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Deepika Kandi

Mavidi Sri Harshitha

Yedupati Naveena
RBK Insights
The state government of Andhra Pradesh launched the Raithu Bharosa Kendras (RBKs) for the
farmers of A.P, through which the farmers are provided with incentives and opportunities for
farming activities. With the implementation of Raithu Bharasa kendras, the farmers will be able to
get assistance from the professionals who will be available at RBK. They will help the farmers get
the right solutions for their farming problems, which will further help them get higher profits for
their harvests.
● For every 3 villages, 1 RBK is available.
● The RBK is under Gram Sachivalam in some villages.
● Through this scheme, the farmer is going to receive Rs.13500/- annually which the state
government contributes Rs.7500/- and the central government contributes Rs.6000/-.
● The money is transferred in Rabi and Kharif seasons
● Mostly, crops such as paddy, jowar, maize, bajra, ragi, redgram, groundnut,
sunflower,soyabean, sesame and cotton are being bought by the RBKs from the farmers.
● Later, these RBKs sell these commodities to the mills and in the market.
● All the farmers need to register their crops in the online through RBK
● With the establishment of RBK, the government eliminated the role of middlemen in
selling their commodities.
● The farmers can get suggestions on the crop patterns and any doubts regarding that can be
clarified by the VAA.
● The library will consist of books related to agriculture where the farmers can come and
read the books, but they cannot take them.
● Every crop should be registered in the RBK.
● The farmers will get financial assistance when there is any natural disaster and the crop is

The services which RBK provides are:

1. Providing Quality Goods/Commodities
2. Soil Testing
3. Registering the crop online
4. Details regarding the crops
5. Weather Details
6. Providing Seeds and Fertilizers
7. Raithu Bharosa
8. Library
9. Monthly publications regarding raithu bharosa
10. Showing videos on crops
11. Giving training to farmers regarding organic farming
12. ICC call centre
13. Collecting Milk in the centre
14. Buying crops

Srikakulam :
1. Farmers will sell the crops with the help of village brokers to the RBK where the registration
will take place, and marketing and ranking of the crops will take place in Cooperative societies.
2. The government is providing 100kgs of Paddy to traders from farmers, and they have refine
68kgs of rice from it, and they sell to the gowdons.
3. The rice is sold to the FCI or gowdons as instructed by the government.
4. RBK is providing seeds, arranging meetings for giving suggestions of farming techniques and
also providing crop insurance.

1. The farmers are selling their crops in mandis and local markets with the help of commission
2. The main function of RBK is to provide seeds and fertilisers on subsidy loans, and there are no
selling and purchase activities in RBK
3. Only 20% of farmers are willing to sell their crops on online platforms

Vizianagaram [Gantyada]:
1. Farmers are dependent on RBK to purchase Seeds and fertilisers. Very few of them are using
RBK to sell their commodities.
2. Most of the traders buy the commodities directly from farmers.
3. They are willing to do business online.

West Godavari:
1. More than 50% of the people are dependent on RBK’s( for both purchase of seeds and to sell
the commodities)
2. Farmers are preferring RBKs to APMCs as they are far from their locations.
3. Only 30% of the people are willing to use online Apps for selling/ buying of their
commodities. ( They are educated)

1. The villagers have mentioned that the RBK functioning didn't start properly.
2. They are interested to sell their crops in the market yards directly because they can get the
cash immediately.
3. The RBK are just giving seeds, and fertilizers and they are giving advice on the crops.
4. Not willing to sell their crops in the online platforms because they are sceptical about the
quality and price

Nellore and Prakasam(Ongole):

1. The villagers are mostly willing to sell in mills because they are getting more price.
2. RBKs are providing all services, and the villagers are selling the paddy in the RBKs
3. The traders are willing to buy the commodities from the RBK

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