BUS302WSU IB Learning Guide T222 Mr. Adam Briffett

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Term 2 2022
BUS 302 – International Business

About BUS302 International Business

Below is a list of contacts for this unit. Please liaise directly with your unit instructor regarding
appropriate consultation times. It is usually best to make contact with the staff via email.

Unit Instructor Mr. Adam Briffett

Email: adam.briffett@isb.edu.vn

Academic Admin Ms. Ngoc Tran

Email: ngoc.tranlieu@isb.edu.vn

Student Advisor Ms. Tuyen Nguyen

Email: tuyen.nguyen @isb.edu.vn

Unit overview
This unit introduces students to the world of international business and management by studying
cultural influences, government, and business structures in our global economy. Students also learn
about trade relations, international finance and legal and labour agreements. Also covered, are topics
on information needs, production systems, marketing and promotion, and career planning.

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BUS 302 – International Business

Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes for the unit are outlined below. Upon completion of this unit, students will be
able to:

1 Understand history and developments in international business and globalisation

2 Demonstrate basic knowledge about international trade and international business.

Understand the critical interdependence of functional business activities in creating

a successful international business

Appraise with increased competence the opportunities and threats arising from the
international business environment

Develop an understanding of how to formulate an international business strategy and

its implementation through activities

6 Identify and explore new and emerging issues in international business

Assessment information
Assessment summary
Assessment Value Learning
No Assessment item and due date
type (100%) outcomes
Weekly quiz
1 Individual 15% LOs 1,2
Due: beginning of each session (2-10), in-class
Wrap-up quiz
2 Individual 15% LOs 1,2
Due: Session 2-10
Weekly case study presentations
3 Group 10% LOs 3-6
Due: Session 2-10
Group report and presentations
▪ Pre-recorded video. Due: Session 10
4 Group 30% LOs 3-6
▪ Live presentation. Due: Session 11 & 12
▪ Group written report. Due: Session 11&12

5 Individual Final exam 30% LOs 1-6

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BUS 302 – International Business

Final marks and grades are subject to confirmation by the School Assessment Committees which may
scale, modify, or otherwise amend the marks and grades for the unit, as may be required by University
Note: To successfully complete this unit, students must:
▪ Achieve a minimum of 50 marks; AND
▪ Complete all assessment items; AND
▪ Attend 80 percent of class time. See attendance requirements in the section of class policies and
rules below.

Assessment Details
Assessment 1: Weekly quiz (15%)
To check the level of knowledge and understanding of students about the theoretical content of the
subject prior to each session. Questions will cover all assigned reading chapter(s) for each session.

● Format: True/False, Multiple Choice, and/or short answer

● Length: 10-15 minutes.
● Due: beginning of each session, 2 through 10.

Assessment 2: Wrap-up quiz (15%)

To check the level of knowledge and understanding of students about the theoretical content of the
subject after each session. Questions will cover all assigned reading chapter(s) for each session.

● Format: True/False, Multiple Choice, and/or short answer

● Length: 10-15 minutes.
● Due: at home, by midnight the day before the new session, 2 through 10.

Assessment 3: Weekly case study presentations (10%)

Students will be assigned a session in advance for their weekly group presentation. This is an
opportunity for students to apply the theory for that chapter to a relevant case study. Students are
encouraged to find their own case study from current affairs and developments in global business.
● Format: Presentation + Class discussion (Please follow Instructor’s guidelines)
● Length: 10-15 minutes (excluding class discussion)
● Due: in class, session 2 – 10.

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BUS 302 – International Business

Assessment 4: Group report and presentations (30%)

Each group with a maximum of five students will select a multinational company and investigate its
business operations and international business strategies.
MNCs cannot be changed after the 7thth week of the trimester.
4.1 Pre-recorded video
Groups are required to make a video recording the 1st draft of the presentation. All team
members must speak in the video.
The video is an opportunity for each group to rehearse their project, discuss new ideas and
insights with peers about business strategies and receive feedback for their final presentation
from the lecturer.
● Format: Video recording
● Length: 15 - 20 minutes (3-5 min/team member)
● Submission
▪ The video must be uploaded onto a shared Google folder created by the lecturer, then
ONLY the link to that file will be submitted on E-learning with a WSU cover page.
▪ Video name: “[Group]_Pre-recorded video_ [Name of MNC]”.
▪ Due: Session 10 (by midnight prior to session day).

4.2 Live presentation

Revise theoretical framework for the relevant strategy from chapter 14 to chapter 20. Each
group presents only one type of these international business strategies.
Overview MNC and its international business strategies in the past and at the present.
Focus on one strategy of MNC/product which is relevant to the chapter the group is assigned
to deliver.
● Format: In-class presentation
● Length: 20 minutes + 10 minutes for Q&A
● Due: Session 11 or 12.

4.3 Group written report

The report is an in-depth analysis of the MNC, its business operation and its international
business strategy.
● Structure of the report:
▪ Executive summary
▪ Brief company background
▪ Current situation - analyse using relevant theory
▪ Issues/ concerns facing the company
▪ Recommendations - any strategies for future business operations
▪ Reference list - at least 10 academic sources to support your writing.

