Forensic Odontology in The Disaster

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VOLUME 30 Number 1 July 2012


Forensic Odontology in the Disaster Victim

Identification Process
Pisha Pittayapat1,2, Reinhilde Jacobs1, Eddy De Valck3, Dirk Vandermeulen4, Guy Willems5
Oral Imaging Center, Department of Oral Health Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Radiology Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Chief Forensic Odontologist DVI Belgium & Past Vice President Scientific DVI Interpol Standing Committee, Beigem,
Medical Imaging Research Center (MIRC), Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering – ESAT, Center
for Processing Speech and Images – PSI, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Forensic Odontology, Department of Oral Health Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Corresponding author:

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Disaster victim identification (DVI) is an intensive and demanding task involving
specialists from various disciplines. The forensic dentist is one of the key persons who plays
an important role in the DVI human identification process. In recent years, many disaster
incidents have
occurred that challenged the DVI team with various kinds of difficulties related to disaster
management and unique situations in each disaster. New technologies have been developed
to make the working process faster and more effective and the different DVI protocols have
been evaluated and improved.
The aim of this article is to collate all information regarding diagnostic tools and
methodologies pertaining to forensic odontological DVI, both current and future.
It can be concluded that lessons learned from previous disaster incidents have helped to
optimize working protocols and to develop new tools that can be applied in future DVI
operation. The working procedures have been greatly improved by newly developed

KEYWORDS: forensic odontology, Disaster Victim Identification (DVI), human identification,

mass casualty

JFOS. July 2012, Vol.30, No.1 Pag 1-12

ISSN :2219-6749

     Forensic Odontology in the Disaster Victim Identification Process. Pittayapat et al.                        

INTRODUCTION best practice’ to obtain maximum results in

Each natural or man-made disaster presents DVI operations.3,4
a different set of circumstances and, as a The 2004 Asian Tsunami was a prime
consequence, each event results in new example of the application of Interpol’s
challenges for identification teams. interdisciplinary disaster victim
Although the exact number of deceased identification philosophy and how an
persons to define an event as a disaster international effort for DVI was set up and
varies by jurisdiction, it is widely agreed coordinated by the Interpol Secretariat
that mass fatality incidents always exert an General (IPSG) and DVI Standing
onerous impact on local resources. Committee in Lyon. DVI teams from more
Dental DVI team leaders conduct training than 20 countries took part in the
exercises to familiarize their team with identification process which, because of
standard operating procedures and to be the complexity of the situation and
better prepared for any kind of different legal systems, had to be
eventuality.1 Attempts are made during conducted in an internationally agreed
training exercises to demonstrate the upon way. After the incident, a thorough
complex challenges using simulations and assessment and a review of all procedures
by studying previous responses and events. and related issues were carried out on
Interpol and other agencies have developed behalf of IPSG in Lyon to set new
standardized forms to record dental traits at standards for the future.5 Consequently
the time of PM examination. Similar new guidelines were implemented in the
forms are used to translate and transcribe Guide.
the original data from collected AM dental
records into a common nomenclature. DISASTER VICTIM IDENTIFICATION
These PM and AM data are entered into a (DVI) PROCESS
computer database that will ultimately Standard Operating protocols (SOP) for
search for best possible matches. Examples PM and AM procedures were established
of the most common computer applications for fingerprinting, forensic pathology,
are DVI System International from Plass forensic odontology and DNA profiling.
Data® (approved and used by Interpol),2 Such protocols were found crucial in the
WinID® (North America) and DAVID® quality of the entire DVI process,
(Australia). especially in case of rapidly decomposing
INTERPOL DISASTER VICTIM The overall identification process involves
IDENTIFICATION PHILOSOPHY ON recovery-, AM-, PM- and identification
MASS CASUALTIES teams. The mission and tasks of these
The first manual on Disaster Victim various teams are outlined below, as well
Identification was issued in 1984 by the as the position of the forensic odontologist
Interpol DVI Standing Committee to in each of these teams. It is clear that
emphasize the multidisciplinary approach actions and operation of these teams
of victim identification. The Disaster should be interactive and well coordinated.
Victim Identification Guide (Interpol) A firm chain of command is thus essential.
describes the basic principles of the
Interpol philosophy in relation to DVI, and Recovery team
aims to stimulate DVI teams to apply ‘the The recovery team has the important task
to collect evidence such as bodies and

     Forensic Odontology in the Disaster Victim Identification Process. Pittayapat et al.                        

