TwIST Times May/June/July 2011

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twIST times


May/June/July 2011

News for Students by Students

International School of Tanganyika - Elementary Campus


written by staff reporter, Nyan, Grade 3

ISTs Got Talent was a wonderful event. There were 80 people who performed out of around 500 students at IST. A lot off people volunteered as crew. It was a great! It went along well. It was on April 16,17:00-19:00 2011. Here are some suggestions to note for future performers: Be brave. Something that might help would be to imagine the audience in their underwear. Here is an idiom you can say to people before they go on stage: Break a leg! It means good luck.


submitted by staff reporters: Nuzhhat, Tamara-Jo and Anvesh, Grade 4

Several Twist Times reporters have gathered information about ISTs Got Talent performers. Please enjoy! What are some tips you would give to people who havent been on stage before?
Be brave! Maddie 4L, Charlotte 2P, Suren 3H and Isadora KGS Imagine the audience in underwear! Tamara-Jo 4N fashion show Dont scream at your brother. Xandra 4W marshal arts Dont be scared! It will be over before you know it! Vidhi 4W dance Imagine the audience in their underpants. Nuzhhat 4L guitar



Dont be embarrassed! Jenna 1D Be strong. Angel 2P Dont worry! Seren 3L dance


Dont be nervous! Just imagine its only your friends who are in the audience. Jash 4F break-dance I know its stressful before you go on stage but when you get on, just have fun! Edward 3MCK dancing Stage Fright is not really Stage fright. Just act normal. Joella 1E poem Just get on the stage and have condence in yourself its Really FUN! Mire 2W guitar Be graceful! Rowan 1C dance Never look at the audience. Look at the lights. If youre in a group, pretend you're the only one on stage. Selina 4F piano Dont look at anybody! Ayra 1L dance Try it and have fun! Jenna 1E poem Try your best! Shan 3MCK rock on rolls Dont worry! Seren 3L dance Get ideas and share ideas. Leila 4W crew member It is fun. Madiline KGS violin fairy dance Imagine the audience in underpants. Cate 4L tango Get it over and done with. Tati 3MCK fashion show Dont be shy and dont laugh. Yusra 3MCK juggling Look beyond the audience. Julie 4N fashion show It doesnt matter what you look like. Just believe in yourself. Yasmmine 1F poem Good Luck! Vince 4W song



written by staff reporter, Tariku, Grade 5

This year, it was the rst timeISTs Got Talent was performed at the International School of Tanganyika on April 16th. That day it was still hot even at night. There were lot of singers and dancers performing using all their energy. Some people sang songs from Disney Channel, some people performed together and some people were alone. There was a big clap when the performers nished. When I talked to a singer from this show, she said, I was very scared and so nervous, but when I nished the song, I was very happy. I also asked a member of the audience what he thought of the show and he said, Every single person did very great job, and I think they worked hard on everything they did. I carried on asking more people, someone said they practiced every day. Some people got very tired but everyone enjoyed their talent show.


written by staff reporter, Mehaar, Grade 3

Q1. What was it like Suren? Suren: It was awesome and fun. Q2. Were you nervous? Suren: Well a little bit and I was like oh what is going to happen? Will the audience like it? Q3. What performance did you do? Suren: I did the piano. Q4. What were you feeling while you were performing? Suren: I was feeling a lot nervous when I came in front of the audience and I was also excited because my friends were watching me. Q6. What are some tips you would give to people who havent been on stage yet? Suren: Well I would I like to tell my friends to be a little brave. They need to try to show their talent in front of the school. Oh come on buddies! Its time to rock the party!



Did You Know....

submitted by staff reporter, Zameena, Grade 4

That a man in California ate 103 hamburgers in 8 minutes. Thats the same as 1 burger every 4.6 seconds. This isnt required at home!! That if you type properly, using the correct ngers for all the keys, your left hand does over half of the typing? That Valentines day is the 2nd biggest card sending occasion. (Christmas is the rst!) That an average adults heart beats about 40 million times a year? That male Tarantulas can live up to 10-12 years. Females can live for decades!! That your left lung is smaller than your right lung to allow extra room for your heart? That you will produce enough spit ( saliva ) in your life time to ll 2 swimming pools and enough urine to ll 270 bathtubs?
Resource: Puzzle, Doodles, Trivia & Quizzes Activity Book



submitted by staff reporter, Patricia, Grade 5

Did you know worms can eat their own weight in food in a day? Did you know worms can have more than one heart? Some can have 5-10! Did you worms have been around for about 600 million years? Did you Know an African giant earthworm can be up to 6.7 m long? Did you know Centipedes can live for up to six years, and have from fteen to over a hundred pairs of legs? Did you know beetles are the most common insects on the planet? Did you know parasitic wasp are the smallest insects, with males as small as 0.139 mm long? Did you know that there are about 2000 different types of bees in the world, but only four can make honey? Did you know that Bees never sleep? Did you know some spiders have eight eyes? Did you know a land snail can lift up to ten its body weight? Did you know an ant has two stomachs, in one stomach it stores food for itself and in the other it stores food that is to be shared with other ants? Did you know an ant has the largest brain amongst insects? Did you Know an ant is able to lift about 20 times its own body weight? Did Know over 10000 known species of ants exist in the world?

