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Racism is the belief that races have differences in cultural traits that are assessed by the
hereditary factors and this provides intrinsic superiority to some of the races over others that
further leads to aggressive behavior towards the people from other race on the basis of such
kind of ideas. Over time, it has come to notice that racism has taken form of discrimination in
passive form. These days, people often use it in the form of medium to demonstrate viewpoints
in context of differences of other race. In addition to this, there are many individuals who are
not aware of their racist behavior as it has become deeply rooted in the society. Due to this, the
acts of delicate racism are misguided as tolerable behavior. The current essay firstly
demonstrates the impact of racism at the health of indigenous people and some of the anti
racism tactics that can be used to combat racism. At last a meaningful conclusion will be
derived from the essay.
Impact of Racism on health of indigenous people
In human populace, health is complex phenomenon and this is same for indigenous people. If it
is observed in context of indigenous people unlike white Australian then it can be said that
racism is the one of the major health driver. It is noticed that indigenous individuals do not have
equal access to the resources of the society that are needed for heath such as medical care,
education, housing facilities, employment etc. This makes the people stress and think in
negative manner which thereby has contribution towards negative impact on the mental health
and adverse impact at immune system and cardiovascular system.

For the people from indigenous society, racism has been linked with major range of health
outcomes that are inclusive of depression, suicide, anxiety, asthma, obesity, high blood
pressure, poor sleep etc. In many Australian studies, it has been observed that there are
differences in the medical care experienced by the indigenous patients as compared to the non
indigenous ones. In the studies, it was observed that the former were less likely to get early
diagnosis and treatment.
Anti Racism Tactics
In order to combat against racism, direct participation programs can be introduced. The firms
can make efforts to promote learning in context of other cultures and acknowledge false
beliefs. These programs will help in increasing collaboration amongst the groups of people who
are distanced socially. In addition to this, social marketing can be done. Anti racial
discrimination training can be introduced for the healthcare workers and resources can be
introduced for boosting the awareness and addressing discrimination. Another way is to stand
up for the people who are harassed. If the public stands in support of the indigenous group,
then bullies will lose their power to great extent. In simple words, it can be said that if public
sees someone being harassed or not given treatment for being ill, then they can help them. No
matter from which background a person belongs, they are deserved to be treated with

Another method can be used is that firm can undertake employee/ client satisfaction survey,
do interview and also go through feedback sessions to respond to the incidents and
discrimination associated with racism. In addition to this, it is also crucial to establish grievance
processes, assess and respond to the feedbacks and also look at the training mentoring,
performance remuneration for the indigenous individuals. Also, policy can be used for
establishing social norms against discrimination and in the favor of diversity such as anti
discrimination law. In addition to this, social policy platforms can be used for addressing
systematic discrimination.
From the essay, it can be concluded that racial discrimination is detrimental to mental and
physical health of the indigenous health of the individuals and when people are frequently
exposed to this, then it can have diverse influences on domains of health in life later. Also, it
can be said that dealing with racism must be crucial part of the policy of firms in healthcare
industry and must be aimed at improving health of indigenous people at Australia, thereby,
declining the disparity between the indigenous and non indigenous individuals.
Cunningham, J. (2002). Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures among Australian hospital
patients identified as indigenous. Medical Journal of Australia, 176(2), 58–62.

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