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Name: __________________________________________ Year/Section: _________________

Multiple Choice
Instructions: Read each statement carefully and write the LETTER of your answer on the space provided.

_____1. It refers to the totality of what man has learned as a member of society. What is it?
A. Anthropology B. Culture C. Psychology D. Sociology

_____2. Which of these is the ability or right to control people or things?

A. Authority B. Politics C. Power D. Regime
_____3. Which defines as the combination or new use of existing knowledge to produce something that did not
exist before?
A. Acculturations B. Assimilations C. Diffusions D. Inventions
_____4. In the Philippines, premarital sex is morally _______. What should it be?
A. acceptable B. defined C. ignored D. unacceptable
_____5. Which of the following cultural symbols of Philippines represents nationalism?
A. Baybayin B. Mungul Jar C. Philippine Flag D. Sandata
_____6. What do you call an object, word, or action that stand for something else with no natural relationship
that is culturally defined?
A. belief B. culture C. practices D. symbols
_____7. What is the best-known symbol used to represent Islam?
A. Aum B. Cross C. Pratik D. Star and Crescent
_____8. What type of societies that grow crops with simple tools and raise livestock?
A. Industrial C. Hunting and gathering
B. Horticultural and pastoral D. Postindustrial
_____9. What do sociologists call a continuing process whereby individuals acquire personal identities and
learn the norms, values, behaviors, and social skills appropriate to his or her social position?
A. a mouth full B. culture C. socialization D. sociology

_____10. Who used the phrase looking-glass self to mean a self-image based on how we think others see us.
A. Charles Horton Cooley C. Jean Piaget
B. George Herbert Mead D. Sigmond Freud
_____11. Which represents the human being’s basic drives?
A. ego B. id C. superego D. none of these
_____12. People in a stadium watching a baseball game and people standing in line at the grocery checkout
are examples of?
A. aggregates B. categories C. cliques D. groups
_____13. A ________ is a collection of rights and duties that goes with a position in a group. What is it?
A. Achieved status C. Social role
B. Ascribed status D. Social status
_____14. The group that you are not a part of is called:
A. In-group B. informal group C. Out-group D. reference group
_____15. Which of these is also known as a psychological group?
A. Gemeinschaft B. Gesellschafts C. Pressure groups D. Reference group

_____16. It is the systematic study of politics which Andrew Heywood describes as the activity through which
people, make, preserve and amend the general rules under which they live. Which of the following best fit the
A. Political Science B. Politics C. Public Administration D. Sociology

_____17. Which of the following best describe how anthropologists primarily learn new information about
A. field work B. laboratory experiments C. reading travelers accounts D. none of the above
_____18. Which of these is the process that makes continuity of culture possible>
A. Education B. Genetics C. Inheritance D. Socialization
_____19. ________ warns us, quite rightly, about the danger of assuming that all of our practices are based on
some absolute rational standard. Which of these would complete the statement?
A. Cultural relativism B. Culture lag C. Ethnocentrism D. Xenocentrism
_____20. All human cultures evolve over time. Which of the following things is responsible for this?
A. culture is an adaptive mechanism C. culture is instinctive
B. culture is cumulative D. all of the above
_____21. It is the communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary symbols. What is it?
A. culture B. language C. symbols D. tools
_____22. This is the first setting of socialization and has the greatest impact on attitudes and behavior, what is
A. Family B. media C. peers D. school
_____23. What Piaget’s cognitive stage at which individuals understand the world using their 5 senses?
A. concrete operational stage C. preoperational stage
B. formal operational stage D. sensorimotor stage

_____24. A teenager who decides NOT to steal because she believes it is wrong even though no one is
looking would be guided by?
A. adult socialization C. internal socialization
B. external socialization D. secondary socialization
_____25. Five persons are playing the marble games. What type of groups are they?
A. A formal group B. A peer group C. A voluntary group D. An informal group

