Syllabus 2022SFall

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BME GTK Department of Ergonomics and Psychology (www.erg.bme.

Syllabus of the course “Ergonomics”
(BMEGT52A001 / 2+0+0 / midterm / 2 ECTS, for transportation, vehicle, and logistics engineers with Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship, Erasmus and all
students interested in the field)
2022/2023 Fall

Having a good understanding of the users of transportation-related products and services has design as well as economic aspects. The course aims to deal with
ergonomic topics regarding transportation. By doing so, it also helps developing the thesis later and will come in handy at work. We aim to provide the
students with an up-to-date introductory human factors course that makes them capable of viewing all kinds of transportation-related product or service from a
human/user perspective.

The classes start at 12.15 PM on Wednesday in classroom QA240.

Week Thursday Topic Lecturer / Moodle
1. 7th Sept Requirements and introduction of the course + electronic learning platform (Moodle) + Teams HI + TS
2. 14th Sept University Sports Day -
21st Sept Gamification and Transportation – theory HI
28th Sept Gamification and Transportation – consultation on the assignment HI
4. 2sd Oct(11.55PM) Deadline: handing in the first assignment Moodle
5th Oct Safety and Ergonomics in Vehicles and Their Manufacturing – theory BD
12th Oct Safety and Ergonomics in Vehicles and Their Manufacturing – consultation on the assignment BD
6. 16 Oct(11.55PM)
Deadline: handing in the second assignment Moodle
7. 19th Oct User-centered Product Design Process and Ergonomic Methods – theory BF
26th Oct User-centered Product Design Process and Ergonomic Methods –consultation on the assignment BF
30th Oct(11.55PM) Deadline: handing in the third assignment Moodle
9. 2nd Nov Design for All – theory PM
9th Nov Design for All – consultation on the assignment PM
13th Nov (11.55PM) Deadline: handing in the fourth assignment Moodle
11. 16th Nov Shopping Experience in the Transportation (Especially Automotive) Industry – theory KK
23rd Nov Shopping Experience in the Transportation (Especially Automotive) Industry – consultation on the KK
12. assignment
27th Nov (11.55PM) Deadline: handing in the fifth assignment Moodle
13. 30th Nov Exam + ‘retake’ of maximum of 2 sets of the quiz questions HI + TS
14. 7th Dec Repeat exam + deadline of handing in 2 out of the 5 assignments with a delay (-5pts/assign.) HI+ TS
Topics that will be touched upon (see the table on page 1):

 Gamification and Transportation (Ibrahim Hamza –

 Safety and Ergonomics in Vehicles (Dávid Boros –
 User-centered Product Design Process and Ergonomic Methods (Fruzsina Bitto– fruzsina.bitto
 Design for All (Márk Pulay –
 Shopping Experience (Kata Kapusy –

Quiz questions
You can reach a maximum of 3 points for the quiz questions of each topic. That means students can get altogether 5*3 = 15 points for the quiz questions. The
quiz tests will be held in the same classroom after each ‘theoretical’ class. There is only one attempt for the quizzes. However, there will be an opportunity to
‘retake’ a maximum of 2 sets of the quiz questions on the day of the exam. It is not allowed to retake the quizzes in order to improve the grades already
obtained meaning you could retake the quizzes only if you missed them in their original timeline.

After getting to know the theoretical background of different ergonomics-related topics, students get interesting tasks connected to the matter. It means that
before the ‘consultation’ classes, a task (that differs from topic to topic) will be given to the students that will need to be performed on the very same week till
Sunday at 11:55PM (see the deadlines in the table on the previous page). All of them are required to be uploaded to Moodle by the date mentioned. There
will be 5 short tasks/assignments (1 per each topic). Students can get 10 points for each assignment, meaning they can get altogether a maximum of 5*10 = 50
points. It is required to reach at least 40% of the maximum points of the assignments (meaning 20 points out of 50). There is an opportunity to upload at most
2 out of the 5 assignments with a delay: till the day of the repeat exam. – in case you cannot upload them in time. However, if the docs are handed in later
(than mentioned in the table on the previous page), the student gets 5 points minus (per assignment uploaded late). It is not allowed to hand in any of the
assignments to improve the points originally obtained. Therefore, using the opportunity of consulting about the tasks during the ‘consultation’ classes is
recommended. The assignments will be evaluated by the lecturer responsible for the topic.

Besides the assignments and quizzes, there is going to be an exam for 35 points. It is required to pass the exam successfully and to reach at least 40% of the
points (meaning 14 points out of 35). The exam usually includes multiple choice (a/b/c/d) questions, true or false questions, and (really) short essay questions.
If the mark is not accepted (or the exam was missed), students can take the repeat exam. Be aware that the points of the latter exam will be counted.
You can get (altogether) 50 points for the assignment, 35 points for the exam, and (altogether) 15 points for the quiz questions (summa 100 points) – see the
table below.
Quiz questions
 3 quiz questions after each ‘theoretical’ class (via Moodle) 15 points
 2 sets of quiz questions can be re-answered (on the day of the exam)

 5 short tasks / semester
 uploaded to Moodle at the end of the week of the ‘consultation’ class
50 points
 quality of the documentation will be taken into consideration
 2 out of the 5 assignments can be uploaded later (till the day of the repeat
exam) (5pts/assign.)

 day of the exam: on 30th Nov
35 points
 day of the retake exam: on 7th Dec
 the points of the latter exam will be counted

Summa 100 points

80-100: excellent, very good (5)
70-79: good (4)
55-69: satisfactory (3)
40-54: pass (2)
0-39: fail (1)

Ibrahim Hamza ( Dr. Sarolta Tóvölgyi

PhD Student Assistant professor

Department of Ergonomics and Psychology

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest, Magyar tudósok krt. 2. Q bldg. 1st floor, room QA105.
Hungary, H-1111

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