7 C of Communication (Detail Study) 7th

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7 C’s of Communication

Definition: The 7 C’s of Communication is a checklist that helps to improve the professional

communication skills and increases the chance that the message will be understood in exactly the
same way as it was intended.

To have effective communication, one should keep the following 7 C’s of communication in

1. Clear: The message should be clear and easily understandable to the

recipient. The purpose of the communication should be clear to sender then
only the receiver will be sure about it. The message should emphasize on a
single goal at a time and shall not cover several ideas in a single sentence.
2. Correct: The message should be correct, i.e. a correct language should be
used, and the sender must ensure that there is no grammatical and spelling
mistakes. Also, the message should be exact and well-timed. The correct
messages have a greater impact on the receiver and at the same time, the
morale of the sender increases with the accurate message.
3. Complete: The message should be complete, i.e. it must include all the
relevant information as required by the intended audience. The complete

information gives answers to all the questions of the receivers and helps in
better decision-making by the recipient.
4. Concrete: The communication should be concrete, which means the
message should be clear and particularly such that no room for
misinterpretation is left. All the facts and figures should be clearly mentioned
in a message so as to substantiate to whatever the sender is saying.
5. Concise: The message should be precise and to the point. The sender
should avoid the lengthy sentences and try to convey the subject matter in
the least possible words. The short and brief message is more
comprehensive and helps in retaining the receiver’s attention.
6. Consideration: The sender must take into consideration the receiver’s
opinions, knowledge, mindset, background, etc. in order to have an effective
communication. In order to communicate, the sender must relate to the
target recipient and be involved.
7. Courteous: It implies that the sender must take into consideration both the
feelings and viewpoints of the receiver such that the message is positive and
focused at the audience. The message should not be biased and must
include the terms that show respect for the recipient.

Note: This checklist applies to both the written and oral communication.

Seven Cs of Written Communication
Clarity of thought: It comes from a careful consideration of the objective, content and medium of

1. Clarity of Expression:
1.Use simple word, easy to understand words:
Avoid them Use them

Compensate Pay

Facilitate Help

Utilise Use

2.Use Single words for long phrases:

Long Phrases Single Words

At all times Always

For the purpose of For

Previous to Before

On account of Because

3. Use verbs for nouns (its brings about simplicity and clarity):
Using Nouns Using Verbs

(Difficult) (Simple)

Come to a conclusion Conclude

Make a decision Decide

Submit a proposal Propose

Take into consideration Consider

4. Avoid double entry

Double entry Simple

Actual fact Fact

End result Result

Period of one week One week

Previous experience Experience

5. Avoid ambiguity: If your message can mean more than one ambiguous. Faulty
punctuation causes the ambiguity.
Go. slow work in progress
Go slow. work in progress

6. Use short sentences: Use one sentence to express only one idea. If a sentence runs
beyond 30 words, it is better to break it up into two sentences.

2. Completeness
While answering a letter or in communication with other make it sure that you have answered
the all question.
Checking for the five w’s questions.

• Who
• What
• When
• Where
• Why

3. Conciseness
• Include only relevant facts
• Avoid repetition
• Organise your message well.

4. Consideration
• Adopt the you-attitude
We-attitude You-attitude
I want to express my Thank you for
Sincere thanks for your kind words.
• Avoid gender bias
Avoid Use
Chairman Chair person
Policeman Police
5. Courtesy
In business we must create friendliness with all those to whom we write. Friendliness is
inseparable from courtesy.
• Answer the letters promptly.
• Omit irritating expressions.
(You neglected, you irresponsible, you are unaware).
• Apologise sincerely for an omission/thank enormously for a favour.

6. Correctness
• Give correct facts.
• Send your message at the correct time.
• Send your message in the correct style.
7. Concreteness
• Always use specific fact and figures.
• Message should be definite and vivid.
• Avoid exaggeration.

Seven Cs of Oral Communication
According to Francis J. Bergin, a person engaged in oral communication must remember seven Cs. And
these are as follows:

1. Clear: An oral communication become effective when the message is clear for the audience or
receiver as the sender wants to convey. Oral messages are often misunderstood because the
speaker does not talk distinctly. So, for this purpose clear pronunciation is very much required.
To minimize this kind of problem a speaker tries to workout on different, lengthy and unusual
words for clear pronunciation.
2. Concise: Many people enjoy while talking and sometimes oral communication suffers from
the problem of over communication. But when the speaker keeps on talking for long, his/her
message will be distracted. So it will be advisable to speakers to try to keep the message as
brief as possible without changing the real message.
3. Complete: Like written communication in oral communication also, completeness required.
While communicating with other makes it sure that you have paid attention on below
questions. Checking for the five w’s questions.
• Who
• What
• When
• Where
• Why
4. Correct: In oral communication correctness means the source of information or from where
you get information is right or trustworthy source. Because if your source of information is
correct than the others generate faith on the speakers and listen them carefully.
5. Concrete: For making oral communication effectively speakers should use specific fact and
ideas and also avoid exaggerating of any information. They try to choose appropriate words
which are not affecting a particular individual, society, culture or nation.
6. Courtesy: Courtesy involves you-attitude. Use polite words for oral communication. Tries to
avoid irritating expression, sincerely apologies for any mistake, do not use any discriminatory
expressions which are related to individual people, race, ethics, origin, physical appearance
7. Candid: When the speaker chooses the candid approaches, its mean that their message
should be straight, open, frank, outspoken. But not hurting particular individual.

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