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Coffee-Derived Exosome-Like Nanoparticles: Are They the

Secret Heroes?
Murat Kantarcıoğlu1 , Gülşen Yıldırım1 , Pınar Akpınar Oktar1 , Serpil Yanbakan1 , Zeynep Büşra Özer2 , Deniz Yurtsever Sarıca1 ,
Serpil Taşdelen1 , Emel Bayrak1 , Dilara Fatma Akın Balı3 , Seçkin Öztürk4 , Kamil Can Akçalı2 , Üstün Ezer1 ,
Ahmet Emin Kürekçi1
LÖSEV LÖSANTE Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
Ankara University Stem Cell Institute, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Medical Biology, Niğde Ömer Halis University Faculty of Medicine, Niğde, Turkey
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Cite this article as: Kantarcıoğlu M, Yıldırım G, Akpınar Oktar P, et al. Coffee-derived exosome-like nanoparticles: Are they the
secret heroes? Turk J Gastroenterol. 2022. [epub ahead of print]

Background: Regular coffee consumption has beneficial and preventative effects on liver and chronic neurodegenerative diseases.
However, the studies performed with the ingredients found in coffee beverages have not clarified the responsible mechanisms. Exosomes
are small, membrane-coated cargo packages secreted by prokaryote and eukaryote cells. Exosomes regulate intercellular communica-
tion and affect cellular metabolic activities even among different species. In this study, we aimed to isolate and characterize the edible
plant-derived exosome-like nanoparticles from roasted hot coffee beverages, hypothesizing that the edible plant-derived exosome-like
nanoparticles were responsible for the beneficial effects of coffee.
Methods: Size exclusion chromatography and commercial kits were used for the isolation process. Efficient coffee edible plant-derived
exosome-like nanoparticle fractions were determined by an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer. Harvested coffee edible plant-derived
exosome-like nanoparticles were characterized by transmission electron microscopy. The quantification procedure was performed
using a commercial kit. Coffee edible plant-derived exosome-like nanoparticles’ proliferative effects on human hepatic stellate cells
and human hepatocellular carcinoma cells were studied using an MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide)
assay. Whole-exosome RNA sequencing was performed.
Results: Transmission electron microscopy scanning analysis indicated round-shaped nanoparticles with sizes ranging from 40 to
100 nm. Both size exclusion chromatography and kit-isolated edible plant-derived exosome-like nanoparticle samples showed maxi-
mum absorbance at 227.5 nm in ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer analysis. Regarding the quantitation results, kit isolation was
more efficient than the size exclusion chromatography method when the harvested particle numbers were compared. An important
MTT assay finding confirmed the observed beneficial effects of coffee beverages: coffee edible plant-derived exosome-like nanopar-
ticles significantly suppressed hepatocellular carcinoma cell proliferation. As a result of sequencing, we identified 15 mature miRNAs.
A MapReduce-based MicroRNA Target Prediction Method (The DIANA tools’ MR-microT algorithm) highlighted 2 genes specifically
associated with the miRNAs that we obtained: KMT2C and ZNF773.
Conclusion: For the first time in the literature, coffee edible plant-derived exosome-like nanoparticles were identified. These nanopar-
ticles may have therapeutic effects on chronic liver diseases. Experimental studies, therefore, should be performed on disease models to
demonstrate their efficacy.
Keywords: Coffee edible plant derived exosome-like nanopar­ticles, coffee drink, exosomes, hepatocellular carcinoma, size exclusion

INTRODUCTION survival following liver transplantation.3 Another organ in

Coffee, the most consumed hot beverage globally, has which the positive effects of coffee have been observed
recently gained increased prominence due to its proven is the brain. Alzheimer’s disease is among the most com-
health benefits. Coffee consumption is inversely asso- mon neurodegenerative disorders, and its prevalence in
ciated with total and cause-specific mortality,1 and the the world’s aging population has increased.4 The results
effects of coffee consumption on the liver are notewor- of meta-analyses have provided motivation for the regu-
thy. Meta-analyses have revealed the beneficial and pro- lar consumption of coffee to help reduce the likelihood of
tective effects of coffee on hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis in Alzheimer’s disease, as well as to help prevent other neu-
patients with chronic liver disease2 and even on long-term rodegenerative disorders like dementia and Parkinson’s

