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Darek Ceglarek1 , Giovanni Moroni2 , and Stefano Petrò2

Digital Laboratory, WMG
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Politecnico di Milano
Via La Masa 1, 20156, Milan, Italy

INTRODUCTION correct economic point of view.

Conformance testing is based on measurements
performed on pre-selected Key Product Charac- This work proposes a methodology optimizing
teristics (KPC), and is a key to ensure product the sampling strategy when estimating geomet-
functionality. However, conformance tests are ric error by using CMM gages. The method is
expensive: the overall “uncertainty cost” comes based on a cost function depending on the sam-
from cost for performing measurement (measure- pling strategy, so the sampling strategy will be the
ment cost), and cost due to inspection errors (er- best trade-off between measurement cost and er-
ror cost). Unfortunately, measurement cost in- ror cost. An uncertainty evaluation similar to the
crease as uncertainty decreases, while inspec- one in ISO/TS 15530-3 standard is implicit in the
tion errors reduce as uncertainty reduces. methodology. A discussion will be proposed on
the impact of lack of tracing ability of CMM gages
A commonly adopted measurement system for [5]. An industrial case study will be proposed in-
geometric error evaluation is a “Coordinate Mea- volving parallelism between planes.
suring Machine” (CMM). Wilhelm et al. have iden-
tified [1] several sources of CMMs measurement PROPOSED METHODOLOGY
uncertainty. In particular the sampling strategy The proposed methodology is based on re-
can significantly affect measurement uncertainty. peated measurements of few calibrated work-
In fact, in geometric tolerance verification only pieces. The sampling strategy for these measure-
those zones of the surface which deviate the most ments should be as dense as possible, and uni-
from the design nominal geometry affect the ge- formly spaced, regardless of the considered ge-
ometric error. It has also been observed that ometric tolerance. From these dense samplings
anomalous zones of the part profile/surface tend a pre-selected subset of points is selected, and
to be the same throughout a stable production. It then a suitable costs function is used to evaluate
may therefore be stated that the part presents a this strategy. By varying the subset of measure-
“manufacturing process error signature” (MPES), ment points, the subset which minimizes the cost
that is geometric error behavior is similar in every function is determined. By applying the method-
part. ology to more than one calibrated workpiece, the
sampling strategy will tend to concentrate sam-
pling points exactly in those areas which are
Ceglarek and his team [2] developed methods to
anomalous (deviate the most from design nomi-
model part variation patterns of pre-assembled
nal geometry) throughout the whole production.
components to compensate dimensional variabil-
ity caused by upstream manufacturing processes.
The basic structure of the function to evaluate un-
In recent years several studies have suggested
certainty costs CI for a single workpiece can be
that the interaction between sampling strategy
written as
and manufacturing process error signature can
CI = CM + CE (1)
be analyzed in order to generate very effective
sampling strategies (e.g. Summerhayes et al. where CM is “measurement cost”, namely, the
[3], or Colosimo et al. [4]). However, these ap- cost of performing a single measurement task,
proaches are currently limited to form error ver- and CE is the “errors cost”, that is the cost gener-
ification. Moreover, the criteria proposed lack a ated by inspection error. The proposed methods
increases, a higher number of parts will be re-
jected, even if they should be accepted (Figure
1). CE may then be evaluated as

CE = cw P (U SL − U < x 6 U SL) (3)

where cW is the cost of type I error,

P (U SL − U < x 6 U SL) can be regarded
as the probability that the real geometric error
falls between U SL − U and U SL, so we cannot
state conformance for the part, but the part is
FIGURE 1. Rejected fraction of conforming pro- conforming. Therefore, this probability repre-
duced parts in presence of an U SL. sents the average fraction of conforming parts
declared non conforming. Usually, only an upper
is applicable in cases where CE is large enough bound exists for a geometric tolerance, so Eq.
to significantly affect the probability of type I and (3)considers only an upper bound. However if
type II measurement errors. both upper and lower bound exist, Eq. (3) can be
easily modified.
Evaluation of CM
This expression of error cost neglects parts which
For a CMM, the cost related to the sampling strat-
are considered conforming even if they do non
egy depends essentially on time involved in taking
conform, which come with a cost, of course.
measurements. Neglecting fixed times for system
In fact, the probability that this happens if ISO
set-up, measurement time depends on the sam-
14253-1 rule is followed is very low.
ple size, so it is possible to express CM as
Uncertainty evaluation
CM = cM t ≃ cM tp n = cp n (2)
The ISO/TS 15530-3 technical specification pro-
where cM is the CMM hourly cost, t is the time re- poses a procedure to evaluate measurement un-
quired to perform the measurement task, tp is the certainty which is based on raw data obtained
time for sampling a single point, n is the sample from repeated measurements of a calibrated ar-
size, and then cp can be interpreted as “cost for tifact. From raw data, some terms are estimated,
sampling a single point”. such as: ucal (uncertainty contribution due to cal-
ibration uncertainty), up (uncertainty contribution
Evaluation of CE due to measurement procedure), uW (uncertainty
The evaluation of CE , depending on the approach contribution due to variability of the manufacturing
chosen by the manufacturer to deal with mea- process), and b (measurement bias). The term
surement errors, is quite subjective. In this work, U (expanded uncertainty, see GUM and VIM) is
a simple approach is proposed based on the frac- evaluated as

