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Victor Cruz (Shannen): Good afternoon class. I am attorney Shannen Keith G. Dapon, I graduated from this prestige
university some years back. I wont say when cuz I… don’t like to reveal my age.


Victor Cruz (Shannen): Yes way Victor Cruz. As I was saying, I was number 8 in the bar exams when I took up masters at
Kenny’s Philip government at Harvard University. I happen to have especially good hearing so, I would appreciate if u
keep the personal conversations to a minimum especially about me.

Ms. Arlan walks in…

(Ms. Arlan): Good morning ma'am

Victor Cruz (Shannen): Why are u late Ms?

(Ms. Arlan): Because there was a traffic jam po.

Victor Cruz (Shannen): Index cards please! On the table, chop chop, we don’t have all day. Mrs. Luis. Stand up. Did u
read Xi Ming Choi versus Court of appeals?

Mrs. Luis (Nadine): Yes, sir

Victor Cruz (Shannen): What was miss Gino Choi’s complaint versus Mr. Xi Ming Choi?

Mrs. Luis (Nadine): She filed for annulment on the ground of psychological incapacity

Victor Cruz (Shannen): Anong mga basis nya?

Mrs. Luis (Nadine): Noong nag honeymoon po sila…. ayaw makipag-sex ang husband niya sa kaniya. Tapos, nahuli niya
pong ginagamit ang eyeliner ng nanay niya

(classmates laugh)

Mrs. Luis (Nadine): Nagduda siya baka gay ang asawa niya. And she also said that he is impotent and he had a… a tiny

Victor Cruz (Shannen): How small?

Mrs. Luis (Nadine): Very small

Victor Cruz (Shannen): Not specific enough. How many inches?

Victor Cruz (Shannen): You may sit down. U get half the question right, u get half the marks. Next up, Ms. Toran, stand
up. How many inches?

Ms. Toran (Krizza): uhm.. it was clinically found to be three inches and one centimeter like.. like this. Pag matigas.

Victor Cruz (Shannen): Precisely. Now last question, does the law provide that husband and wife live together and
observe universal love, respects, and fidelity
Ms. Toran (Krizza): No Ma’am

Victor Cruz (Shannen): R u sure?

Ms. Toran (Krizza): Yes Ma’am, its not universal love. It says mutual love obliged to observe mutual love

Victor Cruz (Shannen): Where is that shown?

Ms. Toran (Krizza): Your ask question Ma’am

Victor Cruz (Shannen): I’m a lawyer. I lie. I kinda do that sometimes.

Ms. Toran (Krizza): Article 68 of the family code Ma’am

Victor Cruz (Shannen): Ok class dismissed


ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): De Jesus, Pauline. Did you read everything?

DE JESUS (Theslan): Yes.

ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): Stop smiling. Now tell me. Pwede ka bang tumakbo sa election kung nakakulong ka?

DE JESUS (Theslan): No Justice Hernandez.

ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): Sigurado ka? Uh-uh I'm not done yet. Sigurado ka? Uh-oh remain standing.

ATTY HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): Marquez, Adrian. Marquez. Can you?

MARQUEZ (Louie): Uh. That was not on the readings po Ma'am.

ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): You did not read enough if you did not know the answer. This is a no brainer.

MARQUEZ (Louie): Yes po Ma'am

ATTY HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): Really?

MARQUE (Louie): Uh. In the case of Jalosjos and Trillanes, they were in jail but they were able to run for office.

ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): Vicencio, Erik.

VICENCIO (Juzette): Yes Ma'am.

ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): Do you agree?

VICENCIO (Juzette): Ma'am I think...

ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): You think. That's what you think, that's your opinion.

VICENCIO (Juzette): Yes Ma'am. Uh I think...

ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): Well you think nothing. I don't care about what you think. And I don't care about
everybody's opinion. You just give me an answer. Look at me. You give me an answer.

VICENCIO (Juzette): Yes po...

ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): Carlson Christian. Carlson.

CARLSON (Joshua): Ma'am.

ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): Do you agree with him?

CARLSON (Joshua): I...disagree Ma'am.

ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): Uh with a yes or with a no?

CARLSON (Joshua): Ma'am, both are wrong.

ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): Why?

CARLSON (Joshua): If you are convicted with finality you are barred for running therefore the ban is not a punishment
for the imprisonment but for the crime Ma'am.

ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): Tama. Tama para sa mga hindi nag-aral. Hindi porke't nakakulong ka ay guilty ka. That
explain common sense. Uh Christian, what grade should I give to your classmates?

CARLSON (Joshua): Ma'am I think...

ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): What did I say about opinions?

CARLSON (Joshua): Ma'am they... they deserve a five.

ATTY. HERNANDEZ (Cazandra): Five. Very good. Very good Christian. You're all dismissed. Class dismissed.

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