Review of Related Studies

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Review of Related Studies; The Influence of Service Quality and Product Quality on

Customer Satisfaction That Implications on Repurchase Interest

According to Kotler and Keller (2016), service quality can take many forms, such as being
tailored to customers to meet their needs. It is also a characteristic of a product's qualities that
enable it to meet specific or latent needs of the customer. In this case, service quality is clearly
customer-oriented. Based on this concept, a company will exceed customer expectations if their
products are of high quality. Almost all of the company's customers, current and potential, have
their requirements met. Product quality is an important factor to be considered, according to the
assessment (Ikhsani & Ali, 2017). Variables that affect product quality include performance,
reliability, standardization terms, and reliability. It is important to consider these variables as it
can help develop a successful product quality strategy. According to the magazine (Wantara &
Tambrin, 2019), product quality is a factor taken into account by companies to achieve
consumer happiness, so it is important for companies to think about how they have concept to
produce high quality products. Customer satisfaction is a key factor to a company's
performance, so in order to measure it, companies must be able to understand and study
contract validation factors. According to (Kotler, 2012) (Tjiptono & Fandy, 2015), companies
have several ways to quantify and track consumer satisfaction, both their own and those of their
competitors. Customer satisfaction occurs when customer expectations are met or exceeded;
This situation will have additional aspects. Customer satisfaction is business success through
the application of a variety of customer satisfaction tactics (Huang et al., 2019). Acquisition is a
method that occurs after a purchase. Repurchase occurs when a customer is satisfied with a
product that meets expectations and delivers the expected performance, resulting in a level of
satisfaction that drives future repeat purchases of the same item or brand, and aggressive word-
of-mouth marketing for the company (Kotler, 2012). Consumers will be interested and satisfied
if they have perceived the value of a product or company through positive encounters. Because
the emotional bond is formed from the encounter, the customer will be more likely to buy again.
The food industry is full of potential for both large and small businesses. The food and beverage
industry frequently uses the term "quality of service." This study will go into greater detail about
mobile restaurants, also known as food trucks. The questionnaire was completed by 120
randomly selected respondents. Hudaya, A., Djumarno, D., & Djubaedah, S. (2021).

Review of Related Studies of The Impact of Lay Rationalism Thinking Mode on Mental
Mental budgeting is considered as a part of mental accounting that deals with the psychological
separation, recording and summarization of economic categories. Individuals with a mental
budget will limit their consumption in the respective category. The limited impact of mental
budgeting on consumption can be influenced by a number of factors, such as an individual's
educational level, short-term orientation, discounts, and payment mechanisms. People who use
credit cards to purchase goods and services tend to make more current consumer transactions
than those who use cash or checks. Hsee and Rottenstreich (2004) have distinguished two
ways of thinking by which individuals evaluate the value of a particular goal: by calculation and
by feeling. They found that when computational thinking was activated, participants were more
sensitive to quantitative changes in goals (e.g. number of pandas needed help) and behavior
they are close to linear functions of the range. Individuals with higher LR scores showed less
avoidance of financial decisions and a greater degree of accuracy in price presentation, such as
being able to distinguish between accurate and rounded price information. Consumers with a
higher level of computational thinking are more likely (versus less) to use mental budgeting to
control their consumption. Mental budgeting is a cognitive process that helps individuals control
their consumer spending. Previous literature has shown that mental budgeting is influenced by
people's cognitive and emotional abilities, suggesting a potential influence of thought patterns
on mental budgeting. From the perspective of secular rationalism, three existing studies have
examined the relationship between thought patterns (i.e. computational thinking and sensory
thinking) and mental budgeting, as well as the regulatory effect of the types of products
consumed by participants. First, scores for secular rationalism, indicating computational
thinking, were found to be positively correlated with levels of mental budgeting in college
students (Study 1a) and novices. to the workplace (Study 1b); second, activating computational
thinking (as opposed to feeling-based thinking) reduced participants' willingness to drink (Study
2); and third, computational thinking showed a stronger binding effect in participants consuming
only hedonic products than in participants consuming only utilitarian products (Study 2). The
results demonstrated the impact of secular thinking and product categories on mental
budgeting, highlighting the different effects for consumers and marketers. Xin, Z., Liu, G. &
Zong, Z. Curr Psychol (2022)

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