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School Mambajao National High School Grade Level 9

Teaching Intern Dave Jason A. Balacuit Class Section Iron

Cooperating Teacher Ms. Ivy D. Mangmang Learning Area English
Teaching Date and June 01, 2022 Quarter 4
Time 7:30 AM- 8:30 AM

CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding on how Anglo-American literature and
other text types serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing world; also how to use
the features of a full length play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive constructions plus direct
and indirect speech to enable him/her competently performs in a full-length play.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner competently performs in a full-length play through applying
effective strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and
Dramatic Conventions.

Analyze Literature as a means of understanding unchanging values in a changing world. (EN9LT-IV-17)

At the end of the lesson, the learners will:

 Make an essay, poem, song or drawing based on his/her understanding about the lesson.


A. CONTENT: Analyze Literature as a means of understanding unchanging values in a changing
B. TOPIC: Basic Elements of Literature

C. REFERENCES: English Quarter 4, Wk. 8- Module 1

D. MATERIALS: Manila paper, and construction paper.


A. Routinary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance

B. Review
Okay class, before we proceed to our new topic this Sir, our past lesson is all about
morning, let’s have a short recap about our past lesson. Bias and Prejudice.
Anyone who can recall?

Alright very good. Now, what is Bias and Prejudice? Bias is a tendency to favor a
person or a group of people for
one’s good. While prejudice is an
instant judgement without
knowing the truth or having
knowledge and facts. To be
short, it is a pre judgement.
Very good. I can see that all of you are learning very

C. Motivation
I have here pictures and all you have to do is to share
your thoughts and state your opinions about it. Am I Okay sir!

Okay let’s start.

That is Cardo sir in “Ang

Probinsyano”. He is the main
character of the series.

That is Jack and Rose sir in the
famous Titanic movie. It is all
about a big ship who crashed in
an iceberg few years ago. Many
people were dead in that tragedy
and only few who survived.

How about this picture class? I know this person is very

familiar to you. Sir, this is Mr. Bean or Rowan
Atkinson in real life. He’s famous
because of his funny movies.

D. Lesson Proper

A. Activity

I have here jumbled letters. All you need to do is to

arrange these letters in order to form a word. After Okay sir.
forming the word, you need to say something about it.

Here are the letters:

Now class do you have answers? Any idea?

Very good. As we know Cardo has a lot of challenges

and problems to overcome because he is the main
The first word is Characters.
character of the movie.
Characters are the people who
plays a vital role in a story. Like
for example, in Ang Probinsyano,
Cardo is the main character of
How about number 2? Yes, miss Kenjie do you have the story.
any idea?

The answer is plot. Just like in

the famous Titanic movie, Jack
fell in love at first sight with
Rose. He was stunned by the
beauty of Rose. They met each
other and they fell in love
together. Until one night an
unfortunate situation happened.
The ship crashed into an iceberg
that caused the death of Jack. He
sacrificed his own life to save
Rose, her lover.
What a wonderful answer, Kenjie. Yes indeed, Jack
sacrificed everything just to secure the life of Rose. A
story can be happened every time and everywhere.
We should always consider that.

How about the last word? Anyone?

Sir, the answer is theme. In my
own understanding, theme
serves as concepts that pervade
and recur throughout a piece of
writing and are often reinforced
by motifs. In Mr. Bean series it is
a SITCOM or Situational Comedy.
We can see in the movie that it is
based on Mr. Bean’s real-life
situation with addition of
comedy to attract the interest of
the viewers. Successfully, it goes
Very good! That is an excellent answer. well-known globally.

B. Analysis
Now class, what have you observe in our activity?
I have observed that characters,
plot, and theme are an Elements
of literature.

What lesson you learn from the movies and series I

showed recently? I have learned in Titanic that love
is worth sacrificing for. We
sacrificed our life for the one we

What about in Mr. Bean? Anyone?

In Mr. Bean, I have also learned
to enjoy my own company,
because sometimes in our life we
find happiness in being alone, we
meet a lot of people in our
journey but at the end of the day
it’s always ourself and none of
them will stay forever. Let’s be
grateful in life and continue to
enjoy simple things that matter.
Very well said! Thank you for sharing your idea. It is
really an informative thought about life.

Now, how can we relate these elements in our real-life

situation or scenario?
I strongly believe that we are the
main characters in our own
story. We are the artist of our
own masterpiece. In our life, we
can encounter different plot,
sometimes we feel like we carry
the world because of the burden
and sadness. Also, many times
we feel so much heaven in our
life because of genuine

Very well said! It’s nice to know that you have already
enough knowledge regarding to our new topic. I am
really impressed with your opinions.

