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The world’s population is ever-growing, which remained controversial. Some

people believe that this increase has created an unsustainable situation and that it will
lead to a global crisis. Other people believe that only through an increasing population
can the world’s economy and society develop. This essay will investigate both sides of
this problem before the conclusion be drawn.
On one hand, this population increase is not constant around the world; society is
undergoing significant growth, especially in less developed countries, and the continent
of Africa is predicted to undergo the highest increase. Many people living in these less
developed countries frequently face shortages, such as water, food, heating, cooking
fuel, and medicines, and people have to live in substandard living conditions by western
standards. With more inhabitants, these difficulties will become exacerbated, and
helping these countries might also create a strain on the resources and ethconomies of
other countries.
On the other hand, many countries are unable to reach their economic potential
due to a lack of skilled workforce. For these countries, a growing public can mean a
stronger economy and, due to that, a better standard of living. Growing populations can
also lead to the growing demand for goods, allowing economies to expand. The
problem is, however, that countries that are in need of labor forces and increasing
demand are already the more developed countries and they meet some of these needs
by immigration and exporting goods.

In conclusion, while certain areas of the world require larger workforces to

develop their economies, the continually increasing community could potentially lead to
a crisis within countries that already struggle to provide for their inhabitants.

An increasing number of parents have a tendency to send their children to extra
classes after school or even at weekends nowadays. For them it is essential to do so,
however, I disagree with this point of view. I think children have been provided enough
It is admitted that many children want their children to gain more knowledge.
Therefore, they either hire private tutors or send their children to study centers every
evening. However it is unnecessary since their children have already learnt enough
during a school-day. Moreover, teachers always provide homework for them in order to
review what they were taught at home. After 8 hours studying at school, all students
must have been exhausted and need to have time to relax rather than continue
studying. In other words, if students learn in fatigue condition, parents not only waste
their money but also their children’s time and health.
In addition, children should be encouraged to experience different things at that
time. Spending time on hobbies enables students to develop their creativity as well as
other social skills, such as communication, solving problems skills which have
significant impacts on their career paths. Besides, they can use the spare time to do
some exercises for better health. Swimming at the weekends, for example, helps to
strengthen their endurance and keep their bodies in good shapes. Moreover, children
can support their parents with the choirs, and by doing this, they are capable of
improving their sense of responsibilities.
In conclusion, although many people argue that it is worthwhile to organize extra
classes for their children after a school-day or at the weekends, I believe that the
children have adequate education at school and they are in need of relaxation or hobby
to develop themselves.


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