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Athletic Sports

& Management-

Submitted by:
Ambita, Jeffrey J., BS Architecture 2A

Submitted to:
Mr. Francis Gallardo
1. Decision-making
2. Problem Solving
3. Budgeting
4. Delegating
5. Innovating
6. Creating
7. Motivating

1. Decision-making
The cognitive operation of selecting a response from a range of available responses in
circumstances where an action is needed. It usually takes place while interacting either
the external environment or internal desires and requirements. Decisions may be made by
an individual or a group, which mediates between the environment and the behavior or
performance. It can operate slowly under conditions that lack environmental constraints
and demands but must be fast under circumstances of pressure, stress, or temporal
constraints. When circumstances permit, the brain processes the information needed for
decision-making intentionally through a perceptual-cognitive linkage.

2. Problem Solving
Problem solving involves goal directed thinking and action in situations for which no
routines solutions exist. The problem solver has a more or less well-defined goal, but it is
not immediately obvious how to reach it. The incongruence of goals and admissible
operators constitutes a problem. The understanding of the problem situation and its step-
by-step transformation, based on planning and reasoning, constitute the process of
problem solving.

3. Budgeting
Budgeting is the process of planning future business activities by establishing
performance goals and putting them into a formal plan. In other words, budgeting is the
process of making financial goals for a company and creating a plan to achieve those

4. Delegating
Delegation occurs when someone with authority confers upon another person the power
to do a particular task. Delegation is usually a one-way street - superiors delegate
authority to subordinates. However, ultimate responsibility for task completion usually
remains the responsibility of the person who delegated the authority to complete it. For
example, if your boss delegates a task to you, she is likely still ultimately responsible for
making sure that task is accomplished.

5. Innovating
The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or
for which customers will pay. To be called an innovation, an idea must be replicable at an
economical cost and must satisfy a specific need. Innovation involves deliberate
application of information, imagination and initiative in deriving greater or different
values from resources, and includes all processes by which new ideas are generated and
converted into useful products. In business, innovation often results when ideas are
applied by the company in order to further satisfy the needs and expectations of the
In a social context, innovation helps create new methods for alliance creation, joint
venturing, flexible work hours, and creation of buyers' purchasing power. Innovations are
divided into two broad categories:
 Evolutionary innovations (continuous or dynamic evolutionary innovation) that
are brought about by many incremental advances in technology or processes.
 Revolutionary innovations (also called discontinuous innovations) which are often
disruptive and new.
Innovation is synonymous with risk-taking and organizations that create revolutionary
products or technologies take on the greatest risk because they create new markets.

6. Creating
To build, assemble, or produce an object or idea. The act of creating is usually tied to
being innovative with existing materials.

7. Motivating
Motivation simply defined as the ability to initiate and persists at a task. To perform your
best, you must want to begin the process of developing as an athlete and you must be
willing to maintain your efforts until you have achieved your goals. Motivation is sport is
so important because you must be willing to work hard in the face of fatigue, boredom,
pain, and the desire to do other things. Motivation will impact everything that influences
your sport performance: physical conditioning, technical and tactical training, mental
preparation, and general lifestyle including sleep, diet, school or work, and relationships.

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