body parts, personal property from the After the missing persons’ dentist has been
disaster scene and to record the findings contacted by the local police, a forensic
accurately. This requires accurate mapping dentist should allocate the dental AM data
– photographic aerial overview or GPS and materials. Other information sources
mapping - of the disaster area, which such as specialists, hospitals, dental
allows the team to record in which part of insurance companies should be contacted
the site the given evidence was recovered. as well to obtain additional AM
Usually the incident site will be organized information. All available material (dental
in a grid system.3 Body numbering is done records, X-rays, CT scans, dental models,
according to Interpol guidelines and has to full face photographs, mouth guards, etc.)
be applied by all teams to avoid errors and should be collected, with respect for the
creation of even more chaos. The given patient’s rights to medical secrecy. The
body numbering system – international source and content of the original dental
country telephone code, site number and records will be carefully read, analysed and
body number as applied in the Tsunami transcribed onto the AM F1/F2 Interpol
disaster (ex. 32-1-00596) – is the reference forms before being transmitted to the
for future disasters. This unique body identification centre. In case of any doubts,
number has to stay with the body during the forensic odontologist in the AM team
the subsequent stages of the identification should contact treating dentists to discuss
process and will be visible on all related the issue and clarify the problem.
documentation (forms, photographs). The records (personal, medical, dental,
It is recommended that a forensic DNA and fingerprints) forwarded by the
odontologist is part of the recovery team, specialists of countries with missing
as the trained specialist has a better eye for citizens will be entered into a central
dental evidence. In some cases, such as computer system: DVI System
with charred bodies, it might be necessary International (Plass Data ) or WinID® or

for the odontologist on the recovery team DAVID® or other software available by
to consolidate or describe the dental trained and experienced forensic
evidence on site before it is removed, to odontologists.
avoid destruction of the brittle dental When AM fingerprint records are received
substances during transportation to the with these records, they are scanned into a
mortuary. separate computer system called the
Automated Fingerprint Identification
AM team System (AFIS).2
The work of the AM teams starts with The quantity and quality of AM dental
eliciting missing persons lists from each records is extremely variable across the
country and entering this information into world.6 This is mainly due to differences in
a missing person database. legislation in the way dental records are
There is very limited information in this compiled and kept, their content and the
database; however, it can serve as a master legally required retention periods.
list that should be compared with the Managing this AM information (searching,
names of those for which AM records collecting, receiving, quality assurance,
exist. This AM information of the reported transcribing, tasking, analysing) from all
missing people is obtained through the countries is a crucial step in the quality
missing persons’ family members who will system of a DVI process.7 The importance
provide names of health care providers, of proper (complete and accurate) dental
where medical and/or dental AM records should be emphasized to all
information can be obtained.

     Forensic Odontology in the Disaster Victim Identification Process. Pittayapat et al.                        

dentists, dental and health organizations affording the best possible facilities in the
throughout the world. given circumstances (Fig. 1).8 In the
mortuary, the body will be thoroughly
PM or mortuary team examined by a multidisciplinary team of
The temporary mortuary, where the PM specialists (fingerprint experts, policemen,
information will be collected, needs to be pathologists, odontologists and DNA
constructed for body storage and experts), who will register their findings on
examination, and established on premises the pink PM Interpol forms.

Fig.1: Temporary mortuary in Thailand after the tsunami in 2004

Each body to be moved into the such as documents, jewellery, watches,

examination room for physical description clothing and pocket contents may
should be placed under custody of a PM constitute valuable circumstantial evidence
records officer, who follows the body of identity, but never proof. They must be
through all the examination stages until it combined with other evidence to conclude
is returned for storage. The PM records to a positive identification.
officer should be in possession of all PM During the next step, the pathologist starts
DVI forms for each body. the external and internal examination and
The first step is finger/palm print analysis description of the body. It should be
by specialists from forensic police labs. standard practice to perform full autopsies
The recovered fingerprints will be entered on all disaster victims not only for
into the AFIS system for comparison with identification and cause of death purposes,
existing AM data. In the second phase, but also to assist in preventing or
bodies will be photographed, followed by minimizing the effects of similar incidents
an extensive external description of the in the future.
body, clothing and personal belongings. Dental examination in this phase is carried
All these items are photographed out by forensic odontologists. All dental
preferably in colour after being cleaned related details will be registered on the PM
and labelled, with the reference body F1/F2 Interpol forms. As a general rule,
number clearly visible. Personal effects jaws should not be removed by dental
     Forensic Odontology in the Disaster Victim Identification Process. Pittayapat et al.                        

