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SDW173: Strategic Revision Using Learning Outcomes

SDW173 Activities

At several points throughout the workshop, you will be invited to respond to practice questions online.
Responses are anonymous and may be viewed/discussed during the workshop.

1. On either your laptop or smartphone, go to the webpage

2. Enter the event code SDW173
3. Submit a response to the question
4. Keep the browser/tab with open, as new questions will appear periodically

Bloom’s Taxonomy Stages

Stage 1
Exhibit memory of previously-learned materials by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, and theories

Stage 2 Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organising, comparing, translating, interpreting,
Comprehension describing

Stage 3
Use acquired knowledge, techniques, and tools to solve problems within the subject domain

Stage 4 Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives and causes; make inferences and find
Analysis evidence to support generalisations using acquired knowledge, techniques, and tools

Stage 5 Put together acquired knowledge, techniques, and tools to create new solutions and approaches to
Synthesis tackling problems in all domains

Stage 6 Be able to make informed judgments and opinions on subject areas based on various arguments
Evaluation supported by acquiring knowledge

SDW173: Strategic Revision Using Learning Outcomes

Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6

Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

Classify Comment Apply Analyse Arrange Appraise

Cite Conclude Demonstrate Appraise Assemble Assess
Define Describe Develop Calculate Collect Choose
Identify Discuss Determine Categorise Compose Compare
List Explain Dramatise Compare Construct Conclude
Match Express Employ Compute Create Critique
Name Give Illustrate Contrast Design Estimate
Recall Interpret Indicate Criticise Draft Evaluate
Record Locate Interpret Debate Draw Judge
Relate Outline Operate Diagram Formulate Measure
Select Present Practice Differentiate Modify Predict
State Recognise Rearrange Discriminate Organise Rate
Write Report Schedule Distinguish Plan Revise
Respond Show Examine Prepare Score
Restate Sketch Experiment Propose Select
Review Solve Inspect Recommend Support
Summarise Use Inventory Set up Value
Translate Question

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