Corresponding author: Murat Kantarcıoğlu, e-mail:

Received: October 21, 2021 Accepted: April 2, 2022
DOI: 10.5152/tjg.2022.21895

Copyright @ Author(s) – Available online at

Content of this journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 International License
T urk J G ast roe nt e ro l 20 22 K ant ar cı o ğ l u   e t   al . C o ffe e - De r i v e d E xo so m e - L i k e Nano pa rti c l es

disease.5 Nevertheless, studies performed using ingredi- carcinoma (HCC) in patients with a variety of chronic
ents such as caffeine, caffeoyl, kahweol, and trigonelline liver diseases.15 They pointed out that coffee consump-
have not been able to elucidate the mechanisms respon- tion is inversely related to each of these outcomes, and
sible for these beneficial effects.6 a dose–response relationship exists. We therefore aimed
to isolate and characterize the coffee EPDENs from a hot
Exosomes are small vesicles with a diameter ranging roasted coffee drink, which we hypothesized as respon-
from 40 to 100 nm. They are formed within endosomal sible for the beneficial effects of coffee. Accordingly, we
compartments and secreted through the fusion of mul- evaluated the effects of coffee EPDENs on human HCC
tivesicular bodies with the plasma membrane.7,8 These cell proliferation and on the expression of α-SMA tran-
tiny membrane-coated cargo packages are secreted scripts, human hepatic stellate cell line.
by prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and transport pro-
teins, lipids, and nucleic acids to other cells.9 Exosomes MATERIALS AND METHODS
regulate intercellular communication and affect cel- Isolation of Coffee EPDENs
lular metabolic activities, even between different All the reagents used were analytical-reagent grade.
species. In an experimental model, mouse mast cell- ELGA-Q water (18.2 MΩ cm−1; ELGA Purelab OptionQ,
derived exosomes transported to human mast cells Woodridge, UK) was used where necessary in all the
induced the expression of mouse proteins in the donor experiments.
cells.10 Exosome release in plant cells was demonstrated
more than a decade before it was isolated from mam- A 35 g roasted ground Arabica coffee sample (Tchibo
malian cells;11 however, researchers only started isolating Privat Kaffee, Latin Grande, Guatemala) was brewed in
and characterizing edible plant-derived exosome-like 200 mL deionized hot water (65°C) and stirred for 8 min-
nanoparticles (EPDENs) from ginger, carrots, grapefruit, utes. The infused coffee sample was filtered consecu-
and grapes in 2014.12 Their data revealed the important tively through coarse filter paper and 0.45 µm pore size
role that EPDENs play in terms of maintaining intestinal membrane filter paper (Isolab, Eschau, Germany)
Two different coffee EPDEN isolation methods, namely,
Most chronic liver diseases stemming from different eti- size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and a com-
ologies result in progressive liver fibrosis. Myofibroblasts mercial kit, were used. The SEC followed the method
produce an extracellular matrix, which includes type I col- described by Böing et al.16,17 An SEC column with a diam-
lagen and is responsible for the development of fibrous eter of 1 cm was stacked with 15 mL Sepharose® CL-6B
scarring in liver fibrosis.13 A normal liver has a small (Sigma–Aldrich, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany).
amount of type I collagen and no detectable myofibro- Subsequently, the Sepharose CL-6B was washed with
blasts; however, myofibroblasts can appear early when 0.01 M phosphate buffered saline (PBS; Sigma–Aldrich).
the liver is injured. The specific marker for myofibroblasts Then, 1 mL of coffee was loaded on the column, followed
is alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) protein, which by elution with 25 mL of PBS (0.01 M). The eluent was
is the actin isoform that predominates within vascu- collected in 25 fractions from the column at 1 mL per
lar smooth muscle cells and plays an important part in Eppendorf tube (Merck KGaA). The fractions between
fibrogenesis.14 The authors of a comprehensive review 7 and 18 of the coffee samples were collected in a falcon
reported associations between coffee consumption and tube (Isolab, Eschau, Germany) as described previously.
changes in liver enzymes, liver fibrosis, and hepatocellular The glass chromatography columns (300 × 10 mm) were
purchased from Isolab (Eschau, Germany). The Sartorius
model ED224S (Goettingen, Germany) analytical balance
Main Points and Labnet S0200 Vortex Mixer (NJ) were used.
• For the first time in literature, coffee edible plant-derived
exosome-like nanoparticles (EPDENs) were discovered. In the second EPDEN isolation process, Urine Exosome
• Whole-exosome sequencing determined 15 novel miRNAs. Purification Midi Kit (Cat. 57800) was used as described in
• Coffee EPDENs suppress hepatocellular carcinoma the kit protocol manual and was purchased from Norgen
proliferation. Biotek Corp (Thorold, Ontario, Canada). The ethanol
• Coffee EPDENs seem to be responsible for the beneficial
(96%) used during the extractions was purchased from
effects of coffee.
Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).
K ant arcıoğlu e t  a l . C o f f e e - D e ri v e d E x o s o m e - L i k e Nano par t i cl e s T u r k J G ast r o e nt ero l 2022