experts unless a more specific examination parameters that are all age-related.
is mandatory. To create more access to the Obvious examples are tooth development
dentition, a non-destructive method of in children and adolescents or
mandibular dissecting technique is morphological changes in adults (enamel
recommended.9 This method allows an wear, cementum incremental lines, root
easy access to both maxilla and mandible translucency or secondary dentine
and still enables a complete repositioning formation), which play an essential role in
of the facial tissue after autopsy, so that the dental age assessments. In the context of
body can still be shown to relatives if identification, the most appropriate fitting
required. All dental characteristics should age estimation method in relation to the
be recorded by colour photography and presented evidence should be chosen out of
radiography (Fig. 2). Dental age estimation all existing methods. This is an advantage
is a major component of the identification compared with the aging of living
process. Post- mortem dental age individuals where for instance the methods
estimation allows forensic odontologists to of age estimation performed after tooth
focus on the search for a matching ante- extraction have to be excluded. In essence,
mortem file on a specific age range among during identification, the dental age
the possible candidates for identification estimation protocols are divided in two
from the missing persons list. Dental age groups based on the availability or absence
estimation may be performed in different of developing teeth. Therefore,
ways using morphological or radiological

Fig. 2: Photographs of dental structures together with body number must be taken during the
post mortem examination.

radiological dental investigations and apply immediately the most appropriate

preferably full body CT’s are essential at age estimation method,10-18 providing an
the start of the identification process. They instant age result. If all available teeth are
allow, if developing teeth are detected, to fully developed, 2D radiographs can be
     Forensic Odontology in the Disaster Victim Identification Process. Pittayapat et al.                        

used to apply the Kvaal technique19 on the disaster victims. DNA analysis techniques
related monoradicular teeth. On 3D currently in use complement other methods
reconstructions of cone-beam computed commonly used in disaster victim
tomography (CBCT) images, volumetric identification, especially when a body has
pulp tooth ratios can be calculated and been severely mutilated. As dental pulp
implemented in an according age material is a good source for DNA
estimation technique.20 After tooth analysis, two vital teeth
development has been completed, methods (canines/premolars) can be extracted and
on extracted and sectioned teeth will have sent to the forensic DNA laboratories.24
to be considered. In this context,
measurements of morphological changes Identification Centre
related to age, need to be examined. The The Identification Centre handles and
length of the apical translucency of the compares AM and PM documents
tooth roots21 provides immediate age forwarded from the AM and PM Units. In
information on both intact and cut teeth. If the different sections of the identification
possible the described methods on mature bureau - missing persons; ante-mortem;
teeth are combined with methods taking post-mortem; fingerprint; dental; DNA
into consideration attrition, periodontal analysis and reconciliation - the quality
attachment, cementum annulations, root controls and the transcription of the AM
resorption, and secondary dentine and PM documents take place. Results
apposition.22,23 obtained from the specialised sections are
fed back to the Identification Files Section
Genetic identification techniques provide a to be combined into one master list of
powerful tool in the identification of results (Fig.3).

Fig. 3: The identification team, working during Tsunami identification process, putting all
AM and PM data into the Plass Data® software. The system matches two datasets (AM
and PM) and the matches will be discussed again in the reconciliation board.

     Forensic Odontology in the Disaster Victim Identification Process. Pittayapat et al.                        