tion of parts rejected even if conforming.
U = k u2cal + u2p + u2W + |b| (4)
Suppose a single sided specification limit SL has
been defined for some KPC of a workpiece, as where k is the expansion factor. To evaluate the
depicted in Figure 1. Suppose only an Upper influence of the manufacturing signature on the
Specification Limit (U SL) exist, as usual in geo- uncertainty, more than a calibrated part as to be
metric tolerances. This means that a part is non adopted. However formulas in ISO/TS 15530-3
conforming if the real value of the KPC x > U SL. are not suitable for this. Therefore, a modification
Suppose now that conformance to a tolerance of the standard is proposed, so that more than
has to be proved, and the ISO 14253-1 standard one calibrated artifact may be used. In particular,
approach for stating conformance is followed: this the b term (the average bias) should be evaluated
standard suggests that a part should be stated as
∑m ∑ rm
non conforming if y > U SL − U , where y is the (yi,j − xcal,j )
j=1 i=1
measurement result, and U is the expanded un- b= (5)
certainty. Moreover, suppose that x, behaves mrm
according to some statistical distribution (e.g. a In Eq. (5) m is the number of calibrated artifacts
Gaussian distribution). Therefore, if uncertainty adopted, rm is the measurement repetitions num-
ber for each artifact, yi,j is the measurement re-
sult (estimated geometric error) of the ith mea-
surement repetition of the j th artifact, and xcal,j is
the reference value for the j th artifact (calibrated
geometric error). It is supposed that each cali-
brated workpiece is measured the same number
of times; to be as similar to ISO 15330-3 standard
as possible, it is suggested rm ≥ 10. Then, to es-
timate up , a pooled standard deviation could be
√ r