The isolated EPDENs were stored at +4°C for fur- Growth Assay Kit (Merck, Penzberg, Germany) was used
ther experiments, including ultraviolet-visible (UV/ in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The
Vis) spectrophotometer analysis, transmission electron OD values at 570 nm were read using an Epoch micro-
microscopy (TEM) analysis, quantitation, and microRNA plate reader (Biotek, Winooski, Vt, USA).
(miRNA) analysis.
To determine the optimal dose (particles/microliter),
we analyzed 10 different concentrations of coffee
Exploration of Coffee EPDEN Fractions Using UV/Vis
EPDENs on the LX-2 cells (8 × 107, 16 × 107, 24 × 107,
32 × 107, 4 × 108, 48 × 107, 56 × 107, 64 × 107, 72 × 107,
To determine the most efficient range of isolated EPDEN
and 8 × 108 particles/µL). The incubation periods range
fractions during column elution, an Agilent Cary 60 UV-Vis
from 24 to 72 hours. Using the MTT assay results we
spectrophotometer (Santa Clara, Calif, USA) and Jel elec-
obtained from the LX-2 cell series, we determined 4 dif-
trophoresis (Biometra, Compact XS, Endress+Hauser AG,
ferent concentrations of the HCC cells, namely, 2 × 108,
Switzerland) were used.
4 × 108, 6 × 108, and 8 × 108 particles/µL.

Characterization of Coffee EPDENs by Transmission

RNA Isolation and α-SMA Expression—Quantitative
Electron Microscopy
Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Transmission electron microscopy is frequently used to
The total RNA isolation from the human LX-2 cells
characterize exosomes. This method enables the detec-
and Hep 40 cells at the end of the 72-hour treatment
tion and characterization of particles down to an imaging
was performed using the RiboEx Total RNA Solution
resolution of ~1 nm.18 The coffee EPDEN samples iso-
(GeneAll, Lisbon, Portugal) in accordance with the
lated using both the SEC and kit methods were stained
manufacturer’s instructions. cDNA synthesis was per-
with 2% (w/v) uranyl acetate and fixation. There, the
formed using a Fast SCRIPT cDNA synthesis kit (TONBO
samples were mounted onto grids. Each grid was then
Biosciences, San Diego, Calif, USA). The cDNA was
studied with TEM and imaged to determine the size and
amplified with the GoTaq qPCR master mix (Promega,
morphology. The images were acquired using an FEI/
Madison, Wis, USA). The expression of the α-SMA
Tecnai G2 Spirit model BioTwin TEM operating at 120 kV
mRNA was normalized according to the glyceralde-
and mounted with an FEI Eagle camera (FEI Company,
hyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) expression
Waltham, Mass, USA).
level. Fold changes in the expression of the genes were
analyzed using the comparative (2−ΔΔCt) method. An
Coffee EPDEN Quantitation untreated control group was used as the calibrator. The
An EXOCET exosome quantitation kit (Palo Alto, Santa primer sequences used in this study were GAPDH (for-
Clara, Calif, USA) was used in accordance with the man- ward 5’-GGCTGAGAACGGGAAGCTTGTCAT-3’; reverse
ufacturer’s recommended protocols for quantifying 5’-CAGCCTTCTCCATGGTGGTGAAGA-3’) and α-SMA
exosome-like nanoparticles obtained from roasted fil- (forward 5’-TATCAGGGGGCACCACTATG-3’; reverse
ter coffee column and kit isolations. The EXOCET assay, 5’-GCTGGAAGGTGGACAGAGAG-3’).
which is enzymatic and colorimetric, was evaluated and
read at an optical density (OD) of 405 nm. A standard The statistical significances between the quantitative real-
curve calibrated for isolated EPDENs by NanoSight analy- time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) groups were
sis was included in the kit. determined using a paired Student’s t-test. The values
from the qRT-PCR were expressed as means ± standard
deviation (SD) (n = 3). P < .05 was considered statistically
MTT Cell Proliferation Assay
The MTT assay is a versatile and popular colorimetric cell
viability assay.19 We investigated the proliferative effects
of the coffee EPDENs on a human hepatic stellate cell line Statistical Analysis
(LX-2) and HCC cell line (Hep 40 cells). Both the LX-2 and The statistical significance between the groups of qRT-
Hep 40 cells were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich. First, PCR and MTT assay was determined by the unpaired
1 × 104 cells/well were seeded into a 96-well plate. The Student’s t-test. The values from qRT-PCR and MTT
cells were then incubated at 37°C for 24-72 hours to were expressed as the means ± SD (n = 3). “N” indicated
determine the optimal incubation time. An MTT Cell the number of biological replicates. P < .05 was chosen
T urk J G ast roe nt e ro l 20 22 K ant ar cı o ğ l u   e t   al . C o ffe e - De r i v e d E xo so m e - L i k e Nano pa rti c l es