The identification software runs an Recently developed portable and handheld

automatic comparison and matching digital dental x-ray units can solve these
between the ante and post mortem data but practical forensic problems as shown
the final judgment must be made by during the Tsunami crisis in 2005 when
professional experts and be based on Nomad® was introduced for the first time
personal evaluation of the evidence.2 The in mass disasters. These light weight and
matches will then in the next stage be autonomic working devices can easily be
verified by the different experts on the brought next to the bodies, allowing an
Reconciliation Board. The responsibility immediate forensic odontologic
of this Identification Board is to check the investigation in combination with digital
results of comparison made by the various imaging and management systems,
specialised sections. It is also responsible enabling potentially an immediate AM-PM
for scrutinising and eventual reconciliation matching (Fig. 4).27,28
of possible inconsistencies and will The dosimetry studies performed with the
combine the results into one final list of Nomad® portable X-ray machine, which is
identifications. provided with circular lead-filled shields
attached to the end of the exit tube,
OTHER ASPECTS ASSISTING IN THE showed that exposure of the operator to
IDENTIFICATION PROCESS leaking or backscatter radiation is below
During the recent years, many disasters the maximum permissible for occupational
occurred at different intensities. DVI teams dose.29,30 A study reporting dose
must respond systematically, using all measurements carried out with Nomad® in
facilities and new technologies available in normal conditions (i.e. patient seated in
the process of victim identification. The dental chair and operator in the “safe
fast growing technology and ever more zone” provided by the circular lead-shield)
powerful equipment are mostly in respect as well as in “atypical” situations (i.e.
of the field of imaging processes. forensic sites, field work, sedated patients)
has demonstrated that the whole body
Dental radiology exposure was equivalent to less than 1% of
Many factors may affect PM-radiographic the occupational dose limit.30 Another
image collection: the presence of suitable report28 shows that exposure at the
dental X-ray equipment but also the body operator’s hand was lowest when a
condition such as rigor mortis, positioning protection shield was used or with the use
the victim’s bodies and aiming the x-ray of an exposure switch cable (distance >
beam, electricity supply, working areas 1m).
and equipment. Therefore, during mass In addition, new technologies provide new
disasters the recovery team needs to accessories for X-ray viewing in the field
transport the remains to compartments - of disaster. Some companies have
equipped with fixed dental x-ray unit(s) - launched a portable X-ray machine with a
suitable for performing dental autopsies. viewing display attached to the machine
Even when electric power is supplied, the itself. Others provide a small portable X-
fixed x-ray devices can be damaged by ray viewing gadget. When operated in a
constant line fluctuation as was reported wireless environment, data and images
during the Asian tsunami disaster.25,26

     Forensic Odontology in the Disaster Victim Identification Process. Pittayapat et al.                        

Fig. 4: Several portable dental x-ray devices are available on the market nowadays. (1)
Nomad® (Aribex, Utah, USA) was first introduced in 2005 in the identification
process after Tsunami disaster. (2) AnyRay® (VATECH Co., Ltd., Gyeonggi-do,
Republic of Korea), (3) Rextar® (Sungwon Econet, Seoul, Republic of Korea) (4)
ADX4000 (DEXCOWIN Co., Ltd. Seoul, Republic of Korea)

could thus be easily transmitted in both a likeness with the face of missing
directions. This may help to facilitate the individuals immediately prior to their
radiographic interpretation more rapidly death. Presenting this reconstructed face to
than in the past. the public can get the identification-
process out of the impasse by triggering
Facial reconstruction recognition.31-37
Today, thanks to the multidisciplinary Several 3D manual methods for CFR are
approach towards an unidentified body, a currently being used. One of these
tremendous amount of information reconstruction methods consists of
concerning the victim can be obtained. physically modelling a face on a skull
Unfortunately even the biggest and most replica (the target skull) with clay or
detailed post-mortem (PM) files are plasticine; however, this method requires a
useless when no match with any AM file high degree of anatomical and sculptural
can be made. When confronted with a expertise and, as a result, remains difficult
corpse that is unrecognisable due to its and subjective. The progress in computer
state of decomposition, skeletisation, science and the improvement of medical
mutilation or calcination, a cranio-facial imaging technologies during recent years
reconstruction (CFR) should be have lead to the development of
considered. The goal of CFR is to recreate alternative computer-based CFR methods.

     Forensic Odontology in the Disaster Victim Identification Process. Pittayapat et al.                        

