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Name: ______________________________ Date: _________________

Grade and Section: ____________________ Score: ________________


SY 2022 – 2023

I. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer before each number.
1. Sources of information comes in different forms. The story “Diary of Anne Frank” is an example of what
source of information?
A. additional source C. secondary source
B. primary source D. tertiary source

2. When you get an information through a link to a video about President Rodrigo Duterte’s speech, you use a
A. additional source C. secondary source
B. primary source D. tertiary source

3. Each part of the story contributes to presenting what it is all about. This part informs the reader of the most
important aspects of the story as soon as possible.
A. body B. headline C. lead paragraph D. tail

4. “How to bake a Cake” is a topic that discusses the ingredients of process of baking, This topic can be used
for what type of speech?
A. demonstrative C. informative
B. entertaining D. persuasive

5. Persuasive speech aims to change the audience’s point of view. Which of the following questions answers
the specific purpose in a persuasive speech?
A. How persuasive are you with your audience?
B. How will my audience influence my topic?
C. What are you informing the audience?
D. What are you trying to convince the audience to do?

6. It is useful if an issue is too complex for one person to handle, and the audience needs to be exposed on
various viewpoints on the same session.
A. demonstrative speech C. news reports
B. informative talks D. panel discussions

7. The following are the tips to help the audience engaged in a meaningful and lively discussion EXCEPT one.
A. Keep the focus on your opinion C. Plan the questions ahead of time.
B. Keep the panel small and focused. D. Prepare cut-off phrases ahead of time.

8. Information can be presented in different ways. This type is used in presenting any concept or idea that
follows a distinct order.
A. Concept map C. Timeline
B. table D. Venn Diagram

9. Concept maps are best to use in doing the following EXCEPT

A. activating prior knowledge C. comparing and contrasting
B. brainstorming D. generating synonyms
10. Each type of graphic organizer presents specific type of information. This type of graphic organizer displays
events, usually with dates, presented in a linear style.
A. Concept Map C. T-chart
B. Timeline D. Venn Diagram

11. If the text has the following lines: “From Session Road, head south on Upper Session Road, slight right
onto Kalaw Street…”, what kind of textual aid will be best fitted to match the text?
A. title B. map C. graph D. illustration

12. If the sensory images help readers understand literary texts such as poems and short stories, then which
type of texts do textual aids help readers understand?
i. fictional texts ii. scientific texts iii. nonfiction texts iv. journalistic texts
A. i and ii C. ii, iii and iv
B. iii and iv D. i, ii, iii and iv

For numbers 13 – 14. Read the text below.

Linux and Windows are both operating systems. Computers use them to run programs. Linux is
totally free and open source, so users can improve or otherwise modify the source code. Windows is
proprietary, so it costs money to use, and users are prohibited from altering the source code.

13. If we will compare and contrast Linux and Windows, what is the most appropriate graphic organizer can we
A. diagram B. flow chart C. tree diagram D. venn diagram

14. What best conclusion can we derive from the passage is ____
A. Linux is better than Windows.
B. Linux like the Windows when it becomes popular will also be proprietary.
C. Linux will be prepared more compared to Windows.
D. Windows is better than Linux.

For numbers 15 – 19, refer to the story of Orpheus.

15. Why did Orpheus need the help of the gods?
A. Eurydice does not like her
B. To take back Eurydice’s life on earth
C. Eurydice had an affair with another god
D. To show his talent in using the lyre

16. “Love is stronger than death itself; the power of love.” The statement describes what element of the story?
A. characterization C setting
B. conflict D. theme

17. On a plot timeline, which is the correct order?

A. Rising action, exposition, climax, resolution, falling action
B. Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution
C. Rising action, exposition, climax, falling action, resolution
D. Exposition, rising action, falling action, resolution, climax

18. “On the wedding day, as Eurydice walks along the riverbanks, she was bitten by a snake and died.” The
line depicts what element of the plot?
A. characterization C setting
B. conflict D. theme

19. Personal attitudes, reading and observing skills are all part of literary appreciation in any form. What does
the statement try to incorporate?
A. Anyone can document literary pieces and reflect on each
B. Literary appreciation is a lifelong process.
C. Literary appreciation on the cognitive maturity
D. One should create text to text connections.

