Lesson Plan - School

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Date: 2022. 10. 17.

Teacher: Szőke Johanna

School/group: Vörösmarty Mihály Gimnázium, 11/b (fakt) Mentor: Farkas Dorina
Group profile: only 10 Ss, 2 loud boys and 3 very shy girls to engage, they speak pretty good English (B2)
Topic of the lesson: Schools
Content Aims and Objectives: Learning new vocabulary
Intended learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson the learners will be able to use new words and their group dynamic will be better
Special skills Development:
(thinking skills;-metacognitive skills;-social skills)
Teaching materials: Book, paper, pen
Anticipated problems and possible solutions: very specific questions on the usage – looking it up on the internet /ask if sone. knows

Time Stage Procedure Stage Aim Skills Materials Comments

0-1 Saying “Hello, How are you guys

Introduction Get their attention T and Ss Communicative -

1-8 Energizer, Ss will stand in a circle, they Energizing, engaging Group work Co-operation, Group -
warm up have to count up to 15. One students, develop Dynamics
person saying one number at a coop skills
time. Anybody can start the
count. Then a different person
says the next number – but if
two or more people happen to
speak at the same time, counting
must start again from the
“Let’s have a short energizer,
please stand in a circle. Your
task will be to count up to 15,
but only 1 person can say 1
number at a time. If two people
speak at the same time, you
must start again from 1.

8-25 Doing tasks in Unit 3, task A, B, C, D, G, H Learning new vocab Ss working on Cognitive skills Book
the book their own
If no time left, the rest is
homework. Phrasal verbs next

Task A 5 minutes – “Match the

phrases to their definitions”

10 min Task B – Read the

sentences and try to match the
the adjectives to them

after- whoever reads out the

answer – Try to come up with a

Task D 4–5 min - Match the

words to their collocations.
Anybody knows what a
collocation is? These are words
that often go together

+ 2-3 minit for ccq-s,

S questions

3 groups – Design your ideal

school and present it to the
other 2 groups (using the words
from Unit 3)
Group work,
Communicati I would like you to get into
25-42 Group work communicative paper, pen
ve task groups and design your ideal,
skills, creativity
dream school using the words
from unit 3 – after they finished,
Now Group 1 – present your
school to the other two groups-
group 2 – group 3 same thing

42-45 Farewell Telling them about the test,

maybe agent selection


Assassin: Double points(1

exercise and max + 5 points)

Bandit :Teacher’s help (1

exercise, only guidance, no
direct answer)

Knight: Extra points(+3 points

to his final points)

Sorcerer: Can use the book(for 1

min only)

Thief: Can skip an exercise (only

up to 5 points)

● Extra activity (if there is time left):

● Handouts/Additional material:
“Let’s have a short energizer, please stand in a circle. Your task will be to count up
to 15, but only 1 person can say 1 number at a time. If two people speak at the
same time, you must start again from 1.
Book tasks:
Task A 5 minutes – “Match the phrases to their definitions”
10 min Task B – Read the sentences and try to match the the adjectives to them
after- whoever reads out the answer – Try to come up with a definition
Task D 4–5 min - Match the words to their collocations. Anybody knows what a collocation
is? These are words that often go together

Ideal school:
I would like you to get into groups and design your ideal, dream school using the words from
unit 3 – after they finished, Now Group 1 – present your school to the other two groups-
group 2 – group 3 same thing

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