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Ability to solve problems
Ability to make sense of time, numbers, patterns,
Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, you and shapes
must be able to: In summary, it is the ability to use mathematics
1. Describe a literate person. with confidence and efficiency.
2. Understand the importance of literacy and Where do we use literacy and numeracy?
3. Evaluate the literacy and numeracy rate of Filipinos.


What is literacy?

Ability to read
Ability to speak
Ability to spell
Grammar knowledge
Ability to listen

In summary, it is the ability to communicate and

make sense of our world.

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Importance of Functional Literacy and Numeracy

➢ Literacy is a critical component to ensure all

students have the best chance to succeed in their
studies and everyday life.

➢ Numeracy is important for individuals to develop

logical thinking and reasoning strategies in their
everyday activities. We need numeracy to solve
problems and make sense of numbers, time,
patterns and shapes for activities like cooking,
reading receipts, reading instructions and even
playing sport.

➢ Literacy and numeracy help people gain the

fundamental skills necessary to achieve success in

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NATIONAL POLICIES ON LITERACY (5) Provide adult citizens, the disabled, and out-of-
school youth with training in civics, vocational
ARTICLE XIV SECTION 2 (1987 Philippine efficiency, and other skills.
Complete, adequate, and integrated system of
Section 2. The State shall: education
(1) Establish, maintain, and support a complete, The system of education the State is required to
adequate, and integrated system of education relevant establish, maintain, and support must be:
to the needs of the people and society;
(1) Complete, that is, it includes nursery and
(2) Establish and maintain a system of free public kindergarten schools, elementary and high schools,
education in the elementary and high school levels. and colleges.
Without limiting the natural right of parents to rear
their children, elementary education is compulsory for (2) Adequate, that is, it meets the varying educational
all children of school age; needs of the country.
(3) Establish and maintain a system of scholarship
grants, student loan programs, subsidies, and other (3) Integrated, that is, the different levels of education
incentives which shall be available to deserving are related in purpose and orientation.
students in both public and private schools,
especially to the underprivileged; Compulsory elementary education for all children of
(4) Encourage non-formal, informal, and indigenous school age
learning systems, as well as self-learning, The provision aims to address two social problems
independent, and out-of-school study programs – illiteracy and child labor, prostitution and crime brought
particularly those that respond to community needs; about by parents who let their children work or peddle in
and the streets at a very young age without any education.
These children are often taken advantage of by
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unscrupulous persons who exploit them for their selfish or

criminal ends.
(3) Informal education refers to learning derived from
Compulsory elementary education hopes to lessen, home, church, mass media, and other community
if not cur, these problems. The law may require all parents institutions.
to send their children to school or become liable to
penalties. (4) Indigenous learning systems include ways and
Natural right of parents to rear their children methods which are used in preserving and building
certain traditions within cultural communities.
It is the duty of parents not only to feed and clothe
their children but also to see to it that they grow up The introduction of the last three (3) systems
equipped with the means to become worthy citizens. The in education make learning accessible to all people,
State may require that parents provide education for their including out-of-school youth, the disabled, and
children should they fail to do so. In such case, the State adults.
is protecting not only the future of the young but the higher
social good. Training in civics, vocational efficiency, and other
Different learning systems
The State is directed by the Constitution to provide
(1) Formal education is that which takes place within training in civics, vocational efficiency and other skills to
the four walls of the classroom with teachers and adult citizens, the disabled and the out-of-school youths.
textbooks normally approved by the Department of (Sec.2 [5]). The aim is to help these classes of citizens
Education, Culture, and Sports. become worthy and useful members of society. Such
training is to be given for free.
(2) Non-formal education refers to that which takes
place in factories, shops, and other work places
meant to improve the skills of workers or provide
new skills to youth and adults.
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REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7165 (R.A. No. 7165) An Act Administrative Order no. 116, s. 2005
Creating the Literacy Coordinating Council, Defining
Its Powers And Functions, Appropriating Funds Signed on March 14, 2005: Providing Integrated
Therefor, And For Other Purposes Assistance to Filipino Repatriates from Sabah, And
Designating the Department Of Labor And
SECTION 1. It is the policy of the State to give the Employment As Lead Agency
highest priority to the adoption of measures for the
total eradication of illiteracy. For this purpose, it shall Whereas, the State is mandated by the Constitution to
encourage and rationalize the formulation of policies afford full protection and assistance to overseas Filipinos;
and the implementation of programs on non-formal, Whereas, the assistance to overseas Filipinos is
informal, and indigenous learning systems, as well as considered as a pillar of the government’s foreign policy;
self-learning, independent, and out-of-school study
programs particularly those that respond to Whereas, the current developments in Sabah make it
community needs. imperative to organize an integrated and systematic
welfare and assistance program to extend the necessary
SECTION 2. To carry out the declared national policy, help to affected overseas Filipinos;
there is hereby created a Literacy Coordinating
Council, hereinafter referred to as the Council, which Whereas, the assistance includes the training and other
shall be an inter-agency body administratively related interventions, among others, to enhance the
attached to the Department of Education, Culture and readiness of these affected overseas Filipinos for
Sports. reemployment as well ass facilitate their reintegration into
our socio-economic community.

