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EXERCISE 2—USING CONTEXT CLUES Read the passage carefully, paying attention to

possible context clues for the italicized vocabulary words. Then complete the exercise that
follows. The average American consumes 50 gallons each year of sugar sweetened beverages. A
double cheeseburger from McDonald’s is packed with 440 calories. Yet staying away from fast
food is not necessarily the answer. A spicy tuna roll packs 461 calories. We live in a culture
glutted with fatty foods. Small wonder that the average American is 23 pounds overweight and
consumes 250 more calories than two to three decades ago. Many scientists have characterized
obesity as a problem with multiple causes. They cite a mosaic of biological vulnerabilities,
family upbringing, psychology (e.g., using food for comfort), and the environment. Genetics
studies show that weights of adopted children more closely resemble those of their biological
rather than adoptive parents, raising the possibility that genes trump the environment. Genes
help determine which individuals within a population might be most vulnerable, but how many
people become overweight is determined by external factors. Stated another way, obesity is
caused by toxic food and activity conditions that lead to too many calories consumed and too
few expended. Beginning first in countries like the U.S., this toxic environment has spread
around the world and is now like a script being acted out time and again with completely
predictable consequences—rampant obesity and diabetes. Over-nutrition and obesity are not
bigger problems in countries like India and China than are hunger and malnutrition. . . . —From
Kelly D. Brownell, “Nature and Nachos: How Fat Happens,” The Wall Street Journal, May 1,

Choose the best definitions for each of the italicized words according to the context.

_____ 1. glutted: (a) flooded (b) characterized by (c) satisfied by

_____ 2. mosaic: (a) artistic design (b) complicated pattern (c) research study

_____ 3. vulnerabilities: (a) susceptibilities; weaknesses (b) factors, reasons (c) persuasions,

_____ 4. trump: (a) reveal (b) are more important than (c) illustrate

_____ 5. external: (a) on the inside (b) surrounding (c) on the outside

_____ 6. toxic: (a) highly processed (b) unhealthy (c) literally poisonous

_____ 7. expended: (a) saved up (b) used up through activity (c) digested

_____ 8. rampant: (a) occurring without restraint (b) universal (c) declining

_____ 9. overnutrition: (a) eating expensive food beyond what one can afford (b) eating
food that is healthy and nutritious (c) eating too much food,
especially unhealthy food

____ 10. malnutrition: (a) average nutrition (b) excessive nutrition (c) poor nutrition

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