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 Weather report application is a web based application through which you will able to
get all the reports related to weather forecasting of any locations.

 We can manually enter the location and able to present its weather details such as
temperature, Pressure, humidity, Sunrise, Sunset etc.

 A weather API is an Application Programming Interface that allows weather data to be
queried from scripts and code. Good weather APIs provide both historical weather
data and forecast data via an easy-to-use, well-defined programming interface.

 The best APIs have dozens of weather measures, near-real-time current

conditions reporting, and decades of worldwide historical weather reports.

 Ideally both historical and forecast look-ups would be combined into the same API
entry point with the addition of an ultra-long-range forecast based on climate statistics

 The API behind the weather application will take the location as input and it fetches
the live weather condition and give it to the user.

 A weather API is ideally suited for use cases that need large volumes of weather data
or need to access weather data in an automated way.

 So with one weather solutions, its users can get weather reports by getting information
directly from.

 A weather app that pulls from the OpenWeatherMap API to allow users to search for
and view the forecast in cities worldwide. Built with JavaScript.

 OpenWeatherMap is an online service, owned by OpenWeather Ltd, that provides

global weather data via API, including current weather data, forecasts, nowcasts and
historical weather data for any geographical location.




1.1 Overview
1.2 Block Diagrams 2
1.2.1 Block Diagram Description 4
1.3 Features
1.4 Front End - BootStrap
1.5 OpenWeatherMap API 4
1.6 Practical Use

1.1 Overview

 By using the web application user can view the weather in his/her current
location. User can toggle the temperature unit (Celsius or Fahrenheit).
Weather icon or background image will change depending on weather

 Weather icon or background image will change depending on weather

conditions. API response from Open Weather can fetch the weather at the
current location

 The Open Weather API gave a way to update the location, temperature and
weather description but I still needed to find a way to update the local time.
After a bit of searching I found another API at Geonames.org which took
care of this.

 Major takeaway from this project is that how to access each part of the
returned JSON data from the API response and use it in different ways.
This methodology needs some refining.

 Under web based Weather Report project application, some exciting

features has been added such as managing and handling exception error
directly by the system which will be not visible by the user to make it bug

 Once location selected by the user for its system use, it will make it default
location and remembered by the system so that users do not have to change
every time they use this system.

1.2 Block Diagrams

1.2.1 Block Diagram Description

 A block diagram is a diagram of a system in which the principal parts or

functions are represented by blocks connected by lines that show the
relationships of the blocks. They are heavily used in engineering in
hardware design, electronic design, software design, and process flow

 In other Words, Block diagrams are typically used for higher level, less
detailed descriptions that are intended to clarify overall concepts without
concern for the details of implementation. Contrast this with the schematic
diagrams and layout diagrams used in electrical engineering, which show
the implementation details of electrical components and physical

 Block diagrams are used heavily in engineering and design of diagrams for
electronics, hardware, software and processes. Most commonly, they
represent concepts and systems in a higher level, less detailed overview.
The diagrams are useful for troubleshooting technical issues. 

 Block diagrams are a generalized representation of a concept and are not

intended to display complete information in regards to design or
manufacture. Unlike schematics, blueprints and layout diagrams, block
diagrams do not portray the necessary detail for physical construction.
Block diagrams are made simple so as not to cloud concepts. 


The Weather app includes a number of features that provide information about
current and forecasted weather.A weather forecast is available for most countries
and regions. The data is provided by API. We can see a 5-day forecast that's
provided by the API.

weather app features include adding multiple locations, rain predictions, time of

sun rise and sun set, weather forecast, humidity, visibility, wind predictions, push
notifications, API integrations, etc.

 Time of sunrise and sunset: This feature shows the duration of day and
night. It will also mention the sunrise time and the sunset time.

 Predictions about the rainfall: This is another fundamental attribute that

shows the forecasts for the rain. It also showcases the percentage of
likelihood of the rainfall and it is classified into various elements like
cloudy, sunny, semi-cloudy, etc.