_____26. It is "an attempt to reduce to something like measurable terms the grade and degrees of
understanding and intimacy which characterizes personal and social relations generally" the measure of
nearness or intimacy that an individual or group feels towards another individual or group in a social network or
the level of trust one group has for another and the extent of perceived likeness of beliefs. Which of the
following was described above?
A. Functionalist Approach B. Social Differences C. Social Distance D. Stratification
_____27. This is man’s oldest doctrine that everything is alive and possesses mental faculties like those
possessed by man: desire, will, purpose, anger, love, and the like. What should it be?
A. Animism B. Atheism C. Christianity D. Islam
_____28. Cultural relativism wrongly claims that each culture has its own distinct but equally valid mode of
perception, thought, and _____________. What should it be?
A. choice B. feelings C. ideas D. lesson
_____29. Which of the following would a cultural relativist accept?
A. There are no moral truths at all.
B. Morality is determined by personal opinion.
C. Morality is determined by the guiding ideals of a society.
D. None of the above.
_____30. Which of the following would a cultural relativist not accept?
A. There are no objective moral standards.
B. Different societies have different moral codes.
C. Some societies have better moral codes than others.
D. Individuals can be mistaken about what is morally required of them.
_____31. What is an ideal observer?
A. A fair third party who negotiates disputes
B. Someone who comes to moral verdicts by using thought experiments
C. An improved version of oneself who is fully informed and perfectly rational
D. None of the above
_____32. Which of the following would be considered a Chinese cultural symbol?
A. The dragon B. The panda C. The yin and yang D. All answers are correct.
_____33. The following are example of cultural symbols except from _____. What should it be?
A. Attainment of power B. Child-rearing practices C. Culinary D. Housing
_____34. When does socialization begin?
A. at birth or shortly thereafter
B. on entering nursery school or kindergarten
C. when children reach puberty and are able to understand the reasons for society's rules
D. at the time when an individual is conceived or within the first few weeks following conception
_____35. "Man must be co-operative with others in order to survive". In what form is this co-operation best
reflected internationally? In the formation of:
A. Governments C. Social bloc countries
B. Groups and institutions D. The United Nations
_____36. According to sociologists, culture consists of the following. What are those?
A. values, education, beliefs, norms
B. values, customs, traditions, religion
C. values, beliefs, systems of language, communication
D. None of the above
_____37. What does cultural relativism imply about iconoclasts who oppose the conventional moral wisdom of
a society?
A. They are impossible.
B. They are always morally mistaken.
C. They are always a source of moral progress.
D. They can be morally correct but are often morally mistaken.
_____38. According to ethical subjectivism, what is the relationship between a thing being good and someone
approving of it?
A. Things are good only because people approve of them.
B. The only reason people approve of things is because those things are good.
C. Whether something is good is independent of whether anyone approves of it.
D. Good people approve of good things, whereas bad people approve of bad things.
_____39. Symbols contain the “face” or “hidden’ values in a certain society
A. True B. False C. Not certain D. The "Life" and "Truth"
_____40. Which of the following doesn't define symbol?
A. symbols contain the “promises” or “participations’ in a certain society;
B. symbols are also used to present traditions or beliefs of a certain group of people.
C. symbols have been utilized to create movements, spread ideas, and share advocacies.
D. Symbols are used to transfer culture, ideologies or beliefs from certain group to another group of people;
_____41. Which of the following is true of socialization?
A. All cultures use the same techniques to socialize their children.
B. Early childhood is the period of the most intense and the most crucial socialization.
C. Socialization continues until we became adults and stops because we have learned our culture by that time.
D. none of these
_____42. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Socialization is another word for acculturation.
B. Unlike other animals, human infants are born with a culture.
C. Human infants come into the world ready to learn a culture but are not born with one.
D. A and C
_____43. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Socialization plays no part in personality formation in individuals.
B. Successful socialization can result in uniformity within a society.
C. Large-scale complex societies that are not culturally homogenous usually have unanimous agreement
about what should be the shared norms.
D. B and C
_____44. It is widely accepted for sociologists to explain deviance, which is being caused by?
A. failure to define a subculture C. failure of social institutions
B. failure to internalize normal personality traits D. failure of socialization processes
_____45. An institution may be defined as?
A. The headquarters of an organization
C. A place where sick people are taken care of
B. A sports organization that is formally structured
D. A well-established social organization for meeting various human needs
_____46. Why is Culture Important to Society?
A. Culture reflects the inner workings of an individual society.
B. Society could not function without cultural norms that assist in governing behaviour and values, and culture
could not exist without societal influences to create it.
C. Culture is constructed by society. A person cannot understand one without the other because one shapes
the other, the way people interact with one another and perceive their environment is all part of culture.
D. All of the above
_____47. If cultural relativism is true, what happens when the moral code of a society changes?
A. Such changes always indicate moral progress.
B. Such changes never indicate moral progress.
C. Such changes only rarely indicate moral progress.
D. It is impossible for a society's moral code to change, according to cultural relativism.
_____48. If I say, “The death penalty is immoral,” what does this mean, according to ethical subjectivism?
A. I disapprove of the death penalty.
B. My society disapproves of the death penalty.
C. The death penalty is objectively morally wrong.
D. This claim is meaningless, according to ethical subjectivism.
_____49. As a result of Margaret Mead's 1950's study of socialization practices in six different societies, she
concluded that _____________________________.What should it be?
A. Socialization practices vary markedly from society to society.
B. Socialization practices are generally similar among people of the same society.
C. both of the above
D. none of the above