m ∑
(yi,j −ȳj )2
j=1 i=1 ∑
yi,j (6)
up = m(rm −1) ȳj = rm

Substituting Eq. (5) and (6) in Eq. (4) an eval- FIGURE 2. Case study MPES (average on ten
uation of U which takes into account more than toleranced planes).
one calibrated artifact, and then the interaction
between the sampling strategy and the MPES, is parallelism tolerance was defined. The manufac-
obtained. turing cost was evaluated in 40 , that is taken as
cW . Then tolerances and datum features were
Strategy optimization
sampled by means of a CMM, on a uniformly
Having identified a methodology to evaluate un-
spaced sampling strategy, with a point density of
certainty based on raw data, the next step is
1 point/mm2 ; a total of 3720 points were sam-
choosing a sampling strategy that minimizes the
pled on each part (1395 on the datum feature,
uncertainty cost. The solution of the problem is
and 2325 on the toleranced feature). Measure-
not straightforward. Suppose that rm dense mea-
ment was repeated ten times for each part. Fi-
surements of m calibrated parts have been ob-
nally, every part was calibrated with a standard
tained, and that the sampling strategy is the same
calibration uncertainty ucal = 0.001 mm. From
for every measurement. To solve the minimiza-
calibrated parallelism errors, it was ascertained
tion problem, the sampling points corresponding
that parallelism for these part was distributed ac-
to any sampling strategy may be extracted from
cording to a N (0.0402, 0.019) Gaussian statistical
these clouds of points. The extracted subsets of
distribution (mean and standard uncertainty ex-
points can be introduced in the measurement un-
pressed in [mm]). The average surface of the ten
certainty estimation procedure. If the sampling
toleranced surfaces is plotted in Figure 2: it is ap-
pattern is effective, i.e., it is able to detect re-
parent that the surface presents a sawtooth pro-
gions of the feature that deviate the most, then
file and a trend along the y axis.
uncertainty will be low. The identification of an
optimal pattern can be seen as an optimization
Finally, a simulated annealing algorithm was ap-
problem where at most any different alternative
plied in order to select an optimal sampling strat-
pattern is compared. However, due to the com-
egy. Please note a parallelism is being consid-
binatorial nature of the problem, it is not possible
ered, so sample size sums both the points sam-
to consider any strategy. Therefore, genetic algo-
pled on the toleranced feature and the corre-
rithms or simulated annealing algorithms should
sponding datum, and, throughout the optimiza-
be adopted for optimal strategy definition, given
tion process, sampling points are left free to “mi-
the discrete nature of the problem.
grate” from datum to toleranced feature and vice
Finally, even if the optimization of the strategy is versa. Optimal strategy was compared to a stan-
based on the presence of a MPES, explicit knowl- dard Hammersley strategy. Figure 3 shows the
edge of the signature is not required for the opti- behavior of expanded uncertainty (k = 2, uW = 0)
mization itself. as the sample size varies. As expected, as the
sample size increases uncertainty reduces; it is
CASE STUDY apparent that the proposed strategy greatly out-
As a case study, the parallelism defined in point performs Hammersley strategy. Therefore, the
(e) of Table 3 in the ISO 10791-7 standard is con- proposed strategy should be useful even if the
sidered. Ten parts were milled and a 0.045 mm systematic error b term is compensated. Finally,
8 ity to measure exactly a particular point on a sur-
Hammersley strategy
Expanded Uncertainty [µm] 7 Propsed strategy face. In fact, Figures 3-4 show that a shift in the
Lack of Tracing Ability
same direction of all sampling points equal to 1
5 mm is sufficient to greatly reduce performance of
4 the proposed strategy. Therefore, if adopting a
3 signature optimized sampling strategy, great care
2 should be taken to ensure that parts are correctly
1 traced.
0 50 100 150
Sample size
200 250
In this paper a methodology has been proposed
FIGURE 3. Measurement expanded uncertainty to be able to plan sampling strategies for inspect-
as the sample size increases. ing geometric tolerances. The generated strat-
egy optimizes uncertainty cost. Uncertainty cost
is mainly linked to the number of sampling points
Hammersley strategy taken, and the probability of errors. The opti-
Propsed strategy
Lack of Tracing Ability mization of the sampling points locations is based
Uncertainty cost []

on the presence of a “manufacturing signature”,
that is a systematic behavior of the real geomet-
ric feature. The proposed methodology suggests
the measurement of uncertainty evaluation which
takes into account the interaction between the
sampling strategy as well as manufacturing signa-
0 50 100 150 200 250
Sample size ture. Therefore, though the comparison of several
possible sampling strategies, the one character-
FIGURE 4. Uncertainty cost as the sample size ized by the optimal interaction may be selected.
Figure 4 shows the relationship between uncer- [1] Wilhelm RG, Hocken R, Schwenke H. Task
tainty cost and sample size. Non monotonic be- Specific Uncertainty in Coordinate Measure-
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so CE is large, then uncertainty quickly drops, ogy. 2001;50(2):553–563.
and then cost reduce. However, as the sample [2] Huang W, Ceglarek D. Mode-based de-
size increases uncertainty improvement does not composition of part form error by discrete-
compensate anymore for sample size increase, cosine-transform with implementation to as-
so CI tends to increase. Anyway, because of sembly and stamping system with compliant
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show lower cost. ogy. 2002;51(1):21–26.
Effect of the lack of tracing ability [3] Summerhays KD, Henke RP, Baldwin JM,
The ’lack of tracing ability’ means that instead of Cassou RM, Brown CW. Optimizing discrete
measuring the given sampling points on the fea- point sample patterns and measurement
ture, the CMM may actually measure the area data analysis on internal cylindrical surfaces
around them [5]. The lack of tracing ability may with systematic form deviations. Precision
be due to several factors including alignment er- Engineering. 2002;26(1):105 – 121.
rors, varying slope of the measured surface, and
[4] Colosimo BM, Moroni G, Petrò S. A toler-
dimensional variability of parts. This limitation
ance interval based criterion for optimizing
to the capabilities of coordinate measuring sys-
discrete point sampling strategies. Precision
tems generates an additional source of uncer-
Engineering. 2010;34(4):745 – 754.
tainty, which tends to inflate the measurement
procedure uncertainty. [5] Huang W, Kong Z, Ceglarek D, Brahmst E.
The analysis of feature-based measurement
This can be a real problem for signature based error in coordinate metrology. IIE Transac-
strategies. In fact, the ability of this kind of strate- tions. 2004;36(3):237–251.
gies to generate optimal results relies on its abil-

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