MIL Written Report

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The Evolution of Traditional to New Media

A Written Report Submitted To

The Faculty of the Senior High School Department

Jose V. Palma

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Grade 12 Media Information & Literacy


Guerrero, Louis Clark “Yuki”

Caguimbal, Jayvee

Seco, Harold Danielle

Teacher: Mr. Salvador A. Bonanciar III

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This study explored on how the evolution of media transpired during the different

era. It shows the progress in advancing the use of media from carving stones until the

use of smartphones and social media platforms. It's accurate that comparing the

gadgets used for media in different era is contrasting but they all have alike similar

purpose to aid people in more efficient communication.

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Table of Contents Page

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………….2

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………....3

Pre-Historic Media …………………………………………………………………………...4

Industrial Media ………………………………………………………………………………5

Electronic Media ……………………………………………………………………………..6

New Information Media ………..…………………………………………………………....7

Conclusion …………………,,,……………………………………………………………….8

Sources ……………………………………………………………………………………….9

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Pre-Historic Media

The period of time during which people were alive and active, starting with the

use of the first stone tools around 3.3 million years ago and ending with the

development of writing systems, the oldest of which emerged about 5300 years ago up

until 1699. It is also the technology that exists before written history.

Examples of Pre-Historic Media

1. Aurochs, Horses and Deer are cave paintings from the Lascaux caves (Montignac,

Dordogne, France)

2. The Magura Cave is located in the northwest of Bulgaria and contains a collection of

cave paintings, painted with bat excrement

3. The Cueva de las Manos which is located in Patagonia in the southern part of

Argentina shows a painting of hands

4. The Bhimbetka is a collection of rock shelters, located in central India

5. The Serra da Capivara is a national park in Brazil which has the largest and the

oldest concentration of prehistoric paintings in the America

6. The Laas Geel are cave formations on the rural outskirts of Hargeisa, Somaliland

7. The Tadrart Acacus is a mountain range, located in the Sahara Desert of Western

Libya in which shows a rock carving of a giraffe

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Industrial Media

The period of time which the usability of the information for members of society

improved by the use of various machines such as printers and digital tools. The power

of hand tools was replaced by the machineries on 1700 - 1930

Examples of Industrial Media

1. Typewriter - a machine with keys for producing alphabetical characters, numerals,

and typographical symbols

2. Commercial Motion Pictures - used to film cinema, movies that records strips of film

that creates illusion of continuous motion

3. Motion Pictures with Sounds - used to film cinema, movies that records strips of film

that creates illusion of continuous motion with

4. Telegraph – a device for communicating over a distance. It uses electricity to send

coded messages through wires. In the middle of the 1800s

5. Punch Cards - a stiff paper that can be used to contain digital data represented by

the presence or absence of holes.

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Electronic Media

The period of time where the long distance of communication became more

efficient because people harnessed the power of transistors that led to the transistors

radio, electric circuits and the early computers. It’s the era where you can communicate

instantly led to a nosy generation where everyone knows everyone’s business. This

phenomenon is called global village. 1930 – 1980

Examples of Electronic Media

1. Telephone - invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. Used to be a bridge in order

to communicate with one person from a distance.

2. Transistor radios - Became the most popular electronic communication device of the

1960s and 1970s and was the dominant electronic technology in the late 1950.

3. Electronic television - It was first successfully demonstrated in San Francisco on

Sept. 7, 1927. The system was designed by Philo Taylor Farnsworth, a 21-year-old

inventor who had lived in a house without electricity until he was 14.

4. Large electronic computers- In 1976, computer pioneers Steve Wozniak and Steve

Jobs began selling their Apple I computer in kit form to computer stores. By August of

that year, Wozniak started designing an improved version, the Apple II. Wozniak and

Jobs demonstrated a prototype in December, and then introduced it to the public in April


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New Information Media

The period of time which the internet paved the way for faster communication

and the creation of the social network. It was characterized as quick shift of traditional

established to an information technology primaried by an economy from 1990 – 2000.

Examples of New Information Media

1. Virtual reality - Means to create a simulation of a real-world experience that a person

can enter and leave at any time using technology.

2. Video chat - It is a great way to meet new people more efficiently way to establish the

contact with other person online than via camera talk.

3. Search engines (Google) – It is a search engine that gathers and organizes the

information and make it universally accessible and useful.

4. Smart phones – A handheld mobile computer for accessing and browsing the Web.

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Based on what the reporters have tackled on the presentation, we can conclude

that media and information has long been present ever since the beginning of human

communication. With the help of cave paintings, our ancestors have preserved their

mark in history by simply making artistic works on the walls of their habitat for future

humans to discover. We can also conclude that those means of communication are not

enough for us humans because as we continue to grow and develop, so must our ways

of thinking and communicating. This is why people in the industrial age develop tools by

utilizing steam powered machineries to help aid them in delivering their messages faster

and more efficient.

We continue to evolve and so do our means of communicating; this is why

people in the electronic age harnessed the power of transistors which lead to the

creation of electric circuits and the early computers. It is also the era where you can

communicate almost instantly thus gained the title of “The noisy generation”. And last,

but not the least, the current era of our communication lead to a breakthrough in

delivering messages thanks to the development of the internet which paved the way for

faster communication and the creation of the social network. As our intellect evolves

into a much higher wisdom, so must our means of doing things such as simply

delivering messages and chatting with our peers and colleagues.

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The Evolution of Traditional Media to New Media


Media evolution

The Evolution of Traditional Media to New Media

The Evolution of Traditional to New Media: Different Devices Through the Ages

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