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Name : Yoppi Maulana

Major : Law Science

- My Daily Activity

On my day work I usually wake up at 4.00 am, after i do my bed and clean up my room i’m
take a break for 4-5 minutes while looking my phone. I take a bath at 4.30 am and do pray at
05.10 am. 10 minutes after i pray, i will make a coffe and im gonna watching a news on tv
while i dress up. Im leaving my home to work at 06.30 am. My work start on 7.00 am until
2.00 pm. Its spending seven hours.

Im working in hospital and im a medical record staff, so my job is serve patient or family in
administration part before they’ll get a medicine. I love my job, but sometime i felt so bored.
After i work, sometime i go straight to home but sometimes i stop by in coffe shop. When im
in coffe shop, i always finish my home work first, and then playing a mobile game. But if i
don’t stop by at coffe shop i will hangout with my friend at 8.00 pm, talking and playing a
mobile game till 10.00 pm.

I’m going back to my home at 10.00 pm and going bed at 10.30 or 11.00 pm . i love listening
music or watching youtube before sleep. Thats my activities.

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