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Clinical significance

Erikson's Stages of Development resulted to and had a significant impact on a number of

clinical tools and research done:

 Treatment plans for various stages of mental disease recovery are based on an
understanding of Erikson's stages.
EX -; In terms of accepting one's mental disease and having faith in the idea of recovery, the
initial stage of trust vs. mistrust is comparable to the first stage of mental illness recovery.

 Erikson's stages served as the foundation for the Erikson Psychosocial Stage Inventory
(EPSI), and its modified version (MEPSI) is a valid tool for evaluating psychosocial
 The concept and staging of Erikson's theory are the foundation for a framework of
psychodynamic psychotherapy.

Strength and weakness of erikson theory

Like criticism and support

Erikson's theory is subject to legitimate critique and has its drawbacks. What types of experiences are
required to pass each stage successfully? How can someone advance to the next stage?

The fact that the exact processes for resolving conflicts and progressing from one stage to the next are
not fully characterized or developed is one of the main weaknesses of psychosocial theory. The theory
falls short of specifying precisely the kinds of experiences required at each step to successfully resolve
the conflicts and advance to the following stage. These phases don't always happen in succession. These
problems and developmental changes might occur at various times during a person's life.

For example, the challenges of intimacy versus isolation are not just restricted to the period of early
adulthood; these are issues that can affect people all throughout life and even well into old age.
Challenges to identity can also take place well outside of the teen years. People are growing, changing,
and learning at all stages of life.

The fact that psychosocial theory offers a broad framework from which to view development across the
entire lifespan is one of its advantages. Additionally, it enables us to emphasise the social aspect of
people and the significance of social ties in shaping growth.

Erikson's theories on identity have been supported by research, which has also led to the identification
of many identity development substages. According to several studies, adolescents who have strong
personal identities are better equipped to establish close connections in their early adult years.
However, according to some studies, identity creation and development last long into adulthood.

Why Erikson theory is important?

The notion was important since it considered a person's growth not just during childhood but
throughout their entire life.

Additionally, it emphasized how crucial social connections are for influencing personality and growth at
every stage of development.

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