Chapter 1 Watchmen

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Chapter 1:

2. What is the time in the watch displayed this chapter? And in the upcoming chapters? Can
you establish a relationship between the time and the chapters?

One minute in the clock in each chapter

3- What is the title of this chapter and where is it placed?

Take place at midnight  related to the last quote in the chapter

4- Study the splash page in chapter I. What is the mood of this image? Why?

Anxiety blood. Smile reminds a clock (circle) and the hands of the clock.
Smile for happiness and red stands for blood. Irony in the hold story

5. You read an entry for Rorschach’s journal on page 1. What is the tone of his writing?

A journal (in yellow intimate piece of writing). Pessimistic, disappointment, everyone is

included, criticising the whole society.

6. Write down what the sign says in panel three. What does this mean? How do these words
contribute to the mood of the opening?

The end is night (near)

7. In what ways do the pictures support the words? What is the effect of this juxtaposition?

The more you go out you are actually now how the camera zoom out.

8. Find an example on these pages where the image greatly supports the caption. Write down
the page and panel number, and its effect on you.
An image in the past (is a flashback) but you are reading what is happen in the present. Una
imagen del pasado, pero pasando en el presente.

Page 3 panel 7

9. What is the point of view of the flashback pictures on page 3?

10. Page 6, panel 1: Rorschach enters the scene. How is Rorschach framed? What is the effect
of this framing?

In control of his body posture but similar to posture in page 3 panel 7. Colours very different.
He looks powerful and heroic, it seems to can solve the situation

11. Page 13, panel 5. What is the mood of this panel?

Melancholy, sadness. He is a superhero the Second Night Owl. He is at home, the costume is
empty, but inside the costume there is no hero. The hero is sit. He is nothing now. He has the
smile, but he is sad, it is ironic.

12. Page 13: Discuss the scale of the costume to Danny.

In this case the scale is the costume up and he sits down. Someone that is not up to he expects
or what everyone expects from him.

13. Pages 16-17: Study the colour shift from these pages. What might the different colors

2 different moods. Emotions are linked with colours. Open spaces related with rationality,

There is a colour shift. Darker place vs a better places

14. What is the effect of the point of view in the second to last panel on page 26?

Only see the nails that are red. It ends up in a different mood. Techniques open and close the
chapter. Technique and final sentence result in the beginning of the chapter (same image).

15. Bob Dylan’s song: how does the song frame chapter I.

16. Mention the main characters in this c

hapter and briefly describe how they are presented
to readers.

How many character appears in the character

Roserach, The Comidian, Adrian Bete, Lerey, Dr. Manhattan and two night Owls, (only
mentioned, Lorey’s mother, the MInutemen) THe only one that appears in both group the
Watchmen and the MInutemen, is the Comedian)

A lot of info in images, that we do not pay atención while readinng the book.

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