 Updates about Humidity: For, the people who are planning for a long
drive or to have a long journey. It is always essential to monitor the
humidity level and to start the journey.

 Weather Forecast: It is a fundamental factor of any weather app. This

feature displays the prevailing status of the weather on a weekly, monthly,
daily and hourly basis.

1.4 Front End – BootStrap

 Bootstrap is a front-end library that helps developers build responsive

websites (sites that adapt to different devices), quickly and effectively. It
makes use of a grid system that divides each page into twelve columns,
which ensures that the page maintains its correct size and scale no matter
what device it’s being viewed on

 Bootstrap has exploded over the past few years and has become one of the
most popular frameworks for building layouts, navigation, and widgets.The
Bootstrap Weather snippets we prepared in this collection were designed by
excellent designers worldwide to help you build a great looking Bootstrap 4
& 5 application - faster and easier.

 Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive,

mobile-first front-end web development. It contains HTML, CSS and
JavaScript-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons,
navigation, and other interface components.

 Bootstrap requires the use of the HTML5 doctype. Without it, you’ll see
some funky and incomplete styling. Bootstrap employs a handful of
important global styles and settings, all of which are almost exclusively
geared towards the normalization of cross browser styles.

 Bootstrap contains CSS- and sometimes JavaScript-based design templates

for typography, buttons, navigation, forms, and other interface components.
The Bootstrap project is one of the most-starred projects on GitHub, which
really kicked off because other libraries and solutions that existed before led
to inconsistencies, high maintenance, and inconvenience. 

1.5 OpenWeatherMap API

 An application programming interface is a way for two or more computer

programs to communicate with each other. It is a type of software interface,
offering a service to other pieces of software. A document or standard that
describes how to build or use such a connection or interface is called an
API specification.

 Application Programming Interface (API) is a software interface that allows

two applications to interact with each other without any user intervention.
API is a collection of software functions and procedures. In simple terms,
API means a software code that can be accessed or executed. API is defined
as a code that helps two different software’s to communicate and exchange
data with each other.

 Application Programming Interface acronym API helps two different

software’s to communicate and exchange data with each other.It helps you
to embed content from any site or application more efficiently.APIs can
access app components. The delivery of services and information is more

 Content generated can be published automatically.It allows the user or a

company to customize the content and services which they use the most.
Software needs to change over time, and APIs help to anticipate changes.A
Web API is an application programming interface which is use either for
web server or a web browser.

 Server-side web API is a programmatic interface that consist of one or more

publicly exposed endpoints to a defined request–response message system.
It is typically expressed in JSON or XML

1.6 Practical Use

 A weather app is a way to use your mobile phone to check current, past, or
future weather patterns and weather maps. Some apps may have extended
functionality, like tracking of ocean tides or the skies. 

 Weather apps are the most popular way to instantly access forecasts,
warnings and other useful weather information on our mobile phones. They
provide the public with unprecedented flexibility: users choose the
information they want, how they get it and how it looks.

 benefits of weather forecast is Being able to forecast and plan for the future
when it comes to the local climate is a major advantage when it comes to
planning tourism facilities. The transport sector can also benefit, as
infrastructure can be set up to measure road surface conditions to improve
traffic safety.

 Humidity, air temperature and pressure, wind speed and direction, cloud
cover and type, and the amount and form of precipitation are all
atmospheric characteristics of the momentary conditions we call weather.

 Temperature, humidity, precipitation, air pressure, wind speed, and wind

direction are key observations in the Weather application.

 Forecasting for the next five forth-coming days in the specific location is
one of the prominent and the additional feature of this weather app.



