Exspress Opinion

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Name : Alfi Aryanto

NIM : 2001002
Mechanical Engineering

1. Some people say that the computer is the school textbook of tomorrow. In my
opinion, that is true because now many schools use computers as writing aids
because they are considered more practical.
2. Joining a sports club can improve the quality of your life. Obviously,the body
becomes healthier and the mind becomes fresher so that we live a more
productive life.
3. Cars are seriously polluting the air we breath. I strongly believe especially old
cars because the exhaust emissions are much higher and very dangerous if
inhaled by humans.
4. Sex education is the responsibility of parents. I think it's true that knowledge
about sex is very important and should be taught when they are teenagers because
if they have sexual problems they can solve it.
5. Drug dealers are destroying society by destroying its children. It is clear that
because the effects of drug use are detrimental to the mental and physical nature
of the user, the effects are either short term or long term.
hello friends, my name is Alfi Aryanto from class one of mechanical engineering,
here I will express my opinion on a statement
okeh let's just get started
1. we are not alone in the universe, yes I agree because in this world there are many
living things in it
2. Money can buy you happiness, I do not agree because the true happiness is
obtained by being grateful for God's blessings, not with money.
3. Mankind will eventually destroy the planet, I agree because there are still many
people who pollute the environment, and illegal forest destruction which results in the
slow destruction of the planet.
4. The death penalty is justifiable for some crime, I agree because in order to have a
true deterrent effect it makes it impossible for people to repeat the action because it is
convidered very dangerous for many people.
5. Some drugs should be legalized, I don't agree because drugs can damage the young
generation of a nation and can be used only for medical purposes.
6. Live was better Twenty years ago, I disagreed because thanks to the development
of technology nowadays it is easier for someone to do a job and save on productivity
costs incurred.
7.it is Better to take anything work than to be unemployment, I agree because we can
earn even a little and we can while looking for a better job when we have free time on
8. Social networking websites are waste of time, I disagree because our social
networks can get information quickly and easily
9. Living in a city is better than living in a rural area, I do not agree because if the
infrastructure is well managed in the village then it is much better in the village than
in the city
10. Women are not capable of perfoming military field as well as man, I don't agree
because if women are properly trained and educated, their abilities with men can be
the same or even exceed men's.
11. It is never acceptable for take another person’s lifes, whatever crime they have
committed, I agree because taking someone else's life is against the provisions of the
law and human rights
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