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Philippine Literacy Rate • The Alternative Learning System, which provides

opportunity for out-of-school youths to use the
The ability to read and write is a priority, so any education services of DepEd and take the
effort to promote literacy by the government, accreditation and equivalency test, paving the way
organizations, or even private individuals is celebrated. for further education
Prior to World War I, the literacy rate in the • Open high school and night school opportunities
Philippines was at a dismal 20%. But it was one of the
countries that experienced rapid school expansion in the • Establishment of schools in areas without schools
late 1930s, according to United Nations Educational,
• The Kindergarten Law, which makes attending
Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) 2006
Education for All Global Monitoring Report, and, as a kindergarten a requirement
result, literacy rates rose to the middle range during the
1950s (35%–75%). UNESCO has said literacy transitions
are linked to educational expansion. By 2000, organizations inside and
outside of the Philippines measured youth
Shifts in the country’s education system were literacy rates between 95% and 96.6%.
rooted in structural changes and policymaking bodies
throughout history.

For John Arnold S. Siena, a director for the National

Educators Academy of the Philippines, part of DepEd, the
high literacy rate in the country and the 95.24% school
participation of children in elementary schooling were
achieved through the campaign of the government,
particularly DepEd, to bring more school-age children to
school. He said initiatives that focused on this goal include
the following:

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Directions: Answer the following questions Directions: Look for literacy program/s imposed or
comprehensively. established by the national government. Assess its
effectivity and if it was able to attain its goal. Make a
1. Explain literacy and numeracy in your own words. reflection paper about this.
2. Cite specific examples on where literacy and
numeracy are used and applied.
3. In your own understanding, what do think is the
essence of being a literate one?

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Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, you

must be able to:

4. Describe the process of human growth and

5. Characterize the factors that affect the learning
6. Analyze the roots and theories of learning.


Growth – the measurable physical changes that occur

Principles of Human Growth and Development
throughout a person’s life.
A. Continuity.
Examples are height, weight, body shape, dental
• Growth and development are a continuous
structure (teeth)
process from conception to death.
Development – refers to the changes in intellectual,
mental, and emotional skills that occur overtime. B. Sequentially.
• Every species, whether animal or human,
follows a pattern of development peculiar to
it. This pattern in general is the same for all

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C. Generality to Specificity G. Development depends on maturation and

• Development proceeds from general to learning
specific. In all areas of development, general • Maturation refers to the sequential
activities always precede specific activity. characteristic of biological growth and
D. Differentially
• The tempo of development is not even. • The biological changes occur in sequential
Individuals differ in the rate of growth and order and give children new abilities.
H. Development proceeds from the simple to more
E. Development proceeds from the Head complex
downward • Children use their cognitive and language
• This principle describes the direction of skills to reason and solve problems.
growth and development. The head region • Children at first are able to hold big things by
starts growth at first, following by which other using both arms. In the next part, they are
organs starts developing. capable to hold things in a single hand,
which allow them to pick small objects like
F. Development proceeds from the centre of the peas, cereals, etc.
body outward
• The directional sequence of development I. Growth is a personal matter
during both prenatal and postnatal stages • Each child grows in his own personal
may either be from head to foot, or from the manner. He/she should be permitted to grow
central axis to the extremities of the body. at his/her own rate.