 The atmosphere is always changing, and its conditions influence our daily
lives, influencing what we choose to do and how we go about our day.
Weather’s dynamic nature, however, means that factors such as
temperature, precipitation, and wind are often constantly in flux.
 It is no wonder people want to know the individual effects forecast
conditions will bring so that they can plan accordingly.
 Millions of people in the United States regularly obtain essential
information from weather forecasts for a wide variety of reasons With
weather being perhaps the most routinely sought-after type of information.

 it is imperative to understand the many facets of how and why people

procure this information, starting with their sources and then how people
use their acquired knowledge in day-to-day activities.

 The rapid growth in web app technology has created new contemporary
means for people to access weather forecasts, pointing to the need to update
past literature in this specific niche of weather research.

 he study hopes to build on past literature relating to sources of weather

forecasts and fill the gap in the meteorological literature on our society’s
preferences for where they obtain weather information.

 This knowledge on communicating weather information through mobile

smartphone technology will enhance the weather enterprise’s capability to
better understand and grasp the quickly changing communication


 Other recent studies look directly at MWAs and their content.  analyzed

information retrieved from focus groups to better understand the reception
of weather warnings and design of weather warning features on MWAs.
They determined that the content of the warning information is important to
participants and suggested that future MWA developers focus on the
information disseminated in alerts rather than directing attention to
increasing ways of alerting the smartphone owner.

 Understanding both where people turn for weather information and the
reasons and motivations for how people access and consume weather
forecasts is fundamental to learning about how to best communicate
weather The landmark study on sources and personal interpretation of
weather data by found that most people use weather forecasts for the city
or area in which they live (87% usually or always).

 Location, timing, probability, and type of precipitation along with forecast

temperatures are seen as most valuable to users This study also found that
people use weather forecasts mostly to stay informed about the weather
(72% usually or always), but other popular uses include how to dress and
how to plan activities that could be affected by the weather .

 the study hopes to build on past literature relating to sources of weather

forecasts and fill the gap in the meteorological literature on our society’s
preferences for where they obtain weather information.

 This knowledge on communicating weather information through mobile

smartphone technology will enhance the weather enterprise’s capability to
better understand and grasp the quickly changing communication

 Additionally, companies and organizations within the weather enterprise

that provide weather forecasts have an ever-growing arsenal of resources
to disseminate information, making research on this topic extremely
valuable for future development in weather communication technology.

 nationally representative effort to reassess the public’s sources and uses of

weather information would be helpful in guiding policy and practices
within the weather enterprise. Because the study was limited in its
geographic and demographic scope, the study can be expanded to include
more participants encompassing a larger study area.

 Additionally, while surveys are effective tools for social science research,
other methods, including qualitative interviews and focus groups, should be
considered to extract deeper and richer information from MWA users.

 There are also new technologies and methods for smartphone research that
can help reduce issues of self-reporting biases in surveys and respondent
accounts of their actions. Currently, software and other types of
mechanisms can extract information directly from smartphones, providing
information about the user .

 New strategies of information collection, especially in the realm of

smartphone usage, will be of immense value to future researchers in the
weather enterprise who continue investigating communication and how to
better accommodate the people who use weather app products to stay
informed about the weather.

 While the study presents important information, there are several

limitations that should be addressed.

 Past research has established the foundation to further explore where people
gain information on weather forecasts, but with the rapid growth in mobile
device technology that affords much convenience for users, even the most
recent studies have been unable to adequately capture the use of MWAs to
obtain weather information.

 This research is aimed at filling the gap in the areas of web technology and
its role as a dominant weather source among college students while also
updating existing literature on sources of weather information.

 Demographic information about respondents revealed a rather homogenous

sample. A majority of participants were white, young college students. An
overwhelming majority of those surveyed use smartphones regularly for
forecasts, while the second-most popular choice was conferring with friends
and family. Over 90% do not use newspapers or NOAA Weather Radio for

 This research uncovered information on what sources of weather

information are the most popular among respondents and reasons why
specific MWAs were preferred over others. When asked for the single
reason respondents prefer their favorite MWA, ease of use,
understandability, and being the preloaded default on the device were the
top choices.