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BUS 302 – International Business

● Format: Report (*.pdf)

● Length: 4000 ± 10% words (excluding cover page, appendix and references).
● Submission: on E-learning, with a WSU cover page for each submitted file.
▪ The Presentation slides file name: [Group]_Presentation slides_ [Name of MNC]
▪ The Group written report file name: [Group]_MNC report_ [Name of MNC]
▪ Due: 1 week after Session 12 (Before 23:55).
● Marking criteria:

Critical analysis
Show thorough understanding & application of the textbook theory, through
analysis of current company strategy (1) Identify any issues related to strategy (2)
and propose relevant recommendations for future strategy (3).

Quality of sources
20% At least 10 reliable sources and correct referencing style throughout the report.
A variety of academic and reliable business sources used.

Clarity of writing
10% Simple, clear and concise sentences that communicate the main points well.
Language is not unnecessarily complicated; writing style is academic.

Structure of report
Follows given structure and connects the current situation, issues and
10% Executive summary should give an overview of the report and highlight key
Company background is brief, including only relevant information related to the
company strategy.

Assessment 5: Final exam (30%)

The final test aims to evaluate not only level of knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and
applied contents but also how students link them to the real business world, focusing on international
business strategies. Questions will cover all materials in the lectures, textbook and readings during the
trimester. Final Exam will be a CLOSED-BOOK exam.
● Exam date: TBC on the MyISB website
● Length: 90-120 minutes – (TBC)

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BUS 302 – International Business

Teaching activities


Course and Syllabus overview
1 Group formation Hill & Hult (2016) – Chapter 1
Firms and globalization
National difference in political economy
2 Political economy and economic Hill & Hult (2016) – Chapters 2-3
Difference in culture Hill & Hult (2016) – Chapter 4-5
Ethics in international business
International trade theory Hill & Hult (2016) – Chapters 6-7
The political economy of international trade
Foreign direct investment
5 Firms and regional economic integration Hill & Hult (2016) – Chapters 8-10
The foreign exchange market
The international monetary system Hill & Hult (2016) – Chapters 11-12
The global capital market
The strategy of international business
7 The organizational strategy of international Hill & Hult (2016) – Chapter 13-14
Entry strategy and strategic alliances Hill & Hult (2016) – Chapter 15-16
Exporting, importing and countertrade
Global production, outsourcing and logistics
9 Hill & Hult (2016) – Chapter 17

Global human resource management Hill & Hult (2016) – Chapter 19

Pre-recorded video due.

11 All presentations

Presentation slides due

12 All presentations Written report due 1 week after the
Written report due 1 week after the
13 presentation


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BUS 302 – International Business

Learning resources
List of readings
Prescribed Hill, C. W. L. and Hult, G. T. M. (2016). International Business: Competing in
textbook the Global Marketplace (11th ed.). NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Griffin, R.W. and Pustay, M.W. (2013). International Business (7th ed.). USA:
Recommended Prentice Hall.
readings Recommended articles will be provided to students by the lecturer during the
trimester. Please refer to the course schedule of activities for more information.

Online resources
E-library Username: UEHCMC2010
Password: thuvien0810
E-Learning https://elearning.westernsydney.edu.vn/

General submission requirements

Referencing requirements
Student assignments are to contain original content created by the students. Assignments will be
rejected if they include plagiarized content or contain excessive amounts of quoted/cited material and
minimal original content. Students will receive a grade of ZERO (0%) for any assignments
rejected for this reason.
Written assignments will be randomly checked by the lecturer with Turnitin.com, an online
plagiarism-checking tool. Furthermore, your reference to support your statements must be from a
reliable source, such as textbooks, additional reading materials, and reference books. However, many
websites are not reliable sources. Examples are Wikipedia.org, about.com, and ask.com. If you are
not sure if a reference is acceptable or not, please contact the lecturer.
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th ed., will serve as the
primary reference materials for all students. Therefore, all papers must be submitted in APA format.
The mechanics of student papers and work will be evaluated, as well as the content. It is imperative
that guidelines be reviewed before an assignment is begun. It is also important that the required
submission format be followed in compiling the final paper or assignment.

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BUS 302 – International Business

Class Policies and Rules

Late assignment and make-up policy
All quizzes, assignments, and final exam must be taken on the assigned dates. If there are extenuating
or unforeseen circumstances, the school office must be contacted prior to the quiz or exam dates to
authorize a make -up if required. No make-up quiz or exam will be accepted unless a prior approval
granted by the school based on a Special Consideration Application for a supplementary
Final marks and grades are subject to confirmation by the School Assessment Committees which
may scale, modify or otherwise amend the marks a nd grades for the unit, as may be required by
University policies.
Note: To successfully complete this unit, students must:

▪ Achieve a minimum of 50 marks;

▪ Attend 80 per cent of class time.

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