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J. Growth comes from within would help the growth of the child such as warm ups and
• One or surrounding environment can some simple dance movements for kids.
encourage or can hinder the energy of a
Children encounter difficulties during their change
child, but the drive force that pushes a child
especially during the rapid changes so, educators should
to grow is carried inside him.
at least give them advices about those obstacles and
explain thoroughly the reason they are having the pain or
K. Growth has certain characteristics common at
particular stages

L. Growth is gradual and orderly but uneven

Fact Check

✓ The more you learn about the

Implications of growth and development in Teaching
children’s physical development
and Learning
then you are in a position to deal
A significant relationship exists between a person’s with their physical needs.
body concept and his general self-concept. Physical
educators need to be more concerned with the
development of the body concept in children. ✓ It is also an interesting area for
Understanding how the growth process affects policy makers and implementers like
performance ability can help the teacher plan activities teachers to have an insight of child
based on individual readiness factors. physical abuse and mental
Educators, especially in pre-school must be careful
in giving physical activities to the children because their
bones are still developing as well as their muscles.
Teachers should give children physical activities that

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Directions: Answer the following questions. Directions: Assess your personal growth and
development. What are the things that you have
1. Describe maturity. encountered during your life stages? How are they differ
from other’s development? Write a personal essay telling
2. Give specific changes in growth and development your personal growth and development.
for every life stages.

3. What are factors that affect human growth and


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THE LEARNING PROCESS 3. Goal-setting. This is the stage where the desired
changes in attitudes, knowledge, skills, and
Learning constitutes the central theme of behaviors are explicitly stated.
educational psychology in understanding how learners
learn and the condition under which they learn best is the 4. New Behavior. This is the phase where in the
major contribution which psychology makes to an individual learns, adapts, and practices the newer
educational practice. knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors which
Learning is an integrated, directed, systematic, are earnestly desired.
purposive, and ongoing process that occurs in the
individual that enables him to meet specific objectives, 5. Refreezing. This is the phase of the learning
fulfill his interests, and satisfy his needs, and cope with the process where novel learnings have found to be
various problems that confront him. relevant and to be beneficial and assimilated into
the learner’s ongoing frame work of knowledge,
Conceptually, as viewed by educators the process attitudes, skill, and behavior.
of learning involves five well-phased phases:
Factors that may Affect the Learning Process
1. Unfreezing. This is the stage where the individual
becomes motivated and ready to consider changes
A. Intellectual factor. The term refers to the
in attitudes, behaviors, knowledge, and skills.
individual mental level. Success in school is
generally closely related to level of the intellect.
2. Problem Diagnosis. This is the stage of determining
and examining the forces supporting the need for
B. Learning factors. Factors owing to lack of
mastery of what has been taught, faulty
methods of work or study, and narrowness of
experimental background may affect the
learning process of any pupil. Similarly, because

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of faulty instruction, the pupil may have learned kinds of stimuli are determined by a wide variety
inefficient methods of study. of tendencies.