 Most respondents found the hourly and 5-day forecasts to be most useful, as
well as severe weather alerts and current conditions, and most were also
confident in these features. Two complementary questions provide
additional information to address MWA preference. Results from a cross-
tabulation analysis indicate that perceived importance of weather forecast
aspects did not affect which apps participants chose.


 The final research question sought to analyze gender and university

differences with the many variables analyzed in the survey. Although most
analyses using chi-square and the nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis and
Mann–Whitney U ANOVA tests were not statistically significant.

 A Kruskal–Wallis test revealed that students at both ECU and USC placed
more importance on information about the amount of precipitation in a
forecast than did students at UGA. Additionally, students at ECU were
more confident in the pollen count feature on an MWA than UGA students
and believed that weather videos were more important than UGA students.

 For analyses looking at gender, men seemed to find wind speed and
direction more important than women; men also place more importance on
the satellite and radar feature.

 The reasons for these results are not clear and suggest the need for further
investigation. While there have been studies addressing gender differences
in the use of forecasts (Demuth et al. 2011), the focus was on the
importance of attitudes on family roles in a household, thus addressing a
different set of users.

 The data in this study may be a result of subtle differences in weather

experiences, an artifact of the survey questions, or a reflection of the
interests of survey respondents. Additional research is warranted to sort
through these findings.

 The fact that most respondents do not switch from their default MWAs
signifies that most students are satisfied with the quality of their default
MWA and therefore do not feel compelled to switch.

 Corporations and organizations in the weather enterprise that are able to

forge relationships with service providers or technology.

 It is important to exactly determine the rainfall for effective use of water

resources crop productivity and pre-planning of water structures. It is
important to exactly determine the rainfall for effective use of water
 Rainfall Prediction is the application of science and technology to predict
the amount of rainfall over a region. It is important to exactly determine the
rainfall for effective use of water resources, crop productivity and pre-
planning of water structures.

 In this project, we used Linear Regression to predict the amount of

rainfall. Linear Regression tells us how many inches of rainfall we can
 Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict
the state of the atmosphere for a given location.Ancient weather forecasting
methods usually relied on observed patterns of events, also termed pattern
recognition. For example, it might be observed that if the sunset was
particularly red, the following day often brought fair weather.However, not
all of these predictions prove reliable.

 Rainfall Prediction is the application of science and technology to predict

the amount of rainfall over a region. It is important to exactly determine the
rainfall for effective use of water resources, crop productivity and pre-
planning of water structures.
 it might be observed that if the sunset was particularly red, the following
day often brought fair weather.However, not all of these predictions prove


 User will enter current Location, Temperature, humidity and wind, System
will take this parameter and will predict weather from previous data in
database. The role of the admin is to add previous weather data in database,
so that system will calculate weather based on these data. Weather
forecasting system takes parameters such as temperature, humidity, and
wind and will forecast weather based on previous record therefore this
prediction will prove reliable.

 In this module we first gather the data(dataset) for our prediction model.
Data comes in all forms, most of it being very messy and unstructured.
They rarely come ready to use. Datasets, large and small, come with a
variety of issues- invalid fields, missing and additional values, and values
that are in forms different from the one we require. In order to bring it to
workable or structured form, we need to “clean” our data, and make it ready
to use. Some common cleaning includes parsing, converting to one-hot,
removing unnecessary data, etc.

 In our case, our data has some days where some factors weren’t recorded.
And the rainfall in cm was marked as T if there was trace precipitation. Our
algorithm requires numbers, so we can’t work with alphabets popping up in
our data. so we need to clean the data before applying it on our model.
 Once the data is cleaned, In this module that cleaned data can be used as an
input to our Linear regression model. Linear regression is a linear approach
to form a relationship between a dependent variable and many independent
explanatory variables. This is done by plotting a line that fits our scatter
plot the best, ie, with the least errors. This gives value predictions, ie, how
much,  by substituting the independent values in the line equation.