A computer, compared to a human expert, and transfer. Because of its minimal

is consistent and objective. Knowing all invasiveness to the body, it can also
the modelling assumptions and given the improve judicature in cultures with low
same input data, a computer always autopsy acceptance.41
generates the same output data. In some cases, physical examination
Furthermore, certain procedures can be should still be performed in addition to the
automated so that the creation of multiple virtopsy to provide more physical and
reconstructions from the same skull using external information of the victims.
different modelling assumptions (age,
BMI, ancestry, gender, etc) becomes PAST AND FUTURE DVI
possible. As a result, the CFR process World globalisation has resulted in mass
becomes accessible to a wide range of disasters these days often involving
people without the need for extensive victims from many different nationalities,
expertise.38 requiring the assistance of DVI teams from
various countries often with different
Virtual autopsy levels of expertise.5,42
The role of 3D imaging in the forensic After the Tsunami in 2004, all the DVI
field is growing quickly, not only in protocols were re-evaluated by an Interpol
cranio-facial reconstruction (CFR) but also working group.43-45 This Tsunami
in the whole autopsy process. Evaluation report is a summary of what the
Some institutions have already DVI teams experienced during the 2004-
implemented CT in post-mortem forensic 2005 incident. In the current Interpol DVI
investigations, such as at the Armed guidelines, the methods of identification
Forces Medical Examiners autopsy room process are categorized into 2 groups:
(Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, primary and secondary identification
Washington, D.C., and Dover, Del., USA), methods. 3,42,46 Primary identification
where CT scans on military personnel means that the method by itself can lead to
killed in combat are used on a routine a 100 % scientific identification which is
basis.39 able to withstand global legal scrutiny.
During the Victorian Bushfire in 2009, CT Forensic odontology, as one of the primary
scanning also proved to be very useful in identification methods (DNA, forensic
the victim identification process.40 odontology, finger printing), has proved to
In Switzerland, the Virtopsy project be an effective identification method
implements a variety of imaging methods: especially in large scale disasters with the
3D photogrammetry-based optical surface overall ID rate of 83.3% in South-East
scanning, MSCT (Multi-slice CT) and Asia Tsunami.25
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). The Forensic Odontology Working Group
Virtopsy is a non-invasive or minimally of the Interpol DVI Standing Committee
invasive approach that has several has been working to develop new
advantages to current forensic examination guidelines and adapted forms (F1/F2). The
techniques, as it can help to provide content of the modified AM and PM forms
precise, objective and clear documentation will be simplified. Unnecessary parts will
of forensic findings for testimony in court. be removed. All captured data will be
This technique also helps improve quality directly linked to the Plass Data® system.2
assurance through digital data archiving

     Forensic Odontology in the Disaster Victim Identification Process. Pittayapat et al.                        

In terms of AM records, as internet access Internationally agreed upon common

is growing rapidly, the AM records should minimum standards of training for the
be made available online when disaster personnel of the different specialist
occurs. This will help speed up the sections would be beneficial to the
identification process and minimize international community. This of course
possible risk of losing AM evidence requires specialists accredited to provide
during transportation. The AM team, the these training programs and also the
insurance companies and personnel who creation of a framework for quality control
are dealing with the victims’ data should within each speciality in the overall DVI
follow the legal obligation of the medical process.
confidentiality.47, 48
At this stage, Interpol DVI dental forms OVERALL CONCLUSIONS
are being updated. Our suggestion is that Disaster victim identification (DVI) is a
as 3D data and virtopsy are more demanding task that can only be brought to
accessible, the DVI forms should be a successful conclusion if properly
adapted to handle these 3D evidences. planned, by selecting the appropriate
Civilians have better access to medical forensic diagnostic tools and involving a
care. Images from multi-slice computed team of well-trained key experts. Lessons
tomography (MSCT) and cone-beam learned since the Tsunami disaster in 2004
computed tomography (CBCT) will have changed the Interpol DVI vision and
become more widely available. It is standards tremendously. The DVI
possible that one of the potential victims community is moving forward and
of a future disaster may have these types of continuously improving the guidelines and
AM data, yet the old forms are not protocols.
supporting this new type of evidence and Forensic odontology as one of the primary
thus, there is a need to revise the forms, identification methods is a dynamic field
considering new diagnostic material in and has developed tremendously since the
more dimensions. More research should be Tsunami in 2004. Recent developments in
performed on how to apply 3D computer-aided 3D imaging have been
information in the identification process applied for forensic odontology, forensic
more efficiently. If the PM records contain radiology, forensic craniofacial
a 3D scan, the challenge will be to find a reconstruction and virtual autopsy. New
suitable match to the 2D AM datasets. To research challenges include developing
enable this, there is a need for new forensic diagnostic tools, with maximal
matching algorithms. use of remnants and information, increased
It is not only of crucial importance that efficacy for various forensic applications
rules and SOP’s as written out in the and optimized protocols for DVI
Interpol DVI Guidelines are followed and operations.
applied by all DVI team members, but also
that all specialists involved in DVI are ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
suitably trained and qualified and will be The authors wish to thank Dr.
deployed in appropriate roles. Different Nop Porntrakulseree from Unit of Oral and
levels of experience with Interpol DVI Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of
guidelines, documents and standards, made Dental, Lamphun Hospital, Lamphun.
clear the need for standardization.

     Forensic Odontology in the Disaster Victim Identification Process. Pittayapat et al.                        

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