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Since the discovery of Stuxnet in 2010, more and more attacks are being discovered

targeting critical infrastructures using attacks such as WannaCry, NotPetya, SamSam and
2016 attack on Ukraine’s power grid deprived part of Kiev of power for more than 3 hours,
detected by ESET as Win32/Industroyer

2017 One of the largest NATIONAL OFFICES struck by the attack was NHS (nat health service)
up to 70,000 devices – including computers, MRI scanners, blood-storages have been
affected - NHS services had to turn away emergencies
Nissan Motor in England halted production, RenAult also stopped production at several sites
Telefonica, FedEx pr Deutsche Bahn, Merck (1B loss) , Maersk (250M loss)
2018 Triton
first discovered at a Saudi Arabian petrochemical plant in 2017It can disable safety
instrumented systems, which can then contribute to a plant disaster. It has been called "the
world's most murderous malware.”
LockerGoga was detected by Norsk Hydro (one of the largest aluminum producers in the
world), across several international systems.
Today, government entities face an uphill battle when combating the growing surge
of cyber espionage and extortion.
Now more than ever, the public sector needs to focus on its security hardening
measures across all infrastructure layers.
When critical infrastructure fails, the effects can be wide-reaching and devastating. 
In the past year alone, 56% of energy utility facilities reported at least one
cyberattack that caused data loss or operations
The amount of data generated every year, come along with the growth of the cybercrime. In another
hand, it gives the opportunity to the technology provider. Google VP and “father of the internet”
Vincent Cerf said “ The solution is to take an “X-ray snapshot” of the content and the application and
the operating system together, with a description of the machine that it runs on, and preserve that
for long periods of time. And that digital snapshot will recreate the past in the future.”
A Norwegian Company, a Service provider and technology innovator come with a disruptive
innovation that aims to protect world memory and prevent cybercrime.
They innovate ultra-secure data storage & long-term digital preservation solution,
save digital data or a mix of visual and digital. Piql used nanotechnologies to convert the
photosensitive film into a digital futureproof preservation medium. The result is an ultra-
high-resolution film that can store visual images and digital data together.
Currently available data preservation comparison. Solution of data preservation
technology is magnetic tape, optical disk, hard disk drive, cloud, and microfilm. Hard
disk drives and cloud are the most commonly used. However, the disadvantage is
the high maintenance cost and it is required to migrate every 3-5 years which causes
data loss.

Let’s talk about the Unique Value Proporsition of Piql.

Piql has A distinctive set of value propositions


 Piql stores data offline on the unique storage medium, piqlFilm

 data cannot be hacked , modified or deleted

 data cannot be destroyed by electro mag netic weapons or nuclear radiation

 data has unique durability and longevity properties, which is more than 1000 years

 Future data retrieval is technology(gee) and vendor agnostic since solution is self contained
and based on open source and license free components


 Piql is a migration free, passive. and sustainable storage technology with a very low carbon

Upon above, we can find three needs where piql can make a difference:

The first is Archival & Digital Preservation:

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