 We will use Scikit-learn’s linear regression model to train our dataset. Once
the model is trained, we can give our own inputs for the various columns
such as temperature, dew point, pressure, etc. to predict the weather based
on these attributes.

 Linear Regression is a machine learning algorithm based on supervised

learning. It performs a regression task. Regression models a target
prediction value based on independent variables. It is mostly used for
finding out the relationship between variables and forecasting. Different
regression models differ based on – the kind of relationship between
dependent and independent variables, they are consideringand the number
of independent variables being used.

 While the study presents important information, there are several

limitations that should be addressed. The information from the research,
while valuable, is not generalizable. The study only assesses the use of
MWAs by college students who were chosen from specific classes in
geography programs in the Southeast. Respondents were similar
demographically and geographically, which does not allow for broad
conclusions of the American public as a whole. Additionally, the survey
was disseminated in the fall and winter months. This could impact survey
results as the presence or lack of significant weather events may have
affected respondents’ answers to questions.

 system will predict weather based on parameters such as temperature,

humidity and wind. User will enter current temperature; humidity and wind,
System will take this parameter and will predict weather(rainfall in inches)
from previous data in database(dataset). The role of the admin is to add
previous weather data in database, so that system will calculate
weather(estimated rainfall in inches) based on these data. Weather
forecasting system takes parameters such as temperature, humidity, and
wind and will forecast weather based on previous record therefore this
prediction will prove reliable. This system can be used in Air Traffic,
Marine, Agriculture, Forestry, Military, and Navy etc.

 understanding of weather information are all interrelated and affect one

another, and factors like gender can certainly play a role in the gathering
and interpretation of weather information. In a study looking at sources of
weather information during a hurricane evacuation, gender was found to
have a significant effect on one’s perception of credibility of sources of

 Females, compared to their male counterparts, exhibited a higher perceived

credibility for most sources of weather information, including family and
friends, the local tourism office, The Weather Channel, and the newspaper
(Cahyanto and Pennington-Gray 2015). 

 Demuth et al. (2011) uncovered differences in how males and females use

weather forecasts, where women were more likely to use weather
information to plan events, choose appropriate clothing to wear, and stay
updated on weather conditions. However, analysis of gender differences in
MWA use is missing from the weather communication literature.The
private sector of the weather enterprise has taken advantage .

 The survey solicited demographic information, including age, gender, race,

education, family income, and the zip code of the location respondents
identify as home. Following these questions, participants were asked about
weather forecasts in general, specifically where they acquire forecast
information, the importance of different elements or aspects of a weather
 overall level of confidence in weather forecasts, regardless of source. The
next set of questions shifted to mobile devices and MWAs, asking
respondents about their ownership of cell phones and smartphones.
Respondents were then prompted to select answers that best describe their
daily smartphone habits, preferences for MWAs, and perception of and
confidence in specific MWA features.

 For the purposes of this study, the use of “MWA features” refers to
different characteristics of MWAs that provide users with information on
specific aspects or elements of a forecast. An example of this would be the
hourly forecast feature on an MWA, which provides information on
forecast temperatures, precipitation chances, and sky cover, three aspects or
elements of a general weather forecast.

 The final survey question asked respondents if they had any suggestions or
recommendations for how their MWAs or how MWAs in general could be
improved. Most questions consisted of multiple-choice options where
respondents chose one answer from a list. Some questions specified “other”
as a choice, which allowed participants to supply an answer that was not
listed. Strategies from Smyth et al. (2009) were implemented to seek
thorough open-ended responses from participants.

 Other survey questions featured a five-point Likert scale (1 = not at all

important, 5 = extremely important) to gauge the level of agreement with
the statements provided and for questions involving confidence in MWA
forecasts and the level of satisfaction with the MWAs.