C. Abstraction

Today, we will discuss the elements of literature. In my own understanding

Anyone who has an idea about literature? Literature is a body of written
How about you Nash? works, such as poetry, prose and

Very good! Literature usually means a work of poetry,

theatre or narrative.

Now, will discuss the three basic elements of literature

such as the characters, plot and theme.

Characters- is any animate figure within a story.

Types of Characters
1. Protagonist- this is the main
character, the big cheese, the
star of the show.
2. Antagonist- the one who
oppose the protagonist.

Plot – is the sequence of events that make up a story,

whether it’s told, written, filmed or sung.

Elements of Plot
 Exposition- this is your book’s introduction,
where you introduce your characters,
established the setting and begin to introduce
the primary conflict of your story.
 Rising Action- the rising action normally begins
with an inciting incident, or a moment that sets
your story.
 Climax- the climax is the peak of tension, plot,
and character in your story.
 Falling Action- this is the time to start resolving
conflicts and subplots so your story doesn’t feel
rushed in the last few chapters.
 Resolution/Denouement- the resolution is the
end of your story where you can tie up the final
loose ends and bring your story to its happy or
tragic ending.

Theme- is what the author is trying to convey.

Now class, I will share to you a parable. Do you know

what is a parable? sir, parable is like a fable because
they both have a moral lesson in
the story. They only differ in
characters of the story. The
characters of the fables are
animals and plants while in
parable are human.

Very well said. Parables is a story of man which we can None sir. I guess we already read
learn a lesson. Before we start may I know who among
before but none of us can
you here had already read a parable?
remember, because our minds
are occupied with different

Alright. I have here a parable. The tile is “The Parable of

a Sower”. I want you to know to read and analyze the
text. You need to find out what are the words or Yes sir!
situation that has a different meaning which we can
relate in our real life. Am I understood?


That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat
beside the sea. And great crowds gathered about him,
so that he got into a boat and sat down. And the whole
crowd stood on the beach. And He told them many
things in parables, saying: “A sower went out to sow.
And as he sowed, some seeds fell along the path, and
the birds came and devoured them. Other seeds fell on
rocky ground, where they did not have much soil, and
immediately they sprang up, since they had no depth of
soil, but when the sun rose they were scorched. And
since they had no root, they withered away. Other
seeds fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and
choked them. Other seeds fell on good soil and
produced grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some
thirty. He who has ears, let him hear.

Now, what is the Parable of a Sower all about?

It is all about a man who throw
seeds everywhere. Maybe he is a
That’s a good answer. But I want you to dig deeper.
Think of a deeper answer which we can relate in our
I think it is all about God. He’s
real-life situation.
trying to convey a message to
His people.
Yes, very good. The parable is all about the man who
represent God and the seed is His message. Just as
planned seed starts to grow, the word of God starts to
deepen and grow within a person.

As I said earlier that a parable has a moral lesson. Now,

prepare your understanding about the parable because
we will have an activity based on the story.

D. Application
I will divide the class into 3 groups.
Each group will identify the characters, plot and theme
of the parable. You choose a one character in the
parable and make an essay, poem, drawing or a song
about him.

Do you have any questions?

Time starts now!
None sir.
The sequence of the presentation, group 1 will present
first, followed by group 2 and last group to present is
group 3.

Thank you everyone for that wonderful presentation.

Indeed, we need to eternalize and value the word of
God to have a strong faith and love. I hope all of you had
understand The Parable of a Sower.

E. Assessment
Encircle the letter of your best answer.
1. An element of literature that serve as the sequence of events
that make up a story, whether it’s told, written, filmed or sung.
a. Literature
b. Character
c. Theme
d. Plot
2. An element of literature which the author is trying to convey.
a. Plot
b. Theme
c. Literature
d. Character
3. An element of literature that animate figure in the story.
a. Plot
b. Character
c. Theme
d. Setting
4. This is the main character, the big cheese, the star of the
a. Protagonist
b. Antagonist
c. Character
d. Plot
5. A type of character who oppose the protagonist.
a. Antagonist
b. Protagonist
c. Character
d. Plot

Again, who can recall our lesson for today? Anyone?

We discussed about the
elements of literature. The
characters, plot and theme. We
also tackled about “The Parable
of a Sower”. A parable has a
moral lesson which is very
essential for every individual that
can be apply in our own life.

Very good! Thank you for your active participation and

cooperation today class. Do you have any questions?

F. Assignment
You need to write the moral lesson you learned from The
Parable of a Sower. You write your output in a clean sheet of
paper to be submitted next meeting.

Thank you so much class for your cooperation this morning. I

hope you have learned a lot from today’s discussion. I’ll see you
next meeting.

Closing prayer.


Prepared by:
Dave Jason a. Balacuit


Prepared by:

Dave Jason A. Balacuit

Student Intern


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