C. Physical Factors. Under this group are F. Teacher’s Personality. An individual’s

included such factors as health, physical personality is a composite of his physical
development, nutrition, visual and physical appearance, his mental capacity, his emotional
defects, and glandular abnormality. It is behavior, and his attitudes towards others.
generally recognized that ill health retards Effective teaching and learning are the results of
physical and motor development, and an integrated personality of the teacher.
malnutrition interferes with learning and physical
growth. G. Environmental Factor. Physical conditions
needed for learning is under environmental
D. Mental Factors. The efficiency of the work from factor. One of the factors that affect the
day to day and the rapidity with which it is efficiency of learning is the condition in which
achieved are influenced by the attitude of the learning takes place. This includes the
learner. A favorable mental attitude facilitates classrooms, textbooks, equipment, school
learning. The factor of interest is very closely supplies, and other instructional materials.
related in nature to that of symbolic drive and

E. Emotional and social factors. Personal

factors, such as instincts and emotions, and
social factors, such as cooperation and rivalry,
are directly related to a complex psychology of
motivation. It is a recognized fact that the
various responses of the individual to various

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Directions: Answer the following questions. Directions: Each individual learns as his/he own phase.
Some learn faster and some require time to digest what he
1. What is learning based on your personal wishes to learn. Describe your learning process. Include
experience? the factors that affect your learning process as well as the
factors that motivate you the most. Write a personal essay
2. Give specific life instances in which the phases of about this.
learning are observed.

3. Explain the importance of self-motivation in the

learning process.

4. Which of the factors that affect the learning process

has the biggest impact to learners? Why?

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THEORIES OF LEARNING b. Edward Lee Thorndike

Experimentalism. This is an educational
Learning is defined as modification of behavior doctrine or practice of relying on
through experience. It is also defined as the acquisition of experimentation using empirical data that
behavior pattern. It is the modification and coordination of are valid and reliable to establish the truth.
the responses of organism. Learning is essentially an
active process. The learning is an enrichment of Experimentalism as a philosophy had to wait
experience. In learning, there is an interaction of the for the emergence of modern science and
environment with the organism. technology to have its full development.
A. Association Theories
a. William James c. Ivan P. Pavlov
Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning theory
Pragmatism. This is a philosophical asserts that an individual learns when
movement or system having various forms, previously neural stimulus is paired with an
but generally stressing practical unconditioned stimulus until the neural
consequences as constituting the essential stimulus evokes a conditioned response.
criterion in determining meaning, truth and
values. d. Burrhus F. Skinner
Operant Conditioning Theory. An
William James believed that individual learns the desired responses
this philosophy is a method of solving because he is rewarded for doing and learns
or evaluating intellectual educational to avoid responses because he punished for
problems about the kind of knowledge doing.
one is capable of acquiring.

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The fundamental concepts in operant 4. Shaping. This is teaching of new skills or

conditioning are: behavior by motivating and reinforcing
learner to help him reach goals.
1. Operant conditioning. This refers to using
pleasant or unpleasant consequences to 5. Extinction. This is the act or condition of
control the behavior. eliminating or decreasing a behavior by
withdrawing the reinforcement.
2. Reinforcers. These refer to
consequences that strengthen a 6. Cue. This is the signal as to what
behavior. The reinforcers are primary behavior will be reinforced.
reinforcers which are related to basic
needs; secondary reinforcer, the value 7. Discrimination. This is the act in
of something is acquired when response to stimuli.
associated with primary reinforcer;
positive reinforcer is the consequence 8. Generalization. This is the act or process
given to strengthen behavior, negative by generalizing behaviors learned under
reinforcer is the release from an one set of conditions can be carried over
unpleasant situation or condition to another conditions or situations.
strengthen behavior; intrinsic, pleasure
is inherent in the activity; extrinsic,
praises or rewards given to motivate B. Social Learning Theory
individuals to engage in behavior. Learning takes place through observation
and sensorial experiences.
3. Punishment. Any unpleasant
consequences to weaken behavior. A Learning from models:
consequence that a person avoids is 1. Attend to pertinent clues.
aversion stimulus.

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2. Code of memory (store a visual image).