 The traditional forecast process employed by most NMHSs involves

forecasters producing text-based, sensible, weather-element forecast
products (e.g. maximum/minimum temperature, cloud cover) using
numerical weather prediction (NWP) output as guidance. The process is
typically schedule-driven, product-oriented and labour-intensive. Over the
last decade, technological advances and scientific breakthroughs have
allowed NMHSs’ hydrometeorological forecasts and warnings to become
much more specific and accurate.

 As computer technology and high-speed dissemination systems evolved
(e.g. Internet), National Weather Service (NWS) customers/partners were
demanding detailed forecasts in gridded, digital and graphic formats.
Traditional NWS text forecast products limit the amount of additional
information that can be conveyed to the user community. The concept of
digital database forecasting provides the capability to meet
customer/partner demands for more accurate, detailed hydrometeorological
forecasts. Digital database forecasting also offers one of the most exciting
opportunities to integrate PWS forecast dissemination and service delivery,
which most effectively serves the user community.

 he acquisition, use, and understanding of weather information are all

interrelated and affect one another, and factors like gender can certainly
play a role in the gathering and interpretation of weather information. In a
study looking at sources of weather information during a hurricane
evacuation, gender was found to have a significant effect on one’s
perception of credibility of sources of information. Females, compared to
their male counterparts, exhibited a higher perceived credibility for most
sources of weather information, including family and friends, the local
tourism office.
 The Weather Channel, and the newspaper (Cahyanto and Pennington-Gray
2015). Demuth et al. (2011) uncovered differences in how males and
females use weather forecasts, where women were more likely to use
weather information to plan events, choose appropriate clothing to wear,
and stay updated on weather conditions. However, analysis of gender
differences in MWA use is missing from the weather communication


 understanding of weather information are all interrelated and affect one

another, and factors like gender can certainly play a role in the gathering
and interpretation of weather information. In a study looking at sources of
weather information during a hurricane evacuation, gender was found to
have a significant effect on one’s perception of credibility of sources of

 The display feature of all the Weather App parameters like temperature,
rainfall measurement, humidity level, solar UV index, etc. has been
integrated into the weather app. It displays all the useful information
regarding the weather conditions on the main interface of the weather app.
It will enable the app users to access the weather report in a much easier

 The database is integrated into the Weather App application for fetching
and displaying the past and predicted future weather data from the database
tables and views.

 The traditional forecast process employed by most NMHSs involves

forecasters producing text-based, sensible, weather-element forecast
products (e.g. maximum/minimum temperature, cloud cover) using
numerical weather prediction (NWP) output as guidance. The process is
typically schedule-driven, product-oriented and labour-intensive. Over the
last decade, technological advances and scientific breakthroughs have
allowed NMHSs’ hydrometeorological forecasts and warnings to become
much more specific and accurate.

 T he acquisition,use, and unde rsta nding of weather information

are all interrelated and affect one another, and factors like gender can
certainly play a role in the gathering and interpretation of weather
 In a study looking at sources of weather information during a hurricane
evacuation, gender was found to have a significant effect on one’
perception of credibility of sources of information.

 Females, compare to their male counterparts, exhibited a higher

perceived credibility for most sources of weather information,
including family and friends, the local tourism office The Weather
Channel, and the newspaper Cahyanto and Pennington-Gray 2015).

 Demuth uncovered differences in how males and females use weather

forecasts, where women were more likely to use weather information to
plan events, choose appropriate clothing to wear, and stay updated on
weather conditions. However, analysis of gender differences in
MWA use is missing from the weather communication literature.

