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1. List 5 traits of a great Data Scientist, from your own perspective.

a) Analytical skills
- Able to collect information, organize it, code it and analyse it
b) Statistical thinking
- Able to model any given data and implement a toolbox full of algorithms to
make statistically-informed predictions and recommendations
c) Communication skills
- Translating analysis output into actionable business insights
- Able to create a compelling story to present facts and data to facilitate
- Able to engage stakeholders logically and emotionally
- Includes written communication skills such as report and spoken
communication for presentations, project specifications, check-in meetings
and iterative design
d) Curiosity
- Hunger for knowledge and understanding, always looking for alternative ways
to solve problems
- Seek different people to talk through ideas
- Able to dig deeper and discover something new
e) Creativity
- Think outside the box, brainstorming
- Frame problems in a different angle which is unexplored
f) Patience
- Needed to face programming bugs and weak model performance
- Continuous effort is needed to create a winning data science solution
- Adopt a positive mindset when facing failures

2. A computer scientist will make a good data scientist. Discuss this statement.

A data science career involves advanced technical skills and knowledge of computer
science, statistics and Machine Learning algorithms. To be a good data scientist, one
should at least know how to code and acquire the basic knowledge of computer
science as data science requires computing power for analysing large scale data.
However, I don’t think a computer scientist can be a good data scientist. Computer
scientist mainly aims towards Software Engineering while Data Scientist focuses on
solving real world problems by studying and gaining insights into Big Data. Moreover,
computer scientist lacks of business knowledge and statistics. A computer scientist is
able to generate software that data scientist uses but might not capable of applying
the software to identify trends and find significance through statistics. Therefore, a
good data scientist should not only know how to code but also knows machine
learning operations, predictive modelling, data analytic, business knowledge and
applications and so on in order to make data-driven decisions.
3. Choose one case study from this url :

Discuss the technology used in one of the case study (e.g. the use of Recommender
Systems in Entertainment Industry), and how it was applied. What would be possible
implications if there’s no data science solution for the case described?

Wearable Technology in Healthcare Industry.

Wearable technologies are hands-free gadgets such as smartwatches, fitness
trackers, and healthcare wristband. Wearables are convenient to use, monitoring
user’s health state and suggesting them a healthier lifestyle. Examples of popular
companies that introduce wearable technology into a healthcare product are Garmin,
Apple, Fitbit and so on.
How it is applied?
Wearable technology not only brings innovative solutions into the healthcare industry
but also improve patient management efficiency by acting as medical devices
enabling consistent monitoring of patient’s physical and mental condition. In fact,
wearable technology is designed for maintenance of health such as weight control
and even prevention of diseases. For instance, healthcare wristband monitors heart
rate, brain activity and blood pressure, once it detects any abnormality, it will make a
quick data-driven diagnosis and send a warning such as vibrations to the patient. If
the wristband is connected to a specific hospital or medical centre, the conditions of
patient’s heath are collected as real- time data through wearables and will be sent to
respective management via Internet for further analysis. These confidential data
about the patient’s health will directly impact clinical decision-making.
Possible implications if there is no data science solution.
1. Predictive insights cannot be generated without the help of data science solution.
Early detection of emerging disease as well as personalized treatment plans will
fail to achieve as real-time data collection of the patient’s condition requires data
science solution to perform data processing and modelling. Furthermore,
hospitals cannot conduct remote health monitoring, patients are forced to be
hospitalised for further examination.
2. The safety of patient’s confidential information is not assured. Data encryption
can be performed with data science solutions to keep the real-time data safe from
hackers. On the contrary, without data science solution, patient’s health
information will be exposed and vulnerable to cyberattacks. In fact, business
companies such as insurance company may make use of the leaked data to
obtain profitable income leaving the patient’s privacy unprotected.
3. Moreover, data is highly error-prone, as some formats might turn out to be
incompatible to each other. This happens because different medical centres use
different method in the way they measure and record data. In return, the patient
management have to deal with clinical databases that comes in incompatible

Recommendation system to improve customer service. They host a competition to select a
winner that comes out a recommendation model that comes with the highest accuracy. The
winner algorithms will be a part of the recommendation system.
If there is no data science solution
Netflix will not be able to sustain their business, difficult for user to search from vast movies
and dramas, unable to leverage their recommendation and will be left behind, might provide
the wrong recommendation

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