20. In this line form Lois Lowry’s The Giver, what type of conflict is being portrayed? “They were satisfied with
their lives which had none of the vibrance his own was taking on. And he was angry at himself, that he could
not change that for them.”
A. character vs. character C. character vs. self
B. character vs. nature D. character vs. society

21. How has setting helped improve the video game industry?
A. It created new types of computer consoles.
B. It made characters more interesting by giving them new tools.
C. It gave the games more backgrounds and visuals to make them complex and exciting.
D. It helped people understand the games.
22. One of your performance tasks in English is to write a news report on the active cases of Covid-19 in the
Philippines. In choosing the sources of information for your report, which of the following criteria should NOT
be considered.
A. The reliability of the source C. The popularity of the source
B. The timeliness of the source D. The effectiveness of the source

23. We set goals in producing our output and employ different materials. This characteristic is described as the
degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result.
A. effectiveness B. accessibility C. reliability D. credibility

24. The use of outside sources of information helps the writer and reader to do the following EXCEPT
A. to gain additional information on the topic C. to influence the reader to agree with the writer
B. to lend credibility to the written material D. to make the writing less persuasive

25. Which of the following can be considered a primary source in the social and behavioral sciences?
A. A review of a book on learning disabilities written by an expert on learning disabilities.
B. A review of primary literature on learning disabilities written by a psychologist.
C. An empirical study of 64 elementary school students conducted in order to understand the effects of
inclusion on the social functioning of students with learning disabilities.
D. The effectiveness of the source

26. What is the difference between a scholarly article & a popular article?
A. A scholarly article is written for a scholarly audience, while a popular article is typically written for the public
or a non-specialist audience.
B. A scholarly article is one assigned by a course instructor, while a popular article is one recommended by
your peers.
C. No difference. They're the same thing!
D. A scholarly article is at least 5000 words long, while a popular article is typically 140 characters or less.

27. Which aspect of a source suggests that it should NOT be used as part of academic research?
A. Citations are included
B. The author is listed
C. The information has been peer-reviewed
D. The information is current

28. Websites of government agencies can be considered credible sources of information because…
A. Government agencies sponsor original research that informs public policy.
B. Government agencies are never wrong, just as governments are generally infallible.
C. Web addresses that end in “.gov” indicate that the agency is a lobbying group that aims to influence public
D. Web addresses that end in “.org” indicate that the agency is hosted by a college or university

29. Mother told her children to wash their hands before eating. This is an example of
A. Explicit communication C. Implicit communication
B. Either explicit or implicit D. Phonetic Prompt

30. The meaning of information varies from one point to another. This kind of information is often easier to
argue about, since the exact meaning is open to interpretation
A. Explicit communication C. Implicit communication
B. Either explicit or implicit D. Phonetic Prompt

31. These are cues used when sending off a message. This includes a weak handshake, a timid tap on the
shoulder or a warm bear hug.
A. Haptics B. Proxemics C. Gestures D. Non-verbal cues

32. When listening for information, it is wise to

A. be opportunistic by learning what you can from this speaker, even if you learn what not to do.
B. listen for details rather than the main ideas.
C. make some quick judgments about the speaker, so you're not misled.
D. tie the message and speaker together in your mind.
33. What implication could be drawn on the widespread circulation of fake news?
A. Readers have their own political biases.
B. Articles that speak of one’s position is shared easily.
C. Misinformation has become widespread and widely accepted.
D. Truthfulness of news reports are not verified by readers before sharing.
34. When would a source NOT be reliable, even though it is current, accurate, authoritative, and purposefully
A. The source has not been updated for five years.
B. The source is not written by an expert on the topic or issue.
C. The source is not for high school level research paper.
D. The source does not attempt to persuade or sell you something.
35. Which of the following is a reason you might question the accuracy of an online source?
A. The website doesn’t look professional.
B. The information can’t be verified w/other sources.
C. The source cites others in the same field.
D. The source uses long words.