 Previously built weather report web based application was compatible with
system and every time users start this application, they have to set their
default location to get weather reports on it. Due to complex coding, system
responding time was high and require more memory to get start up. The
concept of graphics for geographical region was not implemented in older
version. Dynamic concept was not implemented under the existing system,
thus theme and color of web page was not changing as per the weather

 Once the data is cleaned, In this module that cleaned data can be used as an
input to our Linear regression model. Linear regression is a linear approach
to form a relationship between a dependent variable and many independent
explanatory variables. This is done by plotting a line that fits our scatter
plot the best, ie, with the least errors. This gives value predictions, ie, how
much,  by substituting the independent values in the line equation.
 we first gather the data(dataset) for our prediction model.Data comes in all
forms, most of it being very messy and unstructured. They rarely come
ready to use. Datasets, large and small, come with a variety of issues-
invalid fields, missing and additional values, and values that are in forms
different from the one we require. In order to bring it to workable or

structured form, we need to “clean” our data, and make it ready to
use. Some common cleaning includes parsing, converting to one-hot,
removing unnecessary data, etc.
 The information on the weather of a specific region is very important to
know for every people as people often decide to travel from one place to
another depending on the weather reports. Even there are some occupations
like farming, fishing, etc. which are dependent on the weather conditions of
a specific region.

 Thus the information on weather conditions is quite necessary to know at

regular times. For this reason, rather than depending only on the source of
television and radio for weather information, people have now updated
themselves with web compatible applications like the weather app to get the
most updated news on the weather.

 While traveling from one place to another, people now take the help of the
weather app installed on their web phones for real-time weather updates.
Therefore weather app plays a crucial role in providing people with regular
weather updates

 The most basic feature of the Weather App is that it shows the day and
night duration along with featuring the sunrise time and the sunset time.
Apart from this, the app also gives predictions for wind by mentioning its
probable speed and this proves to be quite helpful for the sailors, fishermen,
windsurfers, etc. The app also displays the ultraviolet radiation of the sun
across the globe by the solar UV index.

 In the existing weather app, it is required to have the option for displaying
all the weather parameters on the interface. The weather parameters include
the maximum and minimum temperature, humidity level, rainfall
measurement, level of carbon dioxide, etc. But it only displays the name of
the place, day, date and time, and only the temperature.

 The user can get to know about the humidity level, rainfall prediction, and
other weather parameters by hovering through the app buttons. While
starting for a long drive, it is required to know about the humidity level,
status of clouds, fog, etc. So not getting this information in the main
interface of the app, becomes difficult in driving a long distance.

 The weather forecast feature that displays the weather status on a weekly,
monthly, daily, and hourly basis is also not displayed in the main interface
of the weather app. The weather parameters include the maximum and
minimum temperature, humidity level, rainfall measurement, level of
carbon dioxide, etc. But it only displays the name of the place, day, date
and time, and only the temperature.

 Application Programming Interface (API) is a software interface that allows

two applications to interact with each other without any user intervention.
API is a collection of software functions and procedures. In simple terms,
API means a software code that can be accessed or executed. API is defined
as a code that helps two different software’s to communicate and exchange
data with each other.

 Application Programming Interface acronym API helps two different

software’s to communicate and exchange data with each other.It helps you
to embed content from any site or application more efficiently.APIs can
access app components. The delivery of services and information is more

 Weather apps are the most popular way to instantly access forecasts,
warnings and other useful weather information on our mobile phones. They
provide the public with unprecedented flexibility: users choose the
information they want, how they get it and how it looks.

 benefits of weather forecast is Being able to forecast and plan for the future
when it comes to the local climate is a major advantage when it comes to
planning tourism facilities.

In this project, we first gather the data(dataset) for our prediction model.Data comes in all
forms, most of it being very messy and unstructured. They rarely come ready to use.
Datasets, large and small, come with a variety of issues- invalid fields, missing and
additional values, and values that are in forms different from the one we require. In order to
bring it to workable or structured form, we need to “clean” our data, and make it ready to
use. Some common cleaning includes parsing, converting to one-hot, removing
unnecessary data, etc.

We successfully predicted the rainfall using the linear regression but here this is not very
accurate only some times any way it depends upon the climate changes to season to
season.Here we are taking only summer season weather data set it only useful to predict
rainfall in summer season.


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