_____50. A leader is a person who?

A. Has subservient role to perform in a group
B. Makes all the decisions in an active organization
C. Is being led for the achievement of some important goal
D. Occupies a central role or position of dominance and influence in a group

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.“
-Mother Teresa

Prepared by: Noted By:


Master Teacher I School Head


Test I
1. B 11. B 21. B 31. C 41. B
2. C 12. A 22. A 32. D 42. C
3. D 13. D 23. D 33. A 43. B
4. D 14. C 24. C 34. A 44. D
5. C 15. D 25. D 35. B 45. D
6. D 16. A 26. C 36. C 46. D
7. D 17. A 27. A 37. B 47. B
8. B 18. A 28. A 38. A 48. A
9. C 19. A 29. C 39. A 49. C
10. A 20. B 30. C 40. A 50. D

Table of Specifications:
R epublic of the P hilippines
D epartment of E ducation
Subject Grade Grading Period School Year



Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Time Spent/


Weight %
Actual Adjusted

*Discuss the nature,

goals and perspectives
Anthropology, Sociology and
1 in/of anthropology, 4 10.00% 2 1,2 2 16,17 1 26 5.00 5.00
Political Science sociology and political
*Analyze the concept,
Concept, Aspect and Changes aspects and changes
2 in/of culture and
4 10.00% 1 3 1 18 1 27 1 36 1 46 5.00 5.00
of Culture and Society
*Explain the importance
of cultural relativism in 28,29,
3 Cultural Relativism 8 20.00% 1 4 1 19 4 2 37,38 2 47,48 10.00 10.00
attaining cultural 30,31
*Analyze the
significance of cultural,
4 Symbols and Practices social, political and 8 20.00% 4 5,6,7,8 2 20,21 2 32,33 2 39,40 10.00 10.00
economic symbols and
* Explain the context,
content, processes, and 9,10, 41,42,
5 Socialization 8 20.00% 3 2 22,23 1 34 3 1 49 10.00 10.00
consequences of 11 43
*Analyze the forms and
6 Social Organizations functions of social 8 20.00% 4 2 24,25 1 35 2 44,45 1 50 10.00 10.00
organizations 14,15
15 10 10 10 5 0 50.00 50.00
TOTAL 40 100%
30% 20% 20% 20% 10% 0% 50

Legend: NOI = Number of items POI = Placement of Items

Prepared by: Noted By:


Master Teacher 1 School Head

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