3. Retain in memory. C. Cognitive Theory
4. Accurately reproduce the observed a. Max Wertheimer
activity. Gestalt Theory. This theory of learning
emphasizes use of instinct as basic
5. Possess sufficient motivation to apply principle and is opposed to trial and error.
new learning. Learning in terms of modification of
behavior that takes place in meaningful
Four interrelated processes establish and patterns and the Gestalt stresses
strengthen identification with the model: configuration.

1. Children want to be like the model. Learning is based on:

2. Children believe they are like the model. 1. Experience

3. Children experience emotions like those 2. Intelligence

the model is feeling. 3. Learning situation – situation and the

4. Children act like the model. availability of the options are relevant

Through identification, children come to 4. Initial efforts of the organism in form

believe they have the same characteristics of trial and error is relevant
as the model. 5. Repetition and generalization
When they identify with a nurturing and
competent model, children feel pleases and b. Jerome Bruner
proud. Stages of Cognitive Development

When they identify with an inadequate 1. Enactive stage (birth to 3 years).

model, children feel unhappy and insecure. Learn through movement or action.

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2. Iconic stage (3 to 8 years). Lean 2. Teachers should select learning

through images or icons activities according to the stage of
development of student.
3. Symbolic stage (from 8 years).
Learn through abstract symbols.

Educational Implications of Bruner’s


1. Spiral Curriculum

3. Education begins with motor


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Directions: Answer the following questions


1. What is learning? why is learning considered the

most universal and important occupation of man?

2. Explain Pavlov classical conditioning theory. What

are some applications of classical conditioning to
classroom teaching?

3. What is operant conditioning? Substantiate your


4. Explain the meaning of social learning theory and

enumerate its characteristics.

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Environmental Development Benefits
• Contributing to improving the neighborhood’s
appearance as well as residents’ lives

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, you • Providing economic and social stimulus by boosting
must be able to: the quality of life in the neighborhood and
surrounding area
7. Examine various environment and social concerns;
8. Develop awareness for these concerns; • Helping to maintain and even enhance property
9. Provide possible recreational activities which may value
be helpful despite today’s crisis.
• Attracting discerning new residents to the area



Environmental development is the direct result of

investment in infrastructure, scenic surroundings, green
areas, and public spaces. The planning of green areas
considers water conservation issues, as well as how best
to adapt vegetation to the local climate, while all new
facilities are constructed in line with the specific needs of
the local community.

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Entrepreneurs are those persons (business owners) who

seek to generate value, through the creation or expansion
of economic activity, by identifying and exploiting new
products, processes, or markets.

Entrepreneurial activity is the enterprising human action

in pursuit of the generation of value, through the creation
or expansion of economic activity, by identifying and
exploiting new products, processes, or markets. A. Retailing. This store is put up to enable customers
to buy merchandise on a per piece basis.
Entrepreneurship is the phenomenon associated with
Customers usually pay in cash for goods bought for
entrepreneurial activity.
their personal consumption.
Types of Entrepreneurial Activities

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C. Manufacturing. This is the creation of goods from

B. Wholesaling. This type of business sells raw materials, or the assembly of parts to produce
merchandise in bulk to customers whose purpose a finished product. Generally, manufacturers sell
is reselling them. their goods to wholesalers, who in turn pass on to

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Common examples of service business are the


Information Technology – offering technology

platforms, software application and systems
Education and Training Services – schools,
tutorial, training centers
Consulting services – offering your knowledge
and work output
Transportation Services – airlines, grab, car
Events and Catering Services
D. Service. It is any business that requires work to be
done, with or without the use of tools or equipment, Entertainment – movies, video games and
whether skilled or unskilled. other entertainment

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Media – content such as social media, radio

broadcast, television, and newspapers
Financial Services – banking, insurance, and
investment services
Professional Services – services of
professionals such as lawyers, architects,
engineers, doctors
Logistics – delivery services such as
Lalamove, LBC courier, Ninja van, JRS
Hospitality Services – hotels, restaurants, The Philippines has made significant investments
and advances in health in recent years.
tourist attractions, and amusement parks
Culture Experiences – museums, Rapid economic growth and strong country
performance art capacity have contributed to Filipinos living longer
and healthier.
Medical Services – hospitals, clinics,
laboratory However, not all the benefits of this growth have
Wellness, Beauty and Fitness – gym, spa, reached the most vulnerable groups, and the health
system remains fragmented.
Sports – golf club, badminton club Health insurance now covers 92% of the

