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Olga Melnik

Essay on the topic ‘Encouraging speech’

Communication is one of the important tools that aid us to connect with people. Either a
person is a student or a working professional, good communication is something that will connect
people far ahead. Proper communication can help to solve a number of issues and resolve problems. I
am convinced that the skills of communication essential to be developed so that person is able to
interact with people, to share the thoughts and reach out to them. All this needs the correct guidance
and self-analysis as well.
Encouraging speech is art made into words, a powerful resource that goes beyond simply
speaking well. Generally, its purpose is to encourage reflection or influence convictions by
appealing to our emotions.
The best speeches engage the minds and hearts of people and the best speakers cause each
member in the audience to:
1. Remember — connect back to their highest purpose as a human being, as a team, or as a
company. They move them beyond daily distractions and lead them back to remember what their
mission is in the first place.
2. Rethink — see their life and work with new eyes. They create an environment and
thought-provoking content that leads people to dwell in possibility and see things from new
angles of vision.
3. Respond — compel words into action. They use powerful stories and illustrations that
light a fire in people and stimulates an authentic desire to be a catalyst for positive change in
their life and work.
An encouraging speech can come from anywhere or anyone, but it usually has a specific
audience in mind. This means that the person must know his listeners. Before get started with
your writing, it should be considered who will be listening to words and what types of ideas
might catch and hold their attention. For example, speaking to students who are about to enter
the workforce, it is possible write words of encouragement that urge them to be confident,
ambitious and enthusiastic about their futures. Speaking to colleagues about coping with
challenging transitions in the workplace, it is good idea to write about the benefits of having
perseverance, and about embracing change and forging new paths to better things.
Understanding the type of audience will definitely help to craft the right message.
Also, an emotional response is a necessary precursor of encouragement. Making
emotional connections with other human beings isn't difficult if to share an interest in the same
topic. But to do so, it is extremely important to use the language of emotion. Emotional words
and connotations create a heartfelt response in people.
Doubtless, speech should be ended on a positive note so people will come away with a
feel-good sensation that will encourage them to carry forward whatever mission you encouraged
them to go on during your speech. Issue a call to action, offer a word of thanks, or challenge
people to personally embrace your words and to continue to make a difference.
To sum up, I want to say that communication is one of the most important functions of
our lives. Both for our daily life and a business. Using encouraging speech can help to motivate
an audience to take a specific action, usually in regard to personal or professional growth. And it
is quite essential to develop the communicative skills during whole life.

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