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Chapter 33 History of Spain EARLY INHABITANTS 4. The tbecians (lot sberos) and the Cels (ot ‘sin, che eae inbbieans of Spain, united {0 form the Celbenans (os eetbero). 2. The Phoenicians (os fens) andthe Greeks (los grigos) esablshed colonies and ding fate tn Spin fom about the eleventh vo the Eight century ne 3. The Cardginians (os catagineses) invaded Spain inthe tid cenery BE 4. The Romans (os romans) a. defented the Carthaginian bout 20 8.6), B.S Spa fr scents (oe abou to. 400) . ba ries aqueduc and oad 4 induced “thei languge. atin, fom ‘which present-ny Span deed S. The Viggo los vigodon) were 3 Germanic tribe that defeated the Romane ond imvded Span (a. 409) 6. The Moors (lor mores) invaded Spin defeat. Ing the Veigote In m0, 71. They red ge dre of Spin for about seven enti td sre Gilly driven out of Spin in 492° The Moors fae great contributions inthe Feld of phiciophy sede athena, and be devloped commerce and agricuure and Sevsed an ign sem by mess Of wenerwbed aed ania imoduced many Arie words into the Spar language, mosiy chose begining with ale (lgodan, aleade, algebra, and mony ober HEROES OF THE RECONQUEST 1, Don Pelayo was the fist leader in the Re~ ‘conquest of Spun fom the Moors He defeaed ‘hem in the Bade of Covadongs (40.718). EXERCISE A rans 2. Bl Cid (Rodeigo Diaz de Vivu, i Spain’ rsional here. He continued) the xrugale Aint the Moors and capured Valens from them in 1094 IMPORTANT RULERS 4 Fernando and Isabel, known as los Reyes Gatclicos (the Catholic Rules), completed the Reconguest by diving the Moors from Granada, dhe st remaining Spanish region un- der Moorish conto (1492) They aso financed ‘Columbar's four expeditionary voyages, 2. Carlos V (1516-1356), grandton of Fernando and Ube, was one of the most powerful Spanish ings During his reign Spain ruled ‘most of Europe and the New Worl 4. Felipe, son of Carlo V. Hi “Invincible ‘Arma was defened aan attempt to invade Enghnd in 1588, NINETEENTH AND TWENTIETH. CENTURIES, 1. The War of Independence (1808-1814) seated with a rebellion of the people agaist French rule under Napoleon, 2. The Spanish-American War (1898) between the United States and Spain rested inthe le- terk detee, Spain agreed 1 give up Cubs, Puro Rico, the Philppines, and Guam. 3. The Civil War (1935-1939) was won by General Francisco Franco and his supporters who overthrew the republic and set up adits tosship At Franco’ death (1973), Spain became 2 constitutional monarchy 4. In 1975, Prince Juan Carlos de Borbén was proclimed King. In 1982, Felipe Gonsiler Marques became Prime Minister Spain joined the European Common Market in 1985, Match the words in column A with their related words in column B. History of Spain 405 A ® —— 1 Peto 4 ealyinhabiane of Spain A] 4b dicecor 6 Catholic Relers aL 4. Mocrith dfes at Granada 4 acid . Rodrigo Diaz deVivar F loineible Armada — * iret {brought to Spain by the Moors —— 6 1808 1h, War of Independence 1. Moorish inion 7. 492 a —— & Colaerians —— 4 Franco 10, Fernando and label EXERCISE B IE the statement i true, write St ies Gis, correct i by replacing the word(s) in boldface. Write the word(s in the space provided. 1, The Spanish “Tavinible” Armada at war with Engand, was defeated int588, 2, The Moors governed Spin far two cents, 4 The Celtiberians enabled eading pou in Spain. 4 The Vsigoths invaded Spin in 40.711. a 5. Carle wa the ier of Felipe ———— (6. EICid captured Valencia fom the Moors 7. ‘The Carthaginians bule ridges and aqueduct in Spain 4. Fernando and tabel completed the Reconquet fom the Moors. | 9. The Moors develope philosophy and the sence 10, The Phoenicians conquered the Carthaginians, 406 Chapter 33 EXERCISE ¢ Select the word or expresion that correctly completes each sentence 1. The ist leader in the Reconques of Spain was Fanco / ely /el Cid. 2, The Spanish-American Wr took place in (1898/1936 / 1516) 4 Fie twat the on of (Fernando and babel of Cid / Cates). 4. The Spanish language is derived fom (Portuguese / Latin / Basque). 5. The Moors were driven out of Spain in (1588 / 1808/1452) {6 The Romans rled Spain for (two /six / igh) cennuies. 71. Many Spanish words chat Begin with ale are of (Greek / Arabic / Portugues) origin 4 Prine Juan Clos de Borbn was procimed King in (1898 /1975 / 1982). 9. Columbus voyages were Financed by (Carlos / Fernando and ibe / Felipe I). 10. Spain’ national hero is (don Pelayo / el Cid / Franco). EXERCISE D 3 When did 1. the Moors invade Spin? 2. don Peay win at Covadones? 4. Fermndo and bel rcpt Grins? 4 the Spaniards rebel aginst Napoleon? 5. England defeat che “Invincible Armada”? b. Who... 6, capmued Valencia fom the Moors? 1, financed Columbus voyage? 4. asthe father of Felipe 1. built the Alhambra? 10, overtnew the Spanish republic in 19392

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