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Maternal and child health services have improved, Health Policies and Systems
with more children living beyond infancy, a higher ▪ The Government’s vision for the Philippines
number of women delivering at health facilities and has been translated by the Department of
more births being attended by professional service Health into the Philippine Health Agenda
providers than ever before. 2016–2022.

Access to and provision of preventive, diagnostic ▪ Under the motto All for Health Towards
and treatment services for communicable diseases Health for All, universal health coverage is
have improved, while there are several initiatives to the platform for health and development in
reduce illness and death due to noncommunicable the Philippines –driven by action within and
diseases (NCDs). outside the health sector.
Despite substantial progress in improving the lives ▪ Reducing health inequities is singled out as
and health of people in the Philippines, the most important result of three health
achievements have not been uniform, and guarantees: 1) ensuring financial protection
challenges remain. for the poorest people; 2) improving health
outcomes with no disparities; and 3) building
Deep inequities persist between regions, rich and health service delivery networks for more
the poor, and different population groups. responsiveness.

Many Filipinos continue to die or suffer from Top 10 Facts on Healthcare in the Philippines
illnesses that have well-proven, cost-effective 1. The WHO refers to the Filipino Healthcare System
interventions, such tuberculosis, HIV and dengue, as “fragmented.” There is a history of unfair and
or diseases affecting mothers and children. unequal access to health services that significantly
affects the poor. The government spends little
Many people lack sufficient knowledge to make money on the program which causes high out of
informed decisions about their own health. pocket spending and further widens the gap
between rich and poor.
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2. Out of the 90 million people living in the Philippines, facilities have fewer medical staff and inferior
many do not get access to basic care. The country supplies.
has a high maternal and newborn mortality rate,
and a high fertility rate. This creates problems for 7. Only 30 percent of health professionals employed
those who have especially limited access to this by the government address the health needs of the
basic care or for those living in generally poor health majority. Healthcare in the Philippines suffers
conditions. because the remaining 70 percent of health
professionals work in the more expensive privately
3. Many Filipinos face diseases such as Tuberculosis, run sectors.
Dengue, Malaria and HIV/AIDS. These diseases
pair with protein-energy malnutrition 8. To compensate for the inequality, a program called
and micronutrient deficiencies that are becoming Doctors to the Barrios and its private sectors
increasingly common. decided to build nine cancer centers, eight heart
centers and seven transplant centers in regional
4. The population is affected by a high prevalence of medical centers.
obesity along with heart disease.
9. The Doctors to the Barrios included Public-Private
5. Healthcare in the Philippines suffers from a Partnerships in a plan to modernize the
shortage of human medical resources, especially government-owned hospitals and provide more up
doctors. This makes the system run slower and less to date medical supplies.
10. More than 3,500 public health facilities were
6. Filipino families who can afford private health updated across the country.
facilities usually choose these as their primary
option. Private facilities provide a better quality of
care than the public facilities that lower income
families usually go to. The public facilities tend to
be in rural areas that are more run down. These

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RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES b. Participant Type. People do not gain enjoyment

merely by watching; they do so by joining the
➢ Held during special occasions activity.
➢ Revitalize all the different aspects of life (physical,
mental, social, emotional)
➢ All activities are held for everybody’s enjoyment


➢ Relaxing the mind and the body

➢ It is important to engage in an activity that relieves
a day-to-day tension
➢ Universal need of man

Classification of Recreational Activities

a. Spectator Type. People spend their time watching

the event and derive enjoyment from it.

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Types of Recreation

a) Active type. People have to function effectively in

performing the action.

b) Passive type. People have no excessive

movement in performing the task or action.