36 - 40. Critique the reading text below by answering the questions that follows.

respond to
normal in
36. Which of the following is the topic sentence of the paragraph above?
A. Everybody is filled with hope that this difficult situation will end very soon.
B. Many are still struggling to adjust to new normal.
C. People respond to new normal in many different ways.
D. Some innovate means to survive.

37. To analyze a text means ___________

A. to combine information in a logical way to form a clear and comprehensive picture of the topic.
B. to compare the text to another text with the same theme or topic. look closely at the text and draw out as much information as possible.
D. to look for similarities and differences between the text and another text.

38. Which is the importance of understanding the organization of the text?

A. The reader will be able to make a better understanding on what side he/she will take.
B. The reader will be able to make his/her points better to win an argument.
C. The reader will be able to bring his/her own point of view better.
D. The reader will understand better what the writer is trying to do or say.

39. The following are the uses of Venn Diagrams in the text, except
A. Accommodate a comparison of multiple ideas through the addition of more circles in the diagram
B. Highlight or underline the appropriate information in the text.
C. Display visually the extracted information
D. Show a comparison as they can usefully display areas of difference, as well as any overlapping similarities.

40. The statements, (1) “It’s quite hot, isn’t it? (2) “Yes, I’ll turn on the ceiling fan”, shows coherence.
Coherence in writing means
A. The logical bridge between words, sentences, and paragraphs.
B. Refers to the way content is arranged and arranged to make sense.
C. Achieved when sentences and ideas are connected and flow together.
D. All the options refer to coherence in writing.

41. What is the tone associated to these lines taken from the poem Lycidas by John Milton. “He must not float
upon his watery bier Unwept, and welter to the parching wind, Without the need of some melodious tear.”?
A. formal B. horror C. pessimistic D. sad
42. What technique in writing is used in the text inside the box?
may cost
A. Analogy C. Definition
B. Comparison-Contrast D. Analysis

43. Based on the text below, are all of the statements clear?

I have many ways of overcoming anxiety. First, I used to meditate every night to unload burdens.
Problems I encountered are usually like messing up with things and getting late at work. It seems like
things don’t go as planned. I got a planner but it’s just so difficult to stick to it.
A. Yes because there is coherence. C. Yes because ideas are presented in logical and chronological order.
B. No because there’s no cohesion. D. No because supporting details deviate from topic sentence.

44. Sentences can clearly express idea if they contain sentence endings. Which of the following serves as
sentence endings?
A. clauses B. punctuation marks C. words D. word patterns

45. This quality of language is evident in a spoken text if it uses a language that is fitting or suitable to the
situation or purpose.
A. articulateness B. clarity C. grammar D. language appropriateness

46. The use of language requires skills. The ability to speak or write a language with a natural flow in rhythm is
called ________.
A. cohesion B. correctness C. fluency D. tone

47. This refers to the set of rules that explains how words are used in a language.
A. articulateness B. clarity C. grammar D. language appropriateness

“Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the
Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of
Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to
end the long night of their captivity.”

48. What is the tone of the author in these sentences?

A. Distressed B. Formal C. Gentle D. Revengeful

49. In this phrase, “joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity” expresses _____________
A. Just and equality C. Happiness and Contentment
B. Injustice and inequality D. Sadness and Discontentment

50. Match the content to the appropriate audience and purpose.

Audience: An instructor
Purpose: To analyze the reasons behind the 2007 financial crisis
Content: _______
A. Whereas economist Holmes contends that the financial crisis is far from over, the presidential advisor Jones
points out that it is vital to catch the first wave of opportunity to increase market share. We can use elements of
both experts’ visions. Let me explain how.
B. Whereas economist Holmes contends that the financial crisis is far from over, the presidential advisor Jones
points out that it is vital to catch the first wave of opportunity to increase market share. We can use elements of
both experts’ visions. Let me explain how.
C. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, known by most of us as the humungous government bailout,
caused mixed reactions. Although supported by many political leaders, the statute provoked outrage among
grassroots groups. In their opinion, the government was rewarding banks for their appalling behavior.
D. None of the above.
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Subject Teacher

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