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1. Greek culture
Letter of text source Number of picture Name of Settlement

A 4 Olympia

B 2 Athens

C 1 Alexandria

2. Hungarian conquests
True, False, False, False

3. Medieval towns
a) townspeople/plebs
b) Citizens had to have property in the town.
c/1 patricians/merchants
c/2 patricians/merchants and artisans/guild masters
c/3 patricians/merchants
d/1 Romanesque
d/2 Gothic
e) dome

4. 14-15th century Hungary

a) banderium/banderial army
b) Corvinas
c) thirtieth tariff/tricesima or royal tariff
d) gate tax
e) tithe
5. 16-17th century Transylvania
a) Lutheran
b) Calvinist
c) Calvinist
d) Orthodox

6. Catholic revival
a) 1 and 4
b) 4
c) pope

7. 18th century Hungary

a) Maria Theresa
b) 2
c) serfs
d) false

8. Industrial revolution
a/1 steam power
a/2 heavy industry
a/3 railway
a/4 e.g: lightbulb, telephone… etc.
b) Western Europe – manufacture, factory
Hungary – guild

9. Rákóczi freedom fight

C, A, E, B
10. Reform Era
Order Mistake Correction
a) 1817 1830
b) founded by Széchenyi founded by Kossuth
c) Hungarian army Hungarian economy
d) Deák Ferenc Batthyány Lajos

11. Political ideologies

a) 2, 3
b) 1, 2
c) 1, 3
12. Compromise
False, False, True, False

13. Trade routes – 2021. május
14. Sztálinizmus – 2017. október
15. King Matthias – 2018. május
16. Bethlen konszolidáció – 2018. május

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