statistically significant. All calculations were performed have been published in the literature to date. For the
with GraphPad Prism 8 software (San Diego, Calif, USA). first time, we isolated the extracellular vesicles compat-
ible with exosome morphology from a hot coffee drink.
Determination of the EPDENs RNA Sequence and Among the described protocols for extracellular vesicle
Identification of Possible miRNAs isolation, such as ultracentrifugation, filtration, immu-
The whole-exosome RNA sequencing was performed by noaffinity isolation, polymeric precipitation isolation,
an outsourced commercial firm. We used the exosome and liquid chromatography techniques, we selected
RNA Purification Midi Kit (Nogen, Thorold, Canada) to SEC.24 Exosome-like nanoparticles were isolated from
isolate the RNA from the coffee EPDENs harvested, using the coffee sample via hydrophobic interaction chroma-
the SEC column method. MicroRNAs are small non- tography using Sepharose CL-6B, and appropriate frac-
coding RNAs consisting of 18-22 nucleotides that play tions were decided based on our experimental findings.
a particularly important role in the regulation of gene The eluent was collected in 25 fractions from the column
expression at a post-transcriptional level.20 The SRNA- as 1 mL per tube. All the fractions between 7 and 18 of the
seq data were obtained by RNA sequencing. The miRNAs coffee samples were collected in a falcon tube.
were identified directly using the BrumiR tool, which is a
de novo algorithm based on the Bruijn approach.21 Using UV-Vis spectrophotometry, the absorption spec-
tra of each fraction collected from the SEC were exam-
ined. After comparing the spectra obtained in the EPDEN
absorption band in the range 220-240 nm, the fractions
The ingredients responsible for coffee’s benefits and
between 7 and 18 were chosen for further study. The
the cellular pathways they affect are unclear. Coffee has
typical result for a single fraction with column isolation
many components, including hydroxycinnamic acids, fla-
and whole kit isolation of the UV-Vis spectrophotometer
vonoids, tocopherols, diterpene alcohols, melanoidins,
is shown in Figure 1.
and chlorogenic acids. Among the ingredients in cof-
fee, caffeine has received particular interest and atten-
tion.22 The protective effects of coffee, especially in A coffee bean is exposed to high heat twice during its
chronic neurodegenerative diseases, have been attrib- journey, which starts on the branch of a tree and ends
uted to the caffeine it contains. However, recent evi- in a cup. The presence of EPDENs in hot coffee is clear
dence has suggested that decaffeinated coffee can also evidence that these structures are resistant to heat. This
be highly effective.23 begs the question: what about green coffee? To deter-
mine the “roasting heat” sensitive vesicles in green cof-
We used an alternative approach to reveal the cause fee beans, the same study protocol could be performed
of the beneficial effects of coffee. Studies on the exo- using a ground green coffee drink to complement
some-like nanoparticles of some edible plant products our study.
and their metabolic molecular effects have been con-
ducted.12 However, to the best of our knowledge, no Xiao et al25 described EPDENs that look like exosomes
reports on coffee-derived exosome-like nanoparticles from a structural perspective. Edible plant-derived

