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Student Name Ilian Atanasov

Professional Development: Task 1 – Identifying

job roles in your chosen creative media industry

As an Esports student it is essential you are aware of the wide variety of jobs you may be
able to do within this industry. This first task is about you demonstrating exploration of
some of the roles which are found within Esports, writing a little about your understanding
of what they mean and why they interest you.

You are required to pick the FIVE career/roles you are most interested in from the link
provided at the bottom of this document. For EACH ONE write an explanation IN YOUR
OWN WORDS of what you think this role is and why you have chosen it. Be clear and
specific in your answers, showing off your knowledge and enthusiasm; vague answers such
as “this looks interesting” will not be accepted.

Career/role 1 of 5
100 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.

A Social Media Executive is expected to push a company's ideas to their followers and others who might be interested
with the help of advertisements and understanding algorithms. They're the face of the company, they provide
entertainment, as well as keeping track of trends and their rival competition. Being in this position, you would be
manging a page for your company, across many social media platforms, the more, the better. It is crucial you utilise
every platform available to push your brand and or name out to as many people as possible.
A S.M.E. is somebody who has a strong will and is consistent in his work. They don’t expect success from first try as every
post does differently.

Career/role 2 of 5
100 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.

A product manager isn’t necessarily what it sounds like, this position is far more flexible than you’d think!
A product manager makes sure a company's product meets a certain criterion before being published to consumers. This
can range anywhere from physical items like Merchandise and PC accessories to working on new apps and sponsor
initiatives. They are in charge of developing a business strategy, reaching a target, and making sure that everything
they’ve planned is on schedule to launch on time. This role stood out to me because it encompasses such a wide array of
jobs, each with its own special position, while still being all about appealing to your consumers. I think that anything is a
product to be consumed as defined by the Marketing-Insider;
“A product can be defined as anything that we can offer to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that
could satisfy a need or want.”
Career/role 3 of 5
100 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.

Becoming a professional gamer takes great discipline and consistency, as with anything you want to achieve in your life.
It's not just about playing a game and climbing up the ranks within it. This is a serious role for mature people who will
have to work well with & present your team positively, which includes managers, coaches, their in-game team as well as
all the roles mentioned above. When it comes to playing, a pro gamer would travel across the world to compete in
different championships for a cash prize. Additionally, they’d take part in many interviews, sponsor and partner
initiatives, as well as meeting their fans at certain events. Therefore, you need to be well mannered as you'd be meeting
people from different backgrounds, experiences and so forth. There is a list of requirements in a pro gamer contract, only
a small percentage make it. It's up to you to get to that first level of recognition.

Career/role 4 of 5
100 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.

One very important role is that of a Coach. Just like in traditional sport, a coach is there to motivate their players, come
up with strategies and put together Scrims (A scrim is a match which helps train one's team against others).
A coach is responsible for their player’s performance, so they will need to have a very good understanding of the game
and its metas, being able to evaluate and analyse is crucial to be involved in this field. In summary you need to have
great patience, good communication and teaching skills, managing people effectively, and a deeper understanding of
the game you are coaching for. You can't expect to be paid greatly in this field unless you're an Ex-Pro so obviously this is
a very competitive scene to be in.

Career/role 5 of 5
100 Words Min – All research sources to be linked at bottom of the box, Wikipedia not to be used.

The last role I have chosen to write for is An Agent. And what they do is look after their client's best interest and legal
aspects of their career, kind of like a lawyer. This includes sorting out sponsorships, handling a client's image and
negotiating better contracts for them. Having an agent allows a player to focus on their career in Esports. There is so
many roles to fill as an agent. You’re essentially your client's personal assistant. You need to have strong people skills –
so negotiating, networking, and communication are key. You are working with people at the end of the day, you will
need to be able to build relationships with many different individuals and keyholders. It is a difficult role, the schedule is
very flexible so you essentially must be available around the clock. you will need to build your reputation at first before
expecting a great pay.
Resources (add your own after the link)
Contains information about a variety of careers all linked to Esports

Worksheets can be completed digitally or by hand.

If completed by hand these must be scanned in or photographed to a decent standard.

Your lecturer will inform you of how to hand in on Moodle ready for the work to be checked
next week.

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