Facts found at:




An Interview With IST Students:

Natasha and Marianna, Grade 3
written by staff reporter, Lisa, Grade 3

1. How much do you like the school? students: 100% 2. Do you have lots of friends? students: Yes! Of course! 3. Are you happy to be in I.S.T ? students: Yes! 4. Are you sad you left your friends? students: Yeah I am. 5. Are you having fun in school? students: Yes! 6. Do you sometimes think about your old school? students: Yeah, all the time. 7. Do you feel comfortable in I.S.T. students: Yeah. 8.Do you like how our school works? student: Yes! 9. How did you feel in the morning when you were getting ready for your new school? students: Nervous and excited. 11.Do you like your teacher? students: Yes. 12. Are you having a hard time learning other new languages? students: Kind of, a little bit.


All About Cars

submitted by staff reporters, Prem and Tariku

This is a cars engine.

Hi, have you ever driven a car or sat in one? Well we have! A car is something very important in your life. If you didnt have a car you would be late for everything! There are a variety of cars that you can buy!!! Now you can order cars too! If you want to order one log on to: Some companies are thinking of making eco-car. Eco-cars run on water, electricity or gas. When you grow up you can work for a car company. I am sure you will buy a car when you grow up!!!!

Toyota Land Cruiser Prado

Riddles and Tongue Twisters

submitted by staff reporter, Zameena, Grade 4

Here are a few riddles for you! 1. What is once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years? The letter m 2. What is always coming but never arrives? Tomorrow 3. What stays in one corner and travels around the whole world? A postage stamp 4. What can you give away but also keep? A cold


Are you bored? Yes? Try saying these tongue twisters! They will twist your tongue up! Have fun saying them!

submitted by staff reporter, Zameena and Rithika

1. Betty bought some butter but the butter was bitter so she bought some more butter to make the bitter butter better. But the bitter butter made the better butter bitter. 2. She sells sea shells on the sea shore. 3. Red lorry, Yellow lorry. 4. Mix, miss, mix!
Tie a knot, tie a knot. Tie a tight, tight knot. Tie a knot in the shape of a nought.


Jolly juggling jesters jauntily juggled jingling jacks.

If one doctor doctors another doctor does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does the doctor doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?

For more Tongue Twisters:



Idiom Fun!
Brain Quiz submitted by staff reporter, Zameena, Grade 4

Brain Quiz
Try answering these questions without peeking below for the answers!! Here are your questions: 1. The plural of fox is foxes. What is the plural of ox? 2. Is Chicago a city in Indiana or Illinois? 3. Can you nd a 4 letter word for something you swallow in the word caterpillar? 4. How many eggs are in a half a dozen? 5. How many seconds are in a minute and a half? 6. Change this into a multiplication problem: 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 20. 7. Which is biggest: 1 foot, 1 yard or 12 inches? 8. What mineral is used in pencils?
1. The plural of ox is oxen (not oxes!). 2. In Illinois. 3. The word pill. 4. 6 eggs. 5. 90 seconds. 6. 4 x 5 = 20. 7. 1 yard is biggest. (12 inches is one foot and 1 yard is 3 feet). 8. Graphite. Brain Quiz from Brain Quest:

Across 1. Drink like a XXXX! 4. XXXX wasn't built in a day! 6. A piece of XXXX! 8. A XXXXXXX can't change its spots! Down 2. Chew XXXXXXX out! 3. Don't flog a dead XXXXX! 5. A XXXXX of your own medicine! 7. Don't cry over XXXXX milk!

Enjoy !


Here are the answers:


Im hungry!

Ingredients: 2 mugs White our 2 tbsp. oil, 1 tsp. Yeast 1 Egg 1 Cup milk mixed with 1 cup water 2 tbsp. Sugar 1 tsp. Salt 1 Packet cream cheese Method: Take all the ingredients except thecheese and bind the dough soft then wait for it to rise. Next, make small balls and put some cream cheese in, and then close to make a round ball and then put all the balls in a baking sheet. Then again, wait for them to rise. Then nally, put them in the oven with moderate heat till they are ready. Take the buns out of the oven, then brush oil on the buns, and then help yourselves to the delicious, creamy, melty, cheesy, cheese buns.