Figure 1.  UV-Vis spectrophotometer results for (A) the SEC-isolated and (B) kit-isolated exosome-like nanoparticles of
roasted ground coffee.
K ant arcıoğlu e t  a l . C o f f e e - D e ri v e d E x o s o m e - L i k e Nano par t i cl e s T u r k J G ast r o e nt ero l 2022

Figure 2.  TEM images of (A) the SEC-isolated and (B) kit-isolated exosome-like nanoparticles of roasted ground coffee. TEM, transmission
electron microscopy; SEC, size exclusion chromatography.

exosome-like nanoparticles are naturally occurring plant cells increased significantly compared to that of control
ultra-structures with sizes ranging between 30 and group (Figure 3a). On the other hand, at higher concen-
150 nm.25 A TEM imaging study performed in a University trations except 560 × 106, we did not see any significant
Central Laboratory revealed that the nanoparticles we changes compared to control group. On the other hand,
harvested were compatible with the exosomes in terms we did not observe any significant effect of EPDENs in
of the described sizes. The SEC and kit roasted ground the late response in LX2 cells (Figure 3b). Our MTT results
coffee-derived vesicle sizes ranged between 10 and for the effect of EPDENs in HEP40 showed a concen-
80 nm, as presented in Figures 2a and 2b. tration-dependent significant decrease (2-4 × 108) upon
exposure to EPDENs in HEP40 cells compared to that
The quantitation kit OD (405 nm) results are presented in
of control group in early response (Figure 3c) but not in
Table 1. The quantitation process helped determine the
late response (Figure 3d). This finding was consistent
minimum number of EPDENs that should be ingested
with the reported inverse proportion between caffein-
daily. To obtain the benefits of coffee, it is recommended
ated and decaffeinated coffee consumption and HCC
that at least 2 cups be consumed daily, and no upper
prevalence.26 A meta-analysis revealed the ineffective-
limit is specified.23 The quantification study and TEM
ness of caffeine in this process. Like that of LX2, the
images showed that a larger number of particles could be
early response has not changed in further increased
obtained using the kit method.
concentrations. The lack of a significant increase in
In our MTT study, we used 2 different cell lines; fibrotic higher concentrations of EPDENs at early response may
(LX2) and hepatocellular (HEP40) cell lines. We chose be related to the content of these EPDENs. To sup-
24 and 72 hours as early and late response of these cell port this hypothesis, we have identified 15 novel miRNA
lines upon EPDENs exposure. As an early response to sequences in the content of the EPDENs (Table 2). Since
EPDENs exposure in LX2, we found that between the there is no known in vitro function associated with these
concentration of 80 and 240 × 106, the proliferation of the miRNAs, we applied an artificial intelligence program; a

Table 1.  Quantitation Kit Optimal Density (405 nm) Results and Concentrations of Coffee EPDENs in Different Volumes and Diluted in
Different Proportions

Coffee EPDEN Sample and Isolation Type Average OD (405 nm) Concentration/1 mL Concentration/200 mL***
Filter coffee size exclusion chromatography 0.310 8 × 1010
16 × 1012
Filter coffee kit isolation** 0.410 16 × 1010 32 × 1012
*The amount of coffee EPDENs obtained by the column sepharose gel method; **The amount of coffee EPDENs obtained with commercial kit (Norgen);
***Cup of coffee consumed with daily diet.
OD,optical density.
T urk J G ast roe nt e ro l 20 22 K ant ar cı o ğ l u   e t   al . C o ffe e - De r i v e d E xo so m e - L i k e Nano pa rti c l es

