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Writing Rubric - Essay

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Organization Introduction doesn’t reflect Some indication to what the essay Weak/ basic thesis statement is Intent and focus of essay is clear in Clear engaging thesis statement in
& Structure the content and intent of the aims to address in the introduction. attempted within the introduction. introduction though the thesis introduction. Focus and aim of essay is
essay. statement is not engaging the audience. reaffirmed in the conclusion.
No clear thesis statement A weak conclusion that adds new &/or
&/or information or continues to support &/or The conclusion sums up the essay well
No clear conclusion and provide evidence. Conclusion may include new without adding any new information.
information Conclusion sums up without reaffirming
the thesis statement/ intent of the Conclusion has a take-home message.
Evidence and Paragraph lack supporting Supporting paragraphs may contain Some supporting paragraphs may Most supporting paragraphs contain Each supporting paragraph contains
Support sentences. weak/ confusing or lack sentences contain sentences that support sentences that support the main idea. sentences that support the main idea.
The format is unclear/ that support the main idea. &/or the main idea. &/or The format is correct. The format is correct.
incorrect. Paragraph format is correct. The format is correct. &/or Most of the sentences support the main The purpose of each paragraph is clear
The purpose of each The purpose of each paragraph is The purpose of each paragraph is idea.
paragraph is unclear/ not very clear but the ideas/ details clear and the ideas/ details are The purpose of each paragraph is clear
confusing. are not well organized (not organized (chronologically, in-line
chronologically or in-line with the with the order found in the
order found in the introduction) introduction)
Fluency and Paragraphs do not build on Thought development between Paragraphs attempt thought Paragraphs contain thought Paragraphs contain clear thought
Cohesion each other. paragraphs is not attempted Few development. Limited transitional development. Transitional words/ development. Transitional words/
No clear thought transitional words/ phrases are words/ phrases are incorporated. phrases are incorporated. phrases are well incorporated.
development. incorporated. Ideas/ details are weakly Ideas/ details are well organized Ideas/ details are well organized
Ideas/ details are confusing. Ideas/ details are confusing and not organized. (chronologically, in-line with the order (chronologically, in-line with the order
Transitional words/ phrases well organized found in the introduction) found in the introduction)
are not incorporated.

Not indented Indented or not Indented paragraphs &/or Indented paragraphs &/or Indented paragraphs with varied
Mechanics Multiple punctuation or No sentence variety (simple, Limited sentence variety (simple, Varied sentences (simple, compound, sentences (simple, compound, complex,
(Grammar & capitalization mistakes compound, complex, etc) compound, complex, etc) &/or complex, etc) &/or etc)
Punctuation) run-on sentences punctuation or capitalization 3-5 punctuation or capitalization 1-2 punctuation or capitalization No punctuation or capitalization
no sentence variety mistakes occur mistakes. &/or mistakes. &/or mistakes.
/ & or confusing sentences Work is not proofread nor edited. Work is not well proofread nor 1-2 run-on sentences Work is carefully proofread and edited.
&/or run-on sentences/ & or edited. &/or run-on sentences Work is proofread and edited. No run-on sentences
confusing sentences occur
Many spelling mistakes spelling and punctuation mistakes Some spelling &/or punctuation Few spelling &/or punctuation mistakes No spelling mistakes
Vocabulary Vocabulary from the units barely any use of unit vocabulary mistakes (more than 8 total) (3 total) Vocabulary from the units are
Development are not included words frequency repetitive. Limited unit vocabulary intermediate’ words are spelled incorporated well throughout the essay.
Choice of words is weak Some words or expressions are correctly, and unit vocabulary words are Work is carefully proofread for word
(below level) frequent (such as repeated use of included. choice.
familiar conjunctions) Varied word choice (little to no
repetition of words)
Clear attempt at proofreading for word
choice and spelling.

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