Chocolate Biscuits with Choco Chips

(you get 24) Ingredients: - 1/2 cup butter (soft) - 1/3 cup cocoa powder - 3/4 cup white sugar - 1/4 teaspoon baking soda - 1 egg - 1/8 teaspoon salt - 1 teaspoon vanilla essence - 1 cup semi sweet choco chips - 1 cup our Method: 1. Beat the butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla essence till light and uffy. 2. Combine the our, baking soda, salt and cocoa powder. 3. Now add our mixture to the butter mixture. 4. Mix in choco chips. 5. Drop by rounded teaspoonful on a greased pan or drop with an icecream scoop. 6. Bake for 8-10 minutes. 7. After 10 minutes, take out and wait for them to cool. 8. After cooling down, you can start
recipe submitted by staff reporter, Zameena, Grade 4

recipe submitted by staff reporter, Fatema A, Grade 5

Let us know if you have a recipe you would like to share.


a TwIST Times feature

Pet of the Month Hamsters - Super Cute!!

written by staff reporter, Fatema B, Grade 5

Super cute and absolutely adorable, the hamsters have it all!! small but delicate, any hamster goes for the fast, furry and fantastic animal. Almost half of the school have them!! Do you??
Hamster Lovers Guide. Web. 10 May 2011.


Dog Funnies
submitted by staff reporter, Oona, Grade 3
Photos from:

Dog: Im a ying dog!,wheeee. Boom Boom Boom Man: Whatda???

Wheres the Lolipop guys? Im waiting.

You wanna play princess?

Is it war against dogs yet?


Kids Jokes - Jokes for kids

submitted by staff reporter, Konstantin, Grade 3

What does KFB mean? It means Kentucky fried banana! A frog went to the library. The librarian kept on offering all sorts of books but the frog just said, REDDIT! REDDIT! What does VIB mean? Very important banana. What did the volcano say to the other volcano? Youre too young to smoke. When do you stop on green and go on red? When you eat a watermelon. Why cant zoo animals take tests? Because there are too many cheetahs! How do you make a cheese puff? Chase it around the kitchen! What do you call a dancing cow? A milkshake! Why didn't the teddy want any more food? Cause he was already stuffed! What do you get when you cross a giraffe and a porcupine? A tall toothbrush! I got these jokes from a Google search. You can type: kids jokes for under 11 and then click on: kid kackels - jokes for kids

More Jokes

submitted by staff reporter, Vidhi, Grade 4

Q: Which drink is always crying? A:Wine Q: Why are egyptian kids confused? A: Because there daddies were mummies Doctor, doctor I feel like a pair of curtains! Pull yourself together! Q: Which tasty food is always late? A: Choco-late. I got a call from a man playing a drum! Tell him to beat it!

Celebrity Watch

submitted by staff reporter, Jash, Grade 4

Justin has sung many songs that many people admire like Never Say Never, Baby, and One Time. He is famous for singing songs and being a young singer. And why would Miley like Justin? Many fans of Miley in my class do not like Justins songs. Also why does Selena like Justin if she is a character in Wizards of Waverly place and is way older then he is?

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez or Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus?

Justin is looking for fame while Selena is looking for true love!! But why are they dating if Selena is older?

Justin at a club with Miley Cyrus!!!!! If Justin is dating Selena, why go out with Miley Cyrus?

twIST times - Staff

Headline News: Nyan, Grade 3 Nuzhet, Grade 4 Tamara-Joe, Grade 4 Anvesh, Grade 4 Tariku, Grade 5 Mehaar, Grade 3 Zameena, Grade 4 Patricia, Grade 5 Lisa, Grade 4 Fatema A, Grade 5 Zameena, Grade 4 Fatema B, Grade 5 Jash, Grade 4 Prem and Tariku comics submitted by staff reporters, Edward and Nazri

Fun Facts: Spotlight: Recipes: Features:

Fun and Games: Zameena, Grade 4 Jash, Grade 4 Rithika, Grade 3 Oona, Grade 3 Konstantin, Grade 3 Vidhi, Grade 4 Comics: Edward and Nazri

TwIST Times - Correction

In the last issue, the Silly Bands at IST article was mistakenly attributed to Angelique, grade 3. It was actually written by Bertha, Grade 3 and Angelique, Grade 3. The Twist Times regrets the error.

Teacher Mentors: Ms Jess, EAL Ms Emily EAL Mr McKillip, ICT


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