Figure 4.  The transcriptional response of α-SMA to coffee EPDEN

treatment in LX-2 cells. The error bars reflect the SDs of the results
derived from the biological triplicate experiments. The qRT-PCR
data are presented as the fold changes of the mRNA levels in the
Figure 3.  The effects of coffee EPDENs concentrations at
treatment groups relative to the non-treated (control) group based
8 × 107, 16 × 107, 24 × 107, 32 × 107, 4 × 108, 48 × 107, 56 × 107,
on the normalization against the GAPDH. All the data are presented
64 × 107, 72 × 107, and 8 × 108 particles/µL on LX-2 cells (A–B)
as mean ± SD. Significance level, *P < .05 versus control group.
and 2 × 108, 4 × 108, 6 × 108, and 8 × 108 particles/µL on
α-SMA, alpha-smooth muscle actin; EPDENs, edible plant-derived
Hep 40 cells after 24- and 72-hour treatments (C–D). The data
exosome-like nanoparticles; SD, standard deviation; qRT-PCR,
represent the mean and SD of the triplicate samples.
quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction; GAPDH,
All the data are represented as the mean ± SD (n = 3).
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase.
Significance level, *P < .05 versus control group.
EPDENs, edible plant-derived exosome-like nanoparticles;
SD, standard deviation. MapReduce-based microRNA target prediction algo-
rithm for these novel miRNAs. This in silico approach
revealed 2 important genes, ZNF773 and KMT2C and
Table 2.  Mature MiRNA Sequences Isolated from Coffee EPDENs
their network in liver fibrosis leading to chronic liver dis-
MiRNA (Mature_ Identical) miRNA seq (Mature_ Sequence)
ease (Figure 5). It is tempting to speculate that these
contents can direct and control the response of EPDENs
novel_1 ccggugcuggccugcgggc
through the progression of liver fibrosis. It is important
novel_11 gguaacccgcugaaccuu to note that this explanation is only applicable for the
novel_14 gaggggaguggcugggga early response (24 hours) not to late response (72 hours).
novel_17 cgagaguuggaccggggg This is particularly important since fibrosis is a progres-
novel_2 acgcccuugugguuugacu
sive condition and early intervention to this progression
is critical, the answer may be in EPDENs. This hypothesis
novel_22 uggacggggucgaugggcgauc
clearly warrants new data to prove which we plan to con-
novel_23 aggggagggggcgggcgg tinue with our future studies.
novel_24 aggucacgaguucgagucuc
Since α-SMA is a known marker of liver fibrosis, we
novel_26 agggugggcaggcuguuaaac
checked the mRNA levels of the α-SMA in the LX-2 cells
novel_27 cuguggaaccucaugcuu (Figure 4). We used 2 different concentrations (i.e.,
novel_3 gauggagggacggagagg 8 × 107 and 8 × 108 particles/µL) to further underline
novel_5 uuccacagcuuucuugaacuu how concentrations affect the mRNA expression of
novel_6 uggggaggggggcggggc α-SMA. Our qRT-PCR results showed that the α-SMA
expression levels increased after the administration
novel_8 uaugcgugcucacucucuauc
of the coffee EPDENs in a concentration-dependent
novel_9 ggaggaggaaagagaaagg manner.
K ant arcıoğlu e t  a l . C o f f e e - D e ri v e d E x o s o m e - L i k e Nano par t i cl e s T u r k J G ast r o e nt ero l 2022

Figure 5.  How miRNAs carried by EPDENs in coffee can affect liver fibrosis in chronic liver diseases via ZNF773 and KMT2C genes is
schematized using a hypothetical mechanism. KMT2C, lysine methyltransferase 2C; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; TIMP, tissue inhibitor
of metalloproteinase; ZNF, zinc finger.

More studies on the use of coffee EPDENs in chronic liver In our study, 2942 target genes were determined from
damage and fibrosis that includes animal models there- 15 separate miRNAs using the DIANA tool’s MR-microT
fore need to be performed. (a MapReduce-based microRNA target prediction
method) algorithm. The score cut-off value was selected
Comprehensive data were obtained after RNA sequenc- using the threshold identifier 0.8.27,28 Among these
ing from the RNAs obtained from the coffee EPDENs. targets, 17 common genes were identified as having
From the obtained sRNA-seq data, miRNAs were identi- coffee EPDEN-derived miRNAs. Each individual cof-
fied using the BrumiR tool, a de novo algorithm based fee EPDEN-derived miRNA was related to a minimum
on the Bruijn approach.21 The mature miRNA sequences of 4 and a maximum of 7 of these target genes. The
isolated from the coffee EPDENs are presented in DIANA tool’s algorithm highlighted 2 genes (KMT2C,
Table 2. ZNF773), which were specifically associated with the
T urk J G ast roe nt e ro l 20 22 K ant ar cı o ğ l u   e t   al . C o ffe e - De r i v e d E xo so m e - L i k e Nano pa rti c l es

