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Prospective exams questions (essay part)

Question 1
a) What is the importance of hydraulics knowledge for you as a civil engineer to be?
b) As a potential civil engineer, the Borno State Ministry of Water Resources Department
asked to design and construct a dam (hydraulic structure of course). How could you
apply the concept of hydraulic techniques for the design process?
Question 2
a) What is a catchment area of a river?
b) Integrate the phrase catchment area to solve flooding issue due to storm water. You
may wish to include a case study.
Question 3
a) Regarding the certainty of the presence of water molecule beneath the earth surface,
which property of fluid is exerted towards the fluid? Discuss briefly.
b) Explain why water molecules find their way to gather at a point in the sub-surface of
the ground to provide sufficient water after borehole and well construction.
Question 4
Discuss on “critical slope” and “critical depth” consideration in a design of a hydraulic

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