Public Type. Involves the general public.

Private Type. Confined to people working in private


Commercial Type. Endorsing product which are open to

Physical Activity. People exerts efforts and bodily
functions in performing the action.

Mental Activity. The mind is doing the functions with less

body movement.

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Importance of Recreational Activities SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN THE COMMUNITY

It helps manage stress, boosts physical activity, Social Problem (also called a social issue or social ill)
and ultimately contributes towards improving the
overall quality of life. This refers to an issue that influences and is
opposed by a considerable number of individuals within a
Recreation has an array of advantages and effects society.
on an individual’s life in a variety of ways. Following 1. Juvenile Delinquency
is the detailed insight on its importance:
Juvenile. Deals with children below 21 years old
• Physical Health. This helps increase the who violates laws or who fail to do what the law
overall cardiovascular system as well as requires.
muscular strength.
Delinquent. Refers to one who committed an
• Mental Stability. Engagement in physical offense against an individual and is punishable
activity helps teens manage stress and under our criminal justice system.
anxiety in an extremely efficient way.

• Better Life Satisfaction. Recreation acts as

a tool that helps an individual improve their
personality, improve their physical stature,
reduces tension and anxiety, while
contributes to better creative expansion.

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Juvenile Delinquency is an anti-social, a menace 2. Drug Addiction. It is the state of periodic/chronic

to the people’s welfare, different from what is normal intoxication detrimental to the individual and
action, and which serve as outlet of an instinctive urge. society. It is produced by repeated intake of habit-
This is usually performed by teenagers. forming drugs.

Types of Delinquents Precipitating Factors

a. Environmental delinquents – occasional ➢ Curiosity and natural tendency to experiment
lawbreaker with drugs
➢ Disturbed domestic environment
b. Emotional maladjusted delinquents – chronic
lawbreaker ➢ Escape from tensions and frustrations
➢ Ignorance about ill effects of drugs
c. Psychiatric delinquents – serious emotional
disturbances in the family

Contributory causes

➢ Industrialization
➢ Frustration
➢ Emotional deprivation
➢ Emotional deprivation
➢ Gangs or “barkada” of the wrong kind
➢ Broken homes
➢ Rejection

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3. Sex Problems 4. Poverty. It is the state or condition of having no

money to buy goods and to provide services to
satisfy one’s basic needs.

Causes of Poverty
➢ Neocolonial
➢ Graft and corruption
➢ Population explosion
➢ Typhoons, fires, earthquakes, floods
➢ Unemployment
➢ Government and politics

Causes of Sex Problems

➢ Influence of media where extra marital

relations and live-in arrangements of movie
folks are publicized
➢ Invention of contraceptives lessens
➢ Poverty is the main cause of prostitution
➢ Breaking down of family discipline

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5. Prostitution and Sexually Transmitted 6. Mail-Order Brides. This refers to a woman who
Diseases. lists herself in catalogs (online or otherwise) and is
selected by a man for marriage.

Causes of Prostitution
➢ Poverty
➢ Changes in environment
➢ Breakdown of inter-family relations
➢ Lack of affection ➢ Mail-order brides usually come from poor families
and they think they will have a better life abroad.
➢ Illegitimacy
➢ Easy access to health and wealth Result

➢ May be incompatible.

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7. Employment Abroad. 8. Lack of Peace and Order

• The lack of jobs in the Philippines has
encouraged many to seek greener pastures,
even at the sacrifice of being separated from
their families.