miRNAs we obtained. KMTC2 is a common target gene regarding the possible interaction pathways in a diagram
for 5 miRNAs. KMT2C is a member of the KMT2 (lysine (Figure 5).
methyltransferase) protein family.29 MT2 proteins are
histone-modifying actors that play important roles in cell Due to our limited project budget, we could not study the
development pathways. Moreover, the repair response to in vivo effects of coffee EPDEN particles on other cancer
DNA damage is highly managed by KMT2C. With respect cell lines. Genomic and proteomic studies are needed to
to this mechanism, it has been shown that a cell with low determine the common target genes of the miRNAs we
KMT2C activity has impaired homologous recombina- have obtained. These studies also require funding.
tion‐mediated double‐strand break DNA repair abilities.
Recent data have emphasized that the downregulation CONCLUSION
of KMT2C is an accompanying feature in human epithe- Coffee EPDENs are a new candidate for plant-derived
lial cancers.30 The other target gene for 7 of the coffee miRNA-based therapies in chronic liver diseases and
EPDEN-derived miRNAs in our study was ZNF773. There HCC. These genetic interactions and functional mecha-
is insufficient information on the functional properties of nisms should be explored further in future studies.
ZNF773 in the medical literature. According to the hypo-
Ethics Committee Approval: Ethics committee approval was not
thetical mechanism we propose, miRNAs ingested with obtained because the main research subject was only the content of
coffee EPDENs may alter the expression of the KMT2C hot coffee drinks.
gene, and these changes may affect the ZNF773 gene
methylation pattern. In terms of the reported functional Peer-Review: Externally peer-reviewed.
features of KMT2C, we therefore schematized a hypo-
Author Contributions: Concept – M.K.; Design – A.E.K., M.K.;
thetical mechanism to explain how miRNAs carried by Supervision – A.E.K., K.C.A.; Resources – E.B., Ü.E.; Materials – S.Y.,
coffee EPDENs can affect liver fibrosis in chronic liver dis- K.C.A., D.F.A.B., D.Y.S.; Data Collection and/or Processing – G.Y.,
eases (Figure 5). In 2007, Valadi et al10 demonstrated that P.A.O., S.Y., Z.B.Ö., S.Ö.; Analysis and/or Interpretation – G.Y., P.A.O.,
adding exosomes from mouse mast cells to human mast K.C.A., Z.B.Ö., A.E.K., M.K., S.Ö.; Literature Search – M.K., A.E.K., P.A.O.,
cell cultures caused these vesicles to fuse with the human D.Y.S., G.Y.; Writing Manuscript – M.K., G.Y., P.A.O., Z.B.Ö., A.E.K.;
Critical Review – A.E.K., K.C.A.
cells, and as a result, the human cells began to produce
mouse proteins. The same interaction mechanism may be Acknowledgments: This study was carried out with the Turkish
valid for EPDENs. Based on their findings, many research- Society of Gastroenterology research scholarship and The authors
ers have suggested that plant-derived exosome-like par- would like to thank the officials of the association. The authors
ticles may enter the cells of different species and affect would like to thank Beypazarı Company for their finan­cial contribu-
tion to the research budget. The authors would like to express their
their metabolic activities.12 Plant-derived microRNAs play
gratitude to Prof. Dr. Hilal Özdağ Sevgili for her contributions.
the main role in this cross-kingdom communication.31 A
particularly good example of this interaction is MIR168a. Declaration of Interests: The authors declare that they have no
Zhang et al32 demonstrated the circulation of MIR168a competing interest.
in the sera of Chinese subjects. This exogenous plant
Funding: The study was funded by the Turkish Society of
miRNA is mostly found in rice. The researchers demon- Gastroenterology with research project support (30.000 TL) and
strated that MIR168a can bind to human/mouse low- Beypazari Mineral Water Company donation (10.000 TL) in December
density lipoprotein receptor adapter protein 1 mRNA, and 2017.
eventually LDL removal from mouse plasma decreases.
A stunning paper was published by Chuang et al33 who REFERENCES
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