymenal opening is like a star.
 Septate – hymen with two opening which may be of
equal or different sizes.
 Fimbriated – the boarder of the opening shows
small irregular protrusion towards the opening.
 Imperforate – there is no opening on the hymen.


Single Orifice - one opening
Septate - two opening
Multiple - several opening
Imperforate - without opening


1. Incomplete Laceration – rupture which does not
involve the whole width or height of the hymen.
It may be:
- Superficial – the laceration does not go
beyond ½ of the whole width of the hymen.
- Deep – the laceration involves more than ½ of
the width of the hymen but not reaching the
2. Complete Laceration – laceration involves the
whole width but not beyond the base of the
3. Compound or Complicated Laceration –
laceration involve the hymen and also the
surrounding tissues.

Prepared by:


IRC Admin Officer


IRC Coordinator

“Life only has one rule: NEVER QUIT!” – unknown


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