• Low salary in the Philippines

• Philippines suffers brain drain.
• Nurses go to US and Middle East and are
sometimes exploited by their employers.
• Teachers accept domestic jobs, which is far
below their profession.
• Laborers go to Middle East where often do
not get the wage that was promised to them.
• The communists, who are getting help from
• Entertainers go to Japan and are sometimes
abroad, want to control the country.
forced into prostitution by illegal recruiters.
• The rising cost of living, lack of jobs, and
• Ambition and desire for power

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• Lack of strong knowledgeable leadership 9. Health Care – CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)

has led many to be disappointed and to lose COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused
confidence in the government by the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which is a
respiratory pathogen. WHO first learned of this new
• Lack of unity among Filipino people virus from cases in Wuhan, People’s Republic of
China on 31 December 2019.
The most common symptoms of COVID-19
• Many Filipinos want to leave the Philippines are:
and settle in other countries.
• Many political leaders have their own private ✓ Fever
✓ Dry cough
✓ Fatigue
• Some people take the law into their own
hands People aged 60 and over, and those with
underlying medical problems like high blood
• Some join the communists on the excuse
pressure, heart and lung problems, diabetes,
that they do not care where their rice come obesity or cancer, are at higher risk of developing
from as long as they get it. serious illness.

• Graft and corruption exist even among

However, anyone can get sick with COVID-19
people. and become seriously ill or die at any age.

The time from exposure to COVID-19 to the

moment when symptoms begin is, on average, 5-6
days and can range from 1-14 days. This is why
people who have been exposed to the virus are
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advised to stay home, apart from others, for 14 COVID-19 Pandemic in the Philippines
days, in order to prevent the spread of the virus,
especially where testing is not easily available. The COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines is
part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus
Many potential vaccines for COVID-19 are disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute
being studied, and several large clinical trials may respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-
report results later this year. If a vaccine is proven 2). The first case in the Philippines was identified
safe and effective, it must be approved by national on January 30, 2020 and involved a 38-year-old
regulators, manufactured, and distributed. WHO is Chinese woman who was confined at San Lazaro
working with partners around the world to help Hospital in Metro Manila. On February 1, a
coordinate key steps in this process. WHO is posthumous test result from a 44-year-old Chinese
working through the ACT-Accelerator to facilitate man turned out positive for the virus, making the
equitable access to a safe and effective vaccine for Philippines the first country outside China to record
the billions of people who will need it, once it is a confirmed death from the disease.
After over a month without recording any cases,
WHO does not recommend self-medication with the Philippines confirmed its first local transmission
any medicines, including antibiotics, as a on March 7. Since then, the virus has spread with
prevention or cure for COVID-19. WHO is at least one case being recorded in the country's 81
coordinating efforts to develop treatments for provinces. Socio-economic status has been
COVID-19 and will continue to provide new associated with the prevalence of COVID-19 cases
information as it becomes available. across the country. Lockdowns, or community
quarantines, have been imposed throughout the
Source: country since March 15 as a measure to limit the spread of the virus.
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As of October 16, there have been 351,750 STUDY GUIDE

confirmed cases of the disease in the country. Out
of these cases, 294,865 recoveries and 6,531 Directions: Explain the following.
deaths were recorded. It has the 2nd highest 1. What benefits can we get when there is
number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Southeast environmental development in our community?
Asia (after Indonesia), and ranks 7th in Asia and 2. Compare and contrast the different types of
20th in the world. The largest single-day increase in entrepreneurial activities. Put your comparison in a
the number of confirmed cases was reported on table. Give 3 examples for each.
August 10, when the Department of Health (DOH) 3. What are the issues faced by our heath care
announced 6,958 new cases. department? What actions do they take to face
these issues?
The Philippines had a slightly lower testing 4. What benefits can we get from recreational
capacity than its neighbors in Southeast Asia during activities?
the first months of the pandemic in the country. The 5. Looking at the social issues in our community, what
Philippines had a slightly lower testing capacity do you think they common denominator? Why do
than its neighbors in Southeast Asia during the first you say so?
months of the pandemic in the country. The 6. How does COVID-19 pandemic affect the life of
Philippines had a slightly lower testing capacity every Filipino?
than its neighbors in Southeast Asia during the first
months of the pandemic in the country. The
Philippines had a slightly lower testing capacity
than its neighbors in Southeast Asia